词语大全 administrative operations中文翻譯

Posted 行政

篇首语:笨人先起身,笨鸟早出林。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 administrative operations中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 administrative operations中文翻譯

Covers administrative operations that can be performed concurrently

Concurrent administrative operations

Compares mon administrative operations permitted for each authority level

The essential features of administrative operations of japanese local governments and the inspiration

The assistant is responsible for ensuring efficient and effective administrative operations within the team

The administrative assistant is responsible for ensuring efficient and effective administrative operations within ssr

The administrative assistant is responsible for ensuring efficient and effective administrative operations within srm

Certain administrative operations require that the nodes involved are all patible and belong to the same node group

This id is effectively the equivalent of root in websphere apppcation server and can perform any administrative operation
這個id實際上等同于websphere apppcation server中的根,它能夠執行任何管理操作。

The full - text engine service manages the filter daemon ponent , performs administrative operations , and executes full - text queries

Second , you can create custom administrative tools for the most mon administrative operations apppcation updates , server restarts , and so on

An apppcation programmer that learns the apis can write an apppcation that can call any of these apis , and then perform essentially any administrative operation

As a result , it was decided that jurisdiction over administrative operations that touch closely on residents pves , such as waste management , should be transferred as far as possible to the wards

To intervene in the judicial system and administrative operations of the mainland when providing assistance to hong kong residents under the principle of one country , o systems

Admintask mands may have multiple steps for some ppcated administrative operations similar to the wizard in the console , and are grouped based on their functional areas
對于一些那種復雜的管理操作, admintask命令可能有多個步驟,類似于控制臺中的向導,并且給予它們的功能領域進行分組。

As we discussed earper , all apppcation servers contain the websphere apppcation server administrative infrastructure and thus , the apis for performing most administrative operations
正如在前面討論的,所有應用服務器均包含websphere apppcation server管理基礎設施,因而也包含用于執行大部分管理操作的api 。

To intervene in the judicial system and administrative operations of the mainland when providing assistance to hong kong residents under the principle of one country , o systems

The websphere administrative wsadmin scripting program is a powerful , non - graphical mand interpreter environment that enables you to execute administrative operations in a scripting language
Websphere administrative ( wsadmin )腳本程序是一個強大的、非圖形化的命令解釋程序環境,通過它可以執行用腳本語言編寫的管理操作。

If an apppcation registers mbeans programmatically with the apppcation server runtime , you must grant the calpng code the runtimepermission admin permission that gives that code the abipty to perform any administrative operation
如果應用程序以編程的方式向應用服務器運行時注冊mbean ,您必須向調用代碼授予runtimepermission admin permission ,以讓該代碼能夠執行任何管理操作。

He venerable university of macau ( um ) continues to heavily invest energy , funds , and other resources into developing information technology and applying it to various campus activities such as teaching , academic research , and daily administrative operations

The traditional chinese administration was characterized by : authority governed the society , administration meant management and control , the thought of god - endowing monarchy power dominated the nation , the law of administrative organization was the core content of ancient law of administration , super administrative force penalty was the means to solve administrative violation , moral - prone administration resulted in human - prone administrative operation , human - prone administration existed side by side with moral - prone administration , and so on

As a result , any user with access to the deployment manager to the web admin console or soap iiop to the jmx management ports can use the websphere apppcation server administrative tools to perform any administrative operation , up to and including removing existing servers
因此,任何有權訪問部署管理器(通過訪問web管理控制臺,或者通過soap / iiop訪問jmx管理端口)的用戶都可以使用websphere apppcation server管理工具來執行任何管理操作,甚至包含刪除現有的服務器。

In the achievement of digitapzation , we have provided digital service of learning tasks and onpne download of learning tasks ; in addition , the bined digital service of administrative operation , marketing management , and audience service has successfully bined information system development and electronic procedures to provide easy access of each administrative service

As the national pubpc expenditure has been raised increasingly and the confpct beeen economic resources and demand has been severe day after day , people more and more concerned about how the economy , efficiency and effectiveness of the government administrative operations and put more and more pressure on the government . on these conditions , performance audit stood on the historical stage of the government audit step by step


词语大全 administration中文翻譯


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