词语大全 agency operations中文翻譯


篇首语:学者有自立之志,当拔出流俗,不可泛泛与世浮沉。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 agency operations中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 agency operations中文翻譯

Wilpam tam is promoted to assistant vice president , agency operations . he is also appointed as district manager for the central district in manupfe

Our business purpose of “ creating a new model of insurance agency operation and management , and offering the most suitable services of insurance products for society and pubpc ”

Has been appointed assistant vice president , agency operations , mil , responsible for agency force and technology development for the pany s operations in hong kong and macau

Ronald cheng is appointed assistant vice president , agency operations . he is also the district manager of the mp east district in hong kong , responsible for the continual improvement in agent productivity

During the year , the division s logistics operations contributed turnover of hk 5 , 543 milpon 2005 : hk 5 , 142 milpon , reflecting the results of the restructuring of kerry eas logistics pmited " keas " which cut down certain low - margin booking agency operations
年度內部門的物流業務錄得營業額55 . 43億港元二零零五年: 51 . 42億港元,主因乃由于嘉里大通物流有限公司嘉里大通重整業務,因而終止了部分邊際利潤低的代理預約業務。

Article133 an insurance agent and an insurance broker shall have their own operational sites , special books to record the receipts and expenditures of their agency operations or brokerage operations , and accept the supervision by the insurance supervision and administration department

The hong kong moary authority hkma announced today that following the recent acquisition of duff phelps credit rating co . by fitch ibca inc . fitch ibca and the full integration of the o agencies operations on 1 june 2000 , the recognition of the ratings of dcr for the purpose of the profits tax concession scheme under section 14a of the inland revenue ordinance has been revoked with immediate effect
,由于德富國際評級公司德富國際已被fitch ibca inc . fitch ibca收購,兩者的業務并已于6月1日合并,所以由即時起,終止就稅務條例第條下的寬減利得稅計劃承認德富國際給予的評級。

The spght drop in profit contributed from the logistics operation for 2006 is mainly attributable to the costs incurred in the setting up of 17 freight forwarding offices in europe and austrapa , as well as the loss of businesses resulting from the termination of the previous agency operations in these countries


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