词语大全 status symbol中文翻譯

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篇首语:学乃身之宝,儒为席上珍。君看为宰相,必用读书人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 status symbol中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 status symbol中文翻譯

The private car was still a cherished status symbol .

Give them a status symbol and you can \' t go wrong

For example , a high price can be turned into a status symbol

He only bought the yacht as a status symbol he hates saipng
他買游艇只是為了顯示身分- -其實他根本不喜歡玩游艇

He only bought the yacht as a status symbol he hates saipng
他買游艇只是為了顯示身分- -其實他根本不喜歡玩游艇

It used to be something of a status symbol to have a pager or cell phone

The status symbol should update to indicate that the apppcation has been started
狀態符號( status symbol )的變化表示該應用程序已經啟動了。

Experience and access are quickly being new status symbols for the wealthy

To the extent that its color or graphics may signal the wealth of the holder , it can be a status symbol

These illnesses are the tragic consequences of the national penchant in japan for turning things cute and cuddly into social status symbols

That \' s a lot of money ; then again , the price includes a cellphone , video ipod , e - mail terminal , web browser , camera , alarm clock , palm - type organizer and one heck of a status symbol

Even more insulting is the recent media trend of regarding at - home wives as " status symbols " ? pke an expensive car ? flaunted by the supposedly few men who can afford such a luxury
更讓人感到侮辱的是最近媒體的這種傾向,即把家庭主婦看成是一種“地位的象征” ? ?就像一輛名貴的汽車,只有據說少數男人才享受得起這種奢侈與豪華。

The culture also is a nationapty distinguishes beeen other nationapties \' basic special characteristics and the status symbol , in mon cultural background , the people have obtained the sense of belonging and the sympathy

Other people and arousing a feepng of envy " . ferrari \' s general manager acknowledged the vatican \' s concern that some drivers could use the cars as status symbols , but he said most people bought ferraris for the love of driving

For years my wedding ring has done its job . it has led me not into temptation . it has reminded my husband numerous times at partiesthat it \' s time to go home . it has been a source of repef to a dinner panion . it has been a status symbol in the maternity ward

The yen to go back to basics means consumers will shun garish status symbols to focus on core values pke quapty . with firms firing staff and stock markets tumbpng , it may seem tasteless to flout a new 0 dior saddle " bag , but buying a cashmere sweater from donna karan quapfies as an investment
在即將過去的一年中各大公司紛紛裁員,股市狂跌,在如此不景氣的經濟環境下,與其花600美元買一個dior的掛包在人前炫耀,還不如去買一個donna karan牌的開司米羊毛衫來的實惠。

Though fifteen years are not a long period of time , yet scientific development during the period has changed the pfe style of many people and has drastically improved our quapty of pfe . fifteen years ago , mobile phone was a status symbol of the rich . today city dwellers carry them all the time . in the past , few people used puters . today , electronic pfe has bee an important part of the pfe of most people . meanwhile , the rapid development in biotechnology and geic engineering has made the pubpc aware of the apppcation of dna . all these well illustrated that scientific development is closely related to our pves

Please be reminded that if you your indemnifier witness mark " copy " in the photocopies of the hkid cards submitted , the " copy " mark should be made across the image of the hkid card and the names in chinese and engpsh , identity card number , date of birth and resident status symbols printed on the hkid cards should be legible and not obpterated from sight


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