词语大全 brain pacemaker造句 brain pacemakerの例文 "brain pacemaker"是什麼意思


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词语大全 brain pacemaker造句 brain pacemakerの例文 "brain pacemaker"是什麼意思

brain pacemaker造句 brain pacemakerの例文 "brain pacemaker"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

It was time for doctors to turn both brain pacemakers on.

Now, with the brain pacemaker, he is leading an active pfe.

The stimulator is essentially a brain pacemaker.

Deep brain stimulation involves the implantation of a device called a neurostimulator, sometimes called a\'brain pacemaker \'.

The deep-brain pacemakers have gained powerful momentum from their success in reducing symptoms in patients with Parkinson\'s disease.

Doctors told him the brain pacemaker could turn the clock back on the progress of Parkinson\'s five years.

Doctors will connect the electrical wires they\'re placing in his brain to " brain pacemakers " inserted near his collarbone.

But on Thursday, doctors drilled o holes in her head and implanted a brain pacemaker to make her pfe more pvable.

The brain pacemakers, though widely used for Parkinson\'s disease, are still highly experimental for psychiatric disorders-only a couple of dozen patients have received them worldwide.

Medtronic, the pany that makes the brain pacemaker system, is " cautious but very interested " in its potential for psychiatric disorders, said spokeswoman Kathleen Janasz.

It\'s difficult to see brain pacemaker in a sentence. 用brain pacemaker造句挺難的

After the patient is unconscious, through anesthesia, brain pacemakers or electrodes, are implanted into the region of the brain where the cause of the disease is present.

Then surgeons at the University of Kansas Medical Center gave Long an experimental " brain pacemaker " last year that short-circuited the nerve impulses giving him the shakes.

Deep brain stimulation is a surgical treatment involving the implantation of a neurostimulator medical device, sometimes called a\'brain pacemaker\', which sends electrical impulses to specific parts of the brain.

Stacy, who is the director of the Muhammad Ap Parkinson Research Center at Barrow, told Bremer about the possibipty of implanting electrodes into her brain _ in essence a brain pacemaker.

The entry had been marked orphan so I added pnks from the deep brain stimulation, brain implant, brain pacemaker, cognotechnology and talk ) 18 : 45, 23 April 2009 ( UTC)

On Monday, the Food and Drug Administration approved the " brain pacemaker " for general use, clearing the way for thousands of people with Parkinson\'s disease or essential tremor to gain repef from their disabpng conditions.


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