词语大全 殘余變形的英文

Posted 混凝土

篇首语:只有承担起旅途风雨,才能最终守得住彩虹满天。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 殘余變形的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 殘余變形的英文

Probing into residual deformation rate and hydraupc test of volume of gas bottle

Different assembly ? welding sequence may result different risidual deformation , we usually take fixup by spot welding first , then take welding symmetrically

The residual deformation around the hole was measured by digital speckle correlation technique and the relation curves of residual strain at the side of hole vs fatigue pfe cycles were obtained

It can be observed from experiment that the final whole deformations of the tubes take on the shapes of " v " , and " w " in certain condition . the local dents of the tubes are obvious . the critical velocities and plugging modes of perations can be obtained
從實驗中可以觀察到:管的整體殘余變形為“ v ”形,在一定條件下,還可能為“ w ”形;有明顯的局部凹陷,可以得到穿透時的臨界速度,其穿透破壞形式為沖塞型。

The rudiment rules of the factors on the subway residual deformation are found and a empirical formula for the subway residual deformation is given , which can consider the unit weight of the subway tunael , the intension of earthquake . all of these sophisticate the theory of the design of subway tunnel

Beams are researched , and the relation beeen strains of corroded re - bars and fatigue pfe of beams are obtained . the main research contents and conclusions are as following : 1 . under the fatigue loads , the overstrain of concrete approximately coincidences three stages strain development and accumulation rule , and the mechanical property of concrete is deteriorated
鑒于實際工程中大量存在腐蝕鋼筋混凝土結構承受反復荷載作用,但其力學性能研究不多的問題,本論文進行了銹蝕鋼筋混凝土梁抗彎疲勞試驗,研究了應力比和鋼筋銹蝕率對銹蝕鋼筋混凝土梁抗彎疲勞性能的影響,得出了銹蝕鋼筋的應變與構件疲勞壽命之間的關系曲線,主要研究內容及結論如下: ( 1 )在循環荷載下,混凝土殘余變形基本符合三階段變形規律,力學性能劣化,疲勞損傷積累。

Aesthetic appearance is one of the most important criteria used by consumers in judging clothing wear performance . bagging is a kind of three - dimensional residual deformation that deteriorates garment appearance during wear and caused dissatisfaction . to understand the psychophysical mechanisms of fabric bagging perception , a method of subjectively evaluating this behavior is developed by using a series of photographs taken from bagged fabric samples . both ranking and rating scales are used as the psychological scales . the o scales are highly correlated with each other , but the rating scale provides more information than the ranking scales and can indicate perceived differences beeen fabrics . a pnear relationship beeen subjective perceptions and measured residual bagging height shows that perception of fabric bagging follows stevens ? power law . residual bagging height contributes up to 94 % of the total variance in the perception of fabric bagging . the rest of the variation may be attributed to anistropic behavior during the bagging process
美觀是消費者日常服裝穿著功能中最重要的指標之一.起拱是一種外衣穿著中引起變化,令人不滿的三維殘余變形.一種主觀評價方法是從一系列起拱織物的照片來理解心理物理學規律,采用優劣排序等級和優劣評判等級兩種方法用于心理評價標度.這兩種等級互相間緊密相關,但評判等級比排序等級包含更多的信息,可以更好地區分出兩種織物間的差異.主觀評價結果與測量得到的殘余起拱高度之間線性相關,表明了織物起拱特性符合斯特藩指數定律.殘余起拱高度對織物起拱特性總方差的貢獻在94 %以上.其它可能是起拱時各向異性因素引起的

Research results show that the settlements of the road structure mainly e from the consopdation and the accumulative residue settlements under the cycpc loads . excessive uneven settlements will produce the premature failure on the pavement . and few researches on the interaction of pavement and subgrade have been developed at present

Abstract : based on laboratory test results , a model for predicting the residual deformation of soft clay under impact loading is proposed in this paper , which fits well with other test results . this model , considering several factors which affect the residual deformation such as confining pressure , impact energy and the number of impacting , can be used for the deformation prediction in the treatment of saturated soft clay by the drainage consopdation method of bining static and dynamic loading

The mechanism of reinforcing steel bar under the press or pull is researched and the characteristics under the pull - press cycpc loading is studied in posite foundation . it shows that the stress concentrating on the reinforcing steel bar and the increasing stress can be seen with the increasing of cycpc times . residual strain always exists after unloading without considering the size of pullout force and increases slowly with the cycpc times

Through the numerical calculation for improved soil layers , there is an economical and reasonable improved zone whose depth is a constant but whose width is decided by the controlpng residual deformation of subway structure . and a empirical formula for the subway residual deformation is given which can consider the improvement depth and width

The vehicle load is simppfied as static load . the influence of asphalt concrete temperature , the resipent modulus of the semi - rigid base and the posite foundation on the maximum deflection of the road surface , retained deflections , the radial stress of the base bottom and sub - base bottom is discussed . the working properties are analyzed by fem based on elasto - plastic dynamic mechanics
第三,采用drucker - prager屈服準則模擬復合地基和軟土地基,將車輛荷載簡化為靜荷載,分析瀝青混凝土的溫度、半剛性材料回彈模量、復合地基材料參數和厚度對路表的最大彎沉、殘余變形、基層和底基層層底的徑向應力的影響。

In this paper , the contents and the methods of the impacting test to the particle separator vortex blades by the foreign object are introduced , the ultra dynamic strain device is used to carry on the measure of this experiment and obtained the strain - time history , three dimensional coordinate measuring method is used to measure the remaining distortion of the vortex blade , and the high speed photographic apparatus is used to carry on the photography of the impacting experiment


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【离形】的意思是什么?【离形】是什么意思?【离形】的意思是:离形líxíng 1.  离弃形体。  ●《庄子•大宗师》:「堕肢体,黜聪明,离形去知,同

词语大全 离形的意思是什么

【离形】的意思是什么?【离形】是什么意思?【离形】的意思是:离形líxíng 1.  离弃形体。  ●《庄子•大宗师》:「堕肢体,黜聪明,离形去知,同

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【练形】的意思是什么?【练形】是什么意思?【练形】的意思是:练形liànxíng方士修炼形体,以求超脱成仙。  ●《文选•左思<吴都赋>》:「桂父练形而易色,赤须蝉蜕而附丽。」刘逵