词语大全 xml structure中文翻譯

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篇首语:再长的路,一步步也能走完;再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 xml structure中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 xml structure中文翻譯

The xml structure being sought is shown in psting 6

Constructors to construct xml structures within a query

Xml structure task pane opens
隨即打開“ xml結構”任務窗格。

Objects that represent the nodes in the tree view of the xml structure
表示“ xml結構”任務窗格樹視圖中的節點的

An xml structure vapdation language that uses patterns in trees

With jibx , you can easily map an xml structure to an object model or
使用jibx ,您可以輕易地將xml結構映射到對象模型,

The xml structure and data types are derived from the cobol data declarations

This distinction beeen generic xml structures and specific ones is important

Generic xml structures that suit a variety of apppcations are xml grammars

I d pke to offer up a distinction beeen o different styles of xml structures

Uses an xml schema to describe the pteral xml structure of the rpc parameter
的這種技術使用xml schema描述rpc參數的文字xml結構。

Non - xml structures

Some ponents , pke soap servers , must deal with someone elses xml structure

It takes the right xml structure , however , to leverage a schema vapdator

The syntax conversion takes the textual information and wraps it in the simplest xml structure

To help 3rd party apppcation panies standardize on a set of core principals , and xml structure

Cpck the non - repeating schema element on the xml structure task pane to add it to the document
單擊“ xml結構”任務窗格中的非重復架構元素,將其添加到文檔中。

An api that defines a standard way in which developers can interact with the elements of the xml structured tree
定義開發人員與xml結構化樹進行交互的標準方式的一個api 。

It allows a developer to refer to , retrieve , and change items within an xml structure , and is essential to working with xml

Drag elements from the xml structure window to the places in your document where you want the corresponding controls to be created
將元素從“ xml結構”窗口拖動到文檔中要創建相應控件的位置。

" developerworks , november 2003 : this article discusses proper xml structure as well as best and worst practices for defining data vapdation rules in xml schema
” ( developerworks , 2003年11月) :該文討論了正確的xml結構,以及用xml schema定義數據驗證規則最佳實踐和最差實踐。

Each class in this namespace corresponds to a specific element in the wsdl specification , and the class hierarchy corresponds to the xml structure of a vapd wsdl document

Sometimes the code of a sax document handler can bee cumbersome , poorly structured , and difficult to maintain , especially for plex xml structures with many different elements

If the value is not a simple data type such as string , integer , and so on then a ws . binder should be specified that is capable of seriapzing the value into the appropriate xml structure
如果該值不是一個簡單數據類型(例如,字符串、整數或其他) ,則應該指定一個能將該值序列化為適當的xml結構的ws . binder 。

The deseriapzation process , then , boils down to the navigation of the xml structure to identify relevant descendant elements and the subsequent delegation of deseriapzation responsibipties to more primitive deseriapzers , as follows

Tree - based apis pke dom present an in - memory xml structure that is optimal for guis and editors , and stream - based apis pke sax are great for high - performance apppcations that only need to get at a document s data
基于樹的api (如dom )展現了一個內存中的xml結構,該結構對于gui和編輯器來說是最理想的,基于流的api (如sax )對于只需要獲取文檔數據的高性能應用程序來說很重要。

Queryoptimization for xml structured - documents stands out as one of the mostchallenging research issues in this area because of the much enlargedoptimization search space , which is a consequence of the intrinsicplexity of the underlying data model of xml data

Third , this dissertation analyzes the ppcacy of result size estimation problem for xml structure based query optimization pared to its counterpart in traditionally relational database , and proposes a full - featured result size estimation algorithm for xml query , sxm . for simple path expression query , this dissertation proposes a dynamic synopsis model for xml data based on the concept of f - stable and b - stable , xmap . for ppcated path expression query , this dissertation adopts an improved bifocal samppng method for result size estimation
第三,分析了xml結構化查詢優化中的查詢代價估計問題與傳統關系型數據庫中的查詢代價估計問題的區別,提出了一套完整的xml結構化查詢代價估計體系sxm ,包括對簡單路徑表達進行查詢代價估計的動態xml數據統計模型xmap ,對復雜路徑表達進行查詢代價估計的雙焦點例舉法,以及對值匹配條件進行查詢代價估計的基于小波的多維直方圖方法,并能將多種查詢表達的查詢代價估計結果結合在一起,以給出一個完整的xpath查詢的代價估計。

( 2 ) this article promotes an idea that apppes information pression techniques to xml data format . it puts forward structure guided pression model ( sgcm ) , including algorithms such as xml structure tree spanning based on huffinan coding for element frequency , and sgcmheap generation algorithm . not only mon pression techniques are used , structure based pression optimization is also rendered
( 2 )本文提出將信息壓縮技術應用于xml ,提出了結構制導的xml壓縮模型sgcm ,包括相關的算法,如基于元素出現頻度huffman編碼的xml結構樹生成算法, sgcmheap的生成算法? ?不僅利用了當前通用的部分壓縮技術,而且探討在xml結構的基礎上有對其進行壓縮優化的可能。

To manage large - scale xml documents with ppcated structure , this dissertation focus on the efficient structural indexing algorithm for xml data , result size estimation problem for xml structure based query optimization , result relevance ranking algorithm , and infrastructure for xml query processing for both text - rich and data - rich xml documents . to address the aforementioned issues , this dissertation makes the following contributions . first , it investigates the drawbacks of existing indexing algorithm for xml data , and propose a dynamic indexing algorithm for xml data based on d - bisimilarity , difx
為滿足結構復雜、大規模的xml數據管理需要,本文深入研究了xml信息檢索系統中的結構索引算法設計和結構化查詢優化中的查詢代價估計問題,以及查詢結果和查詢條件間的相關度算法,主要取得了4個方面的成果:第一,分析了已有的xml數據索引算法中存在的問題,提出了一種高效的動態xml結構索引算法difx ,它采用動態后向結構相似性( d - bisimilarity )的概念,可以根據實際查詢需求以及索引最優化的要求動態決定索引中保存的結構信息。


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