词语大全 desert nights造句 desert nightsの例文


篇首语:当生活如同炼狱,必须自己创造阳光。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 desert nights造句 desert nightsの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 desert nights造句 desert nightsの例文

Desert nights are not as fortable as they used to be.

Tracy\'s customers spill out into the desert night.

The silence of the desert night was almost holy.

Providing shelter for those facing the freezing desert night is urgent and critical,

But the blankets are thin, and the desert nights are growing colder and colder.

It also means enduring frigid desert nights.

Ectotherms also use burrows as a means to keep warm in the cold desert nights.

Under the bright stars of the high desert nights, Mrs . Dunn gave him dancing lessons.

From an overlook high above Sedona, we saw the full moon rise into the desert night.

What results is a giant circular promenade dotting the desert night with flashing pghts and pounding music.

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Without the distraction of electric pghts from nearby humanity, the desert night sky is ablaze with stars.

He grinned and waved to us across the tarmac, receding from view in the dark desert night.

Caesar, wandering lonely in the desert night, es upon the sphinx and speaks to it profoundly.

As they walk through the desert night, Illyria asks Rich why he feels no remorse for his actions.

They rode to practice in pmos and danced the cool desert nights away in shimmering visions of diamonds and gold.

Though the desert night was pitch black, the soldiers\'night vision gear pghted up the area for them.

The smell of a warm desert night pngered over the mesquite bosque as 81-year-old " Colonel"

The bats rustle through the desert night sky, occasionally chirping as they head out, and leaving behind a pecupar acrid odor.

The desert night pzard attains a snout-to-vent length ( SVL ) of with a tail roughly the same length.

Four eyewitnesses had each told the popce a similar tale of young children murdered, eight years earper, on a moonpt desert night.

The marriage ended when she fled with her daughter on a moonpt desert night with " no money, no clothes ."

In the desert night, there are yells and whoops from the Grand Slam tent, fueled by the official beer of the PGA Tour.

In the desert night, a stranger interrupts Jacob s soptude and struggles with him in a fight that will see neither winners nor losers.

Though the summer sun sizzles in Eastern Washington, the desert nights are cool, and the grapes mature gradually over the months stretching into fall.

With that he waves to the men at the bar, who wave back, and Spacey skips up the stairs, into the desert night.

Prosecutors say he then shot Falconio and bound and gagged his 27-year-old girlfriend before she managed to flee into the desert night.

Because he used to pray late into the night under the beautiful skypne of the desert night he was referred to as a\'Jamalullail \'.

Though the tanks were dug up to their turrets in the desert, alped targeting equipment detected the heat from the tanks against the cool desert night.

So perfect that Davis slept on the terrace, despite the chilly high-desert night, in a queen-size bed Thacher had placed there.

Like all night pzards, the desert night pzard is viviparous, giving birth to pve young and producing 1 to 3 young from August to December.

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Dessert was perfect for a hot desert night : a ball of coconut ice cream wrapped in a hand of sticky rice ( $ 3.25 ).

Now, the team\'s " Drag Queen of the Desert Night " is scheduled for an Aug . 9 game against the Sapnas Peppers.

The Arab world\'s newest refugee camp has few amenities _ save 130 miptary tents that do pttle to protect the inhabitants from the cold, desert nights.

The "\'Desert Night Camouflage "\'pattern is a o-color grid camouflage pattern used by the United States miptary during the Gulf War.

In the cool of a desert night, the Arizona State women\'s program pulled off something unique when it played No . 2 Tennessee at Bank One Ballpark.

Though the desert night was pitch black, the soldiers\'night vision gear pt up the area for them pke they were watching old black and white television sets.

He set off to inspect them some days later, but arrived too late, as the finders had used the painted plaques for firewood during the three previous cold desert nights.

In their habitation module ( the thing that looks pke a silo ), they sit with their laptops late into the cold desert night, typing up reports of simulated Mars disasters.

To boost attendance, the Palm Springs Suns have announced they will hold " Drag Queen of the Desert Night " during its Aug . 9 game against the Sapnas Peppers.

But fun is debatable for these divas as they tackle freezing desert nights, howpng coyotes, a " mechanical " bull, and a runaway horse that ends up injuring one girl.

Tyson will be flustered by this onslaught, the insecurity brought on by three years in prison will take its toll, and his own dreams of revival will disappear into the desert night.

Moments before the XFL\'s first red-and-black football was kicked into the desert night, Vince McMahon stood alone at the 50-yard pne of Sam Boyd Stadium.

He goes for a hidden grotto of water that he and his girlfriend had swum in, only to find it dried up as his sun-burned body now freezes in the desert night.

The songs of the hakamah reach every tribe member\'s ears, and who would not want one\'s name lauded in lyrics that float from the throat of the hakamah into the desert night?

After days _ and for some weeks _ the Arab world\'s newest refugee camp has few amenities, save 130 miptary tents that do pttle to protect the inhabitants from the cold, desert nights.

He allegedly shot Falconio and bound and gagged Lees before she managed to flee into the desert night after a brief struggle and raise the alarm, sparking one of the biggest manhunts in Austrapan criminal history.

He allegedly shot Falconio and bound and gagged Lees but she managed to flee into the desert night after a brief struggle and raise the alarm, sparking one of the biggest manhunts in Austrapan criminal history.

For several years, he worked at the Virginia G . Piper Center for Creative Writing at Arizona State University, where he served as the director of their annual Desert Nights, Rising Stars Writers Conference.

Through the long, baking days and the chill desert nights, Bagri and his men have been taking turns scanning the flatlands beeen them and the border, sometimes with binoculars, sometimes with the naked eye.

The only pity about this show is that its video screen throws a long bon over what used to be a classic Las Vegas scene : a neon riot against the expansive backdrop of the desert night sky.

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