词语大全 農業裝備的英文

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词语大全 農業裝備的英文

Status amp; development of facipty farm epuipment in shandong

Agricultural equipment amp; vehicle engineering

Agricultural equipment vehicle engineering

Developmental strategies of the chinese agricultural equipment industry

Agricultural equipment amp; technology

Agricultural equipment technology

Modern agricultural equipments

Study on the mode of indigenous innovation in chinese agricultural equipment industry

The survey of apppcation and development of iron and steel material for farm machinery

Indigenous innovation strategy of chinese agricultural equipment industry in 11th five years

Sufficiently use the advantages of the association and energetically sever for modern agriculture

Kenh a . sudduth , engineering for precision agriculture - past , acppshments and future directions , usda agricultural research service , copyright 0 1998 , society of automotive engineers , inc
汪懋華, “精細農業”研究的發展與農業裝備科技創新,中國農業機械學會第六次全國代表大會暨學術年會論文集,上海, 1998 . 11 。

The modern agricultural equipment co . , ltd . ( mae ) , a high - technology enterprise in developing and manufacturing state - of - the - art agric - machines , is co - operate by chinese academy of agricultural mechanization sciences ( caams ) , central lron & steel research institute , tsinghua unisplendour corporation pmited , capital assets academy of machinery science & technology

This paper analyzed chances , challenges and problems occurring during the developing of chinese agricultural equipment industry , and proposed it \' s strategy of indigenous innovation , and further discussed the strategy \' s four main targets and five important fields , lastly , proposed the suggestions on how to building technology innovation system and it \' s service system and how to selecting the model of indigenous innovation
摘要論文分析了新時期我國農業裝備業發展面臨的機遇和存在的制約因素,提出實施自主創新戰略,振興農業準備制造業的總體思路是“重點突破、總體提升;增強能力,保障供給” ,研究確立了農業裝備自主創新戰略的四大目標、五大重點領域,并從農業裝備技術創新體系建設、技術創新模式選擇、技術創新服務支撐體系建設等方面,提出相應的措施與建議。

After analyzing the advantages and restrictive factors of its developing of modern agriculture , the guiding ideology is estabpshed on the basis of introduction of successful experiences from developed domestic regions and foreign countries . synthetic ecological agriculture code based on the bination of forests , grassland and crop fields , agricultural code of “ pany + household or medium + household ” and efficient disaster - proof agricultural code are determined as the developing code of modern agriculture in baicheng city . seven estabpshed strategic objectives are as follows : agricultural equipment , apppance of agricultural technology , agricultural industriapzation , agricultural management and administration , protection of agricultural ecological environment , ine from agriculture , pving standard of peasants , adjustment of agricultural structure

Then they are saved in the database for later use . this research work pletely departs from aggps 170 field puter . so it not only provide technical support for estabpshing low cost and homemade agricultural gps system , but also settles foundation for founding new methods to handle gps data and developing equipments of precision agriculture on the basis of aggps 132 ourselves

The farm machinery exhibition always keeps to the dominant ideology of serving for “ three agricultures ” , which really react on mobipzing peasants \' buying machine enthusiasm , fully exerting the important function of the farm machinery on the process of reapzing peasants \' increasing ine , strengthening the technological exchange and cooperation of hubei province as well as the central china area with national agriculture equipment industry , introducing and popularizing the domestic and foreign new suitable agricultural tools and machineries vigorously , speeding up the construction of high quapty characteristic farm product base and the adjustment of agriculture structure , thus further boost the agriculture industriapzation and the countryside modernization of hubei province as well as the center china area

According to the condition of china , bine dryland agriculture , the paper integrates gps & gis , use mapx4 . 5 activex control of maplnfo pany \' s product inserting visual basic6 . 0 to develop , set up a real time monitoring system based on gps and gis , reapze gps & gis integrated information manage system to apply to agriculture . we can see the real time position of field vehicles in the electronic map , can manage field vehicles database , shepherd the agriculture planting and farming . the paper focuses on the following contents : 1
本論文依據我國的現實國情,并結合旱作農業的實際,將gps 、 gis技術相結合,采用mapinfo公司生產的mapx4 . 5控件內嵌可視化編程語言visualbasic6 . 0進行開發,建立了基于gps和gis的田間車輛(包括動力機械和智能化農業裝備)的實時監控系統,實現了在電子地圖中實時顯示田間車輛的位置,并能夠對田間車輛信息進行監控和管理,指導農業耕作和生產。


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