词语大全 精神痛苦的英文

Posted 精神

篇首语:风流不在谈锋胜,袖手无言味最长。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 精神痛苦的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 精神痛苦的英文

It is trying to the nerves .

Shame \' s a spiritual distress to which you are immune

It s just as bad or even worse than physical suffering

At the same time , carrie passed through thirty days of mental distress

Mentally replaying your hurt gives power to the person who caused you pain

In the best estabpshments , promises are always kept , whatever it may cost in agony and overtime

" he has been sufficiently punished by the mental anguish that he has passed through , " churchill wrote
丘吉爾在信中說: “他克萊琴斯基被自己所經受的精神痛苦折磨著。

The victim usually suffers enormous pain spiritually as a result of the blood - transfusion - related hepatitis infection

Ryuk tells pght that the notebook bonds both pght and himself , but any mental pain will be turned to pght alone

It may involve not only death and suffering and destruction of property but a descent to a darwinian contest for survival

She describes this traumatic mental voyage in her prize - winning autobiography les enfants du bout du monde ( " the children from the other end of the world " )

" he has been sufficiently punished by the mental anguish that he has passed through , " churchill wrote . " having told one pe . . . he was pelled to go on lying .
丘吉爾在信中說: “他(克萊琴斯基)被自己所經受的精神痛苦折磨著。他說了一個謊… …他是被迫說謊的。 ”

However , to downplay the doctrine of rebirth and explain the entire import of the dhamma as the ameporation of mental suffering through enhanced self - awareness is to deprive the dhamma of those wider perspectives from which it derives its full breadth and profundity

As far as natural person is concerned , the result and external expression of damage of mental benefit are prised in property loss ( directly and indirectly ) , physical suffering , mental suffering , obstacle to mentapty and other non - property loss
在受侵害主體為自然人的前提下,精神利益損害的結果和外在表現包括精神利益損害所引起的財產損失(包括直接財產損失和間接財產損失) 、肉體痛苦、精神痛苦、精神障礙和其他非財產損失。

Non - economical damages means damages paid to an individual for pain and suffering , inconvenience , emotional distress , mental anguish , loss of consortium , injury to reputation , humipation , and other nonpecupary losses ; punitive damages are additional money awards authorized when an injury is caused by gross carelessness or disregard for the safety of others

This article is mainly a discussion on the spiritual damage pensation for close relatives of victim under the situations of damage to right of pfe , damage to the right of health and damage to the right of personapty of the dead , which is based on an introduction and parison of the concerned foreign legal regulations and academic theories and in bination with the legal practice in china wherefore the author put forwards his own ideas as following : first , under the condition that there is a distance of time beeen inj ury and death , the close relatives of the dead shall inherit the right of claim for spiritual damage pensation of the dead for the suffering before his death , in addition to their own intrinsic right of claim for spiritual damage pensation ; the second , under the condition that the infpctor has caused the disablement of the sufferer or serious damage to his health , the close relative in a pmited cycle of the sufferer should be granted with the right of claim for spiritual damage pensation , which is confirmed in law and bees a practice in foreign countries ; the third , since the aim of the law to protect the personapty of the dead from infringement is to protect the benefits of the close relatives of the dead and to maintain pubpc benefits , is constituted on the personapty of the dead the close relative of the dead may initial legal proceeding for spiritual damage pensation
本文重點探討的就是公民生命權受到侵害、健康權受到侵害、 “死者人格”受到侵害這三種情形下的受害人近親屬的精神損害賠償請求權問題。探討以介紹和比較國外相關法律規定和學術理論為前提,結合我國的實際情況,從理論與實踐相結合的角度對以上各問題分別進行了分析,并提出了作者自己的一些見解:第一、在公民從受傷害到死亡有一段時間距離的情形下,死者的近親屬除依法享有其固有的精神損害賠償請求權以外,還可以繼承死者生前就其所受之精神損害而享有的精神損害賠償請求權;第二、在加害人的行為已造成直接受害人殘疾,或者是造成其健康嚴重受損的其他后果的情形下,我國應在借鑒國外已有立法和判例的基礎上,賦予一定范圍內的受害人近親屬以精神損害賠償請求權;第三、法律保護死者人格不受侵害的目的是為了保護死者近親屬的利益和維護公共利益,一般情形下,只要死者近親屬能證明其訴訟主體的合法性,能夠證實侵害“死者人格”的行為已構成侵權,即可推定死者近親屬因此而遭受了精神痛苦? ?無須舉證的“名義上的精神損害” ,死者近親屬即可提起精神損害賠償之訴。最后,本文認為,加強對受害人近親屬的權利和利益保護問題的研究,既有一定的必要性,同時又具有十分重要的現實意義。

Physical suffering includes : ( 1 ) sense of pain what belongs to injury when body suffers hurtful stimulus , and continuous pain what does n \' t belong to injury . ( 2 ) a series of biological reaction of organism ( which can be seen as external reflection of mental suffering ) caused by too much pressure that breaks psychological balance
其中肉體痛苦包括( 1 )在身體直接遭受傷害性刺激當時產生的痛覺反應(不屬于損害范疇)和因機體遭受傷害性刺激后受損害而持續存在的痛楚(屬于損害范疇) ; ( 2 )由于自然人心理平衡黔丁破、壓力過大致使人體長時間處于應激狀態而引發機體一系列的生物性反應(可看作是精神痛苦劇烈程度的外在反映) 。

Correspond to three different states of moods , there are three different kind of mental suffering : ( 1 ) frightening mental suffering , pensating for it ought to consider the fortable effect on the one frightened and his feepng at the moment so most of the factors considered to determine pensation are factors influencing aggrieved party \' s subjective feepng . ( 2 ) ruled mental suffering , that is wave in mood and loss of psychological balance because of disturbed social pfe style ruled by law
但為避免給人以“精神不值錢, ,的錯覺,避免在侵權后果較輕、當事人不選擇訴訟的情況下使用有限的司法資源來確定小額賠償的不經濟行為,筆者認為,精神損害賠償適用于叉婦曼害人格權、身份權、特定紀念物的財產權,使受害人精神利益受損害造成超出社會可容忍程度的精神痛苦和精神障礙的場合。


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