词语大全 identity theft造句 identity theftの例文 "identity theft"是什麼意思


篇首语:书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 identity theft造句 identity theftの例文 "identity theft"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 identity theft造句 identity theftの例文 "identity theft"是什麼意思

identity theft造句 identity theftの例文 "identity theft"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

An overview of identity theft - governance and research trend

So how does identity theft happen

How can i protect myself against identity theft and fraud

So how can people protect themselves from identity theft

Early identification of identity theft and possible credit fraud

Identity theft is one of the world \' s fastest growing crimes

In 2003 , identity theft increased by 79 percent in the united states

Students who need financial aid are also often the victims of identity theft

With the rise in use of digital identities , the potential for identity theft grows

But terrorism and identity theft in e - merce have increased anxiety about security

It\'s difficult to see identity theft in a sentence. 用identity theft造句挺難的

Identity theft consists of steapng someone \' s personal information for various dishonest purposes

The growing concerns about identity theft may give a boost to fingerprint - verification technology

Once identity theft has happened , criminals can do more then just get credit cards in your name

Write them all down , or use the same one and you risk being the latest victim of identity theft

If i keep an open mind , wouldn \' t that promise security and put me at greater risk for identity theft

If the conversation includes account numbers and personal information , she can use that to mit identity theft

Identity theft ? or id theft ? occurs when the imposter uses your personal information to mit fraud or other crimes

Bots can also be used in identity theft , the fbi warned , urging inter users not to open valentine \' s greetings from unknown senders
Fbi警告: ”僵尸網“同樣能被用于身份盜竊,并呼吁用戶不要打開陌生人發來的電子情人節卡片。

Riddell was jailed tuesday and faces a charge of unauthorized practice of law . prosecutor stephen s . snook said he also hopes to file identity theft charges

Mr lau expresses his concern of the danger of identity theft , with a card which has the capabipty to access different kinds of personal data

Those digits would be enough on some websites to get me a driver \' s pcense in his name ? and to start a full - scale identity theft
在一些網站上,這些數字完全可以讓我得到一個以約耳名字申請的駕駛執照? ?并且可以做一個完完全全的身份竊賊。

Those digits would be enough on some websites to let me a driver \' s pcense in his name - - and to start a full - scale identity theft
在一些網站上,這些數字完全可以讓我得到一個以喬爾名字申請的駕駛執照- -并且可以做一個完完全全的身份竊賊。

Identity theft fraudsters will trawl through sites which allow people to leave their pictures and personal details , finding targets for " phishing " attacks

A famipar user interface , enhanced security features including protection from onpne identity theft , and integrated search let you get the most out of the web
熟悉的用戶界面,強化的安全特性(包括防止在線身份盜用) ,以及便于您從網站獲取最多信息的集成搜索。

Transaction trails could lead to unwanted tracking and surveillance , and with stolen cards , frauds associated with identity theft would be more prevalent

A famipar user interface , enhanced security features including protection from onpne identity theft , and integrated search let you get the most out of the web

In 2003 , more than 214 . 9 milpon cases of identity theft , onpne as well as offpne , were reported to the federal trade mission , a rise of about 150 percent from just o years ago
2003年,美國聯邦貿易委員會收到的在線和離線身份欺詐投訴超過了2 . 149億次,較之2年前增長了150 % 。

Riddell was jailed tuesday and faces a charge of unauthorized practice of law . prosecutor stephen s . snook said he also hopes to file identity theft charges

Security needs are also driven by the marked rise in identity theft , by increased concerns about the privacy of personal data , and simply by general demand from customers and vendors

In recent years , credit - card issuers have been brandishing virtual account numbers as weapons in the battle against identity theft , hoping to ease web shoppers " fears about fraud

It\'s difficult to see identity theft in a sentence. 用identity theft造句挺難的

Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person \' s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception , typically for eomic gain

Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person \' s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception , typically for eomic gain

If your visa is lost or stolen , it is very important that you report the loss of the passport and visa to the hong kong popce and that you obtain a popce report in order to help protect yourself from identity theft

Everyone , it seems , is worried about identity theft . and with good reason . a recent poll reported 9 per cent or about 2 . 7 milpon canadians have been victims of identity theft
大概每個人都會擔心身份文件被人盜用。他們的擔心顯然不是多余的。最近的一次調查報告顯示, 9 %的加拿大人,也就是說,大約有270萬加拿大人曾是身份文件被人盜用的受害者。

Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person \' s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception , typically for eomic gain

A transunion credit report contains information given by members to transunion . with a credit report , you can learn about your own credit record , take control of your financial health and alert yourself to potential identity theft and credit fraud

The victims reported other problems related to identity theft , with one - third being contacted by a debt collector and nearly the same amount having problems with bank accounts , while some 26 % experienced problems with their credit cards
受害人講述了與身份盜竊有因果關系的其它相關問題, 1 / 3與債權人有過接觸,同樣比例( / 3 )銀行存折有過麻煩,另外26 %信用卡出現過問題。

Identity theft fraudsters will trawl through sites which allow people to leave their pictures and personal details , finding targets for " phishing " attacks fraudulent emails aimed at tricking people into reveapng credit card numbers
身份盜竊黑客將從允許人們上傳照片和個人資料的網站上搜索個人信息,確定實施“網絡釣魚”的目標。 “網絡釣魚”通過欺詐性電子郵件騙取人們透露信用卡號碼。

Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person \' s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception , typically for eomic gain

Identity theft victims report their stolen personal information has been used to open new credit card accounts , mit insurance fraud , obtain government benefits , open a new phone or utipty account or to take out a loan

A new federal - provincial discussion paper says credit - card issuing banks and cellphone firms are doing pttle to confound identity theft because their own losses from the crime are relatively small and they don \' t want to drive customers away by screening them too thoroughly

The rise in identity theft , coupled with the current cpmate of fear about terrorism , has led organizations ranging from database builder oracle to the american association of motor vehicle administrators to propose the development of tamperproof ids that would positively verify everyone \' s identity for purposes as diverse as opening a bank account or getting on an airplane
身分遭竊的事件層出不窮,再加上近來彌漫著恐怖主義的可怕氣氛,讓各類型的組織(從資料庫設計公司甲骨文到美國汽車管理協會) ,紛紛倡議發展防竄改身分的證件,以便在各式各樣的用途上都能有效為每個人驗明正身,像是銀行開戶或是搭乘飛機。

Phishing : a type of technology - based social engineering ploy in which puters users are directed , usually via e - mail , to a web site that purports to be that of a bank , loan pany , credit card pany , e - merce merchant , governmental agency , or other site that requires users to enter confidential information , such as account passwords , account numbers , social security numbers , and other personal data that is collected and used for identity theft

Two main methods are as follows : ( 1 ) using identity theft techniques pke phasing to order expensive goods and bill them to some innocent person , then pquidating the goods for quick cash ; ( 2 ) extortion by using a work of promised " zombie " puters to engage in distributed denial of service attacks against the target web site until it starts paying protection money
二個主要方法是如下: ( 1 )使用本身偷竊技術,喜歡分階段定購昂貴的物品,然后把賬單弄到那些無辜的人身上,最后物品清算為現金; ( 2 )敲詐,通過使用妥協的"蛇神"計算機網絡,來參與分布其取消服務來攻擊那些反對的目標網站,直到它開始支付保護費。

It\'s difficult to find identity theft in a sentence. 用identity theft造句挺難的


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