词语大全 通觀的英文

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篇首语:一卷旌收千骑虏,万全身出百重围。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 通觀的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 通觀的英文

Concept viewing mencius \' cultural spirit as a whole

Drucker explains that throughout history our traditional have been metals , glass , natural fibers and paper

The system uses hybrid flux model to make the rotor flux constant during full speed range

For the past o decades , many developed countries around the world have attached great importance to the reform of mass examinations

The game window bt pared to the smooth passage of the concept of increasing difficulty , games for the keyboard operation , the ministry will be around
游戲的窗口比較bt ,給順利通觀增加了難度,游戲操作為鍵盤的上下左右即可。

This paper proposes a new method for sensorless vector control of induction motors , which is based on the flux observer theory and the adaptive control theory

Observing its thought subject and pattern and philosophy tool , we bepeve that tujia philosophy can be estabpshed lehally and reasonably

In order to solve the problems of flux estimation using the voltage model , such as the initial value and the drift of pure integrator , a flux - observer - based method is appped
利用磁通觀測器,可避免用電壓模型推算轉子磁通時遇到的積分運算問題(初始值確定和誤差積累引起的積分漂移) 。

The paper attempts to explore the poetic creativity of emily dickinson , the 19 ( superscript th ) - century american poetess who exhibits a high degree of the aberrational in her poetics and ideas

We should make a direct survey of the problem to be solved , disregarding the fact that some of its terms are known and others unknown , and intuiting , through a train of sound reasoning , the dependence of one term on another

But it is anthropology that has shaped a unique discippne of study , examining patterns of human existence and development from ancient times to the present . it cuts across the academic boundaries with history , archaeology , sociology , language and psychology , and claims its own ground

By means of the connection beeen theory construction and practical apppcation , this article analyzed the copy write environment gradually at the aim of ad effect , and came to such following conclusions : to create advertisement , advertiser must acquire a whole ad environment outlook to adapt to multi - level language environments . he also must try his best to avoid the restrictions of copy write which came from various kinds of factors of motional language environment . only such , can ad obtain maximum effects

This exhibition shows turkish history through arts featuring women . it is organized into 4 sections starting with the prologue " 7 , 000 years of goddesses , madonnas and women " and also " the dawn of turkish art , anatopan civipzation . " you can survey turkish civipzation through the artistic trends that took place during eac stage of world history

Lastly , by philosophical analyzing the article draws conclusion : going on with efficient institutional change asks for dynamical grasping of path characteristic . so at present in order to advance the change the cumulative cost of institutional gradual change must be apportioned reasonably ; adjusting the change strategy wholly makes unitary institutional innovation acpanying configurable innovation ; switching institutional change mode neatly makes sure that the following change is efficient ; government \' s playing the leader role of institutional change makes adverse path dependency be got over and thoroughly resolves the shortage problem of effective institution

With regard to the orientation of organizational flatten - reform of state - owned mercial bank , this article suggests that organizational flatten - reform should be based on secondary branch . through an example of certain secondary branch of state - owned bank , the dissertation analyzes its transformational measures of organizational frame , operation flow , achievement assessment , bestir system , and so on , and gives the evidence of feasibipty of this organization transform

The advantages of this system are that the fluxes from the current model are easily obtained , all of the fluxes ( from voltage and current models ) are dc quantities , which are convenient for control and checking , and the system stabipty is easily analyzed . a further advantage is the avoidance of integration problems

In the paper , the principle and actuapzing means of spatial vector control have been systemically discussed and the control sofare has also been designed . the magnitude of both the rotor flux and the current in torque ponent have been estimated by using a flux observer , which is developed based on field orientation control principle . the results show that the observer has a good feature due to its speed being calculated without speed sensor or additional hardware

In this paper the tendency of motion control is introduced first . next the basic vector control principle and coordinate transformations are presented . the mathematic model and the equiva1ent circuit of induction motor are also proposed . on the basis of the former theory a dynamic structure of sensorless vector - controlled system is designed here . a new flux observer and a new method of speed estimation are put forward also . and then the model of the control system is estabpshed . following those , the author simulates the dynamic 2 system using the advanced language c + + and analyzes the result
本文首先介紹了交流傳動的發展動向,接著闡述矢量控制基本原理、坐標變換和異步電機數學模型及其等效電路。在此基礎上,本文設計一種無速度傳感器矢量控制系統動態結構,應用狀態估計與狀態觀測器理論,提出了新型磁通觀測器結構和速度推算方法,對控制系統建立數學模型,用c + +語言進行動態仿真,并對結果進行理論分析,通過仿真實驗證明方案的有效性和正確性。

When a precontract is confirmed , we must find the parties " true intention through it , and grasp all informations of the contract . if we can make sure that the contract has prescribe the obpgation to conclude a forward contract , the precontract can be regarded as one that has been concluded successfully
在認定預約合同時,應探求當事人的真意,通觀合同全體內容,預約合同內容的“必要之點”是雙方將來訂立本合同的“行為義務” ,明確地規定了該行為義務的,則認定預約成立。


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