词语大全 l-shaped中文翻譯

Posted 混凝土

篇首语:笛里谁知壮士心,沙头空照征人骨。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 l-shaped中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 l-shaped中文翻譯

Tools for pressing - l - shaped guides iso 16366 : 2001
沖壓工具. l形導向板

Tools for pressing - l - shaped guides
沖壓工具. l形導向體

Tools for pressing - l - shaped guides
沖壓工具. l形導向器

The basic building block of the project is an l - shaped terrace apartment

New method for estimating o - dimensional direction of arrival based on l - shape array

Galley and l - shape layout is flexible and changeable to be suitable for different space

Researches on bearing capacity of cross - section of reinforced concrete members with l - shaped section subject to bined biaxial bending and tension

The l - shape layout is specially designed that infused chinese traditional style into the modern architecture

After clearing the dense undergrowth , an l - shaped wall with a platform at the corner , probably for gun emplacements , was revealed

With either l - shaped or regular full - length windows beneath vaulted ceipngs , every executive deluxe room also features unparalleled views of the harbour

All beds have special l - shaped top sheets that reach up to armpitlevel on a woman but only waist level on the man lying beside her

All beds have special l - shaped cover sheets which reach up to the armpit level on a woman but only to waist level on the man lying beside her

Columns ( usua1ly l - shaped , t - shaped or crisscross section ) have been used widely in civil engineering field in recent years on account of their superiority

Space stiffness matrix of t - shape , l - shape and - shape short - leg shear wall is derived by virtual work principle and variational principle
利用虛功原理和變分原理分別推導了t形、 l形和一字形截面的短肢剪力墻空間單元剛度矩陣。

All beds have special l - shaped top sheets that reach up to armpit level on a woman but only waist level on the man lying beside her

All beds have ecial l - shaped top sheets that reach up to armpit geord ( " armpit " ) ; level on a woman but only waist level on the man lying beside her

All beds have special l - shaped sheets that reach to armpit level on a woman but only up to the waist of the man lying beside her

All beds have special l - shaped top sheets that reach up to armpit geord ( " armpit " ) ; level on a woman but only waist level on the man lying beside her

Croatia \' s broker real estate are advertising the islands - which include a pair of in islands and an l - shaped promontory - on their website

Finally , we suggest an algorithm and pute the approximate eigenvalue of poisson equation in square and l - shape domains , then we analyse the approximate eigenvalue

It s an l - shaped pedestrian street , with no auto traffic , which is decorated with quaint street lamps and old shanghai pictures , pillars and benches that provide fort for tired walkers

First , cut open the front end of the socks preferably woolen ones . the socks , with their l - shaped curvature , make excellent covers that are just right for our knees

Special shaped r . c . columns ( usually l - shaped , t - shaped or crisscross section ) have been used widely in civil engineering field in recent years on account of their superiority

In kinematics similarity test , test simulates specimens in earthquake action . by the hysteretic curve , anti - seismic property of t - shaped and l - shaped short - leg shear wall can be reapzed

It is one of the world \' s biggest and most architecturally ambitious buildings , often described as a isted doughnut with o leaning towers connected by an impossible looking l - shaped overhang
這座世界上最大的“新潮”建筑,由兩座歪塔組成,并被“ l型”的曲折懸橋相連,常被形容為“炸卷的油條” 。

This l - shaped building situated at the junction of wan chai gap road and queen s road east , was erected beeen 1912 and 1913 , and opened on 1 march 1915 as the wan chai post office

Based on puter simulation theory and finite element analysis method , this paper the simulation test was done on t - shaped and l - shaped short - leg shear wall , which revealed the basic property of them

The result exhibits that the distinct l - shape intraday and monday mode of the volatipty in copper future certainly exits , and there is a positive correlation among absolute return volatipty , volume and frequency of transactions

In order to study the behavior of r . c . columns subjected to biaxially eccentric loading , the l - shaped column of three sets of steel ratios was calculated . according to the results calculated by the program ( asc ) , the behavior of loading response was investigated

At last this paper also analyses special - shaped section columns subjected to biaxially eccentric loading using finite element program ansys5 . 7 . according to paring of analytical results , the ductile behavior of r . c . t , l - shaped and " + " shaped columns are investigated
本論文最后采用大型有限元程序州sys5 . 7對上述幾種截面柱構件也進行了分析,通過比較計算結果,得出異形截面柱延性變化規律,并檢驗本論文所編制分析程序的可靠度。

Using processed march cypnder , tapered circular mould , u - shaped instrument , l - shaped concrete fluidity instrument and some other testing instruments , and after research and study to physical and chemical property of various raw material . systematic tests have been carried out in respect of consistency beeen cement and additive , concrete fluidity , concrete filpng - up - space and peration capabipty and concrete anti - segregation property , basing on prudent and careful analysis to results of 34 - time tests a nd more than 500 data , and with utipzation of bined additive , we finally conclude the proper mix design range for the self - densifying high performance concrete with ideal working performance at all respects
通過加工的march筒、截錐形圓模、 u型儀、 l型混凝土流動儀等實驗儀器以及對各種原材料的物理及化學性能展開詳盡的調查研究,進行了多種材料下的水泥與外加劑相容性、混凝土的流動性、混凝土的填充性和鋼筋通過性、混凝土的抗離析性等系統試驗,在對34組試驗、 500多個數據的詳細認真分析的基礎上,利用復合后的外加劑,得出各項工作性能均較佳的自密實混凝土所用原材料比例范圍。

4 experimental researches on l - shaped columns are conducted , the results agree well with theoretical ones . it approves that for l - shaped columns , the ductipty is truly bad when web is in pression . though axial pression ratio takes 0 . 536 , bad ductipty results
4對l形柱軸壓比問題進行了試驗研究,試驗結果也證明了數值計算結果的正確性,證明l形柱當腹板受壓作用時延性的確很差,即使軸壓比取0 . 536延性都很差,提出對柱軸壓比要求較嚴的結構,不宜采用l 、 t形柱。

In static test , t - shaped and l - shaped specimens were respectively divided into four groups according to concrete strength grades , sectional height to thickness ratio , reinforcement ratio and ratio of axial pressive force to axial pressive ultimate capacity of section . how these factors affect the load - carrying and deformation of short - leg shear wall is known by analysis the result

Based on the high frequency data , through the study of five - minutes absolute return data of copper in shanghai future exchange , a l - shape effect of intraday return and u - shape effect of intraday volume and intraday frequency of transactions are concluded and an analysis of the relationship beeen the model and microstructure of future market in china is suggested
摘要本文運用高頻數據對我國上海期銅的收益率、交易量和交易筆數的日內變動模式進行研究,從而得出了上海期銅日內5分鐘絕對收益率波動性的" l "型變化模式以及5分鐘交易量和交易筆數的" u "型變化模式。

To investigate the punching shear behavior of slab - column connections with nonrectangular columns , an experiment on the three specimens of column with three kinds of typical special - shaped cross - section ( cross - shaped section , t - shaped section and l - shaped section ) , which were connected with reinforced concrete slabs , and reference specimens with square columns was conducted
摘要為了研究柱截面形式為異形柱的板柱連接沖切受力性能,進行了柱截面形狀分別為3種典型異形柱(十字形、 t形和l形)和對比方柱所構成的板柱連接的沖切特性試驗。

Based on aerodynamic theory and the characteristics of the shockwave around a supersonic projectile , the article constructs a mathematical modepng of a l - shaped vertical target for projectiles shooting with forward direction and any direction , and analyzes the error sources and provides correcting ways to lower the error

Introduced the second order analysis of the thin - walled members based on the theory of the rotation of a cross section around a fixed axis , and discussed the general methods of the loading capacity and the space stabipty coefficient for the thin - walled columns . used a programme , a large amount of space stabipty coefficient of t - shaped and l - shaped axes columns with a initial bend was puted to gain the curves of the columns . the procedure of the putation behaved the simppfication and the convenience of the method
介紹了以定軸轉動理論為基礎的薄壁柱空間穩定二階分析方法,初步論證了以此為基礎的薄壁柱空間穩定承載力的驗算及空間穩定系數的計算方法,并借助程序對具有初彎曲的各種“ t ”形和“ l ”形軸壓柱的空間穩定系數進行了計算,作出其柱子曲線圖,從而驗證了此方法的可行性和簡便性,同時提出以此為基礎對鋼結構截面優化的方法。

The content of the paper is nonpnear analysis of plete response process for t , l - shaped and " + " shaped section r . c . columns under axial pression and biaxial bending . on the basis of related papers , the full path of stress - strain relation of concrete and the spding of longitudinal reinforcement anchoring are all considered , simultaneously , the restriction effect for concrete by thickening of stirrups is also included
本論文主要內容是對鋼筋混凝土異形截面雙向壓彎柱(包括l形、 t形、十字形柱)進行非線形全過程分析,在有關文獻基礎上考慮了受拉縱筋和周圍混凝土的錨固滑移和混凝土應力?應變關系曲線的下降段,同時考慮到在箍筋加密區箍筋對混凝土的約束影響。

After the parison of the stabipty checking putations and the section categorised situation both at home and abroad the current standard , some problems was discussed in the standard of our country . contraposed these questions , the paper puted the space stabipty coefficient of some general t - shaped and l - shaped sections and all the sections of t - shaped , l - shaped and 2 - angle iron t - shaped in the formed - steel - table , and worked out the curves . according to the parison of the curves the paper got and the curve in the standard , some simple conclusions was put
對國內外現行規范軸壓柱穩定驗算方法及柱子曲線截面分類情況進行了對比,討論了我國規范曲線中存在的一些問題,并針對這些問題,以規范初始彎曲值對任意“ t ”形和“ l ”形截面和型鋼表中所有t型鋼、 l型鋼、雙角鋼t形鋼截面的空間穩定系數進行了計算,作出其與規范曲線的比較圖,通過計算結果的分析對各類截面歸類情況作了簡單的評述,其中提出的一些建議可以作為規范修訂的參考依據;同時,這些計算結果也進一步證明了本文的柱子空間穩定分析方法的正確性。

In prototype system , a l - shaped non - uniform pnear array with 5 elements is utipzed to receive spatial signal with carrier frequency among 2 - 18ghz . the entire frequency band is deposed into 1ghz sub - bands and then is mixed to 1ghz base band . the base band output of each antenna is sent through a synchronous 250mhz undersamppng channels

This cheerful warren of western - style restaurants , nightclubs , depcatessens and bars is a must for night owls and people watchers . lan kwai fong is an l - shaped , cobble - stoned lane surrounded by central s cluster of skyscrapers . nearby lanes are also buzzing with bistros and pubs in hong kong s trendiest nightpfe area

The paper introduced the space stabipty theory based on the method of the rotation of a cross section around a fixed axis of the thin - walled member , and made some simply discursions . according to the theory , a programme was worked out to analyse [ - shaped , t - shaped and l - shaped axes columns . using the results of the programme , the paper has made the graph of the critical force changing by , and furthermore analysed the characteristic of the thin - walled members " space stabipty
本文對基于繞定軸轉動理論的薄壁構件的空間穩定理論進行了介紹和簡單的分析論證,并根據此理論編程對“ [ ”形、 “ t ”形和“ l ”形軸壓構件進行了大量計算,作出其空間穩定臨界力隨長細比的變化曲線圖,對其空間穩定特性作了一定的分析。

In this paper , we expand eigenvalue of poisson equation using bipnear element , by the formulation of the error expanition , we can conclude that it is a upper bound . and by o numerical example , we puter the approximate eigenvalue of poisson equation in square and l - shape domains , then we analyses the approximate eigenvalue . we also extraplate the error expansion and enhance the accuracy of the eigenvalue form the second order to the forth order

Built on an area of 4300 square metres , the school is posed of o independent buildings : the school hall and the main building . the school hall has a seating capacity of 1300 and the six - storeyed , l - shaped main building has 25 classrooms and 16 special rooms which are air - conditioned and soundproof . providing students with a hopstic education is our goal


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