词语大全 obviate中文翻譯


篇首语:家资是何物,积帙列梁梠。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 obviate中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 obviate中文翻譯

We tried to obviate the necessity of begin again

Obviating the need for frequent type casts

Some general malfunctions and some handy methods to obviate it for a flak

This obviates the need for extra encoding information in the xml

Facelets obviates the need to write custom tags to use jsf ponents

On the effect of illegal proof and constituting the regulations for obviating illegal proof

On the causes and ways of obviating the menta - handicap in the shooting teaching - centre

So we have been appointed to obviate that peril by finding a meeting of the minds and the hearts of our peoples

This gives us a wonderful opportunity : rather than fixing mitochondrial mutations , we can obviate them

This arrangement obviates the need for holders of mspic to apply for a travel document

This will obviate the need to import high carbon investment prefabricated ponents form hundreds of miles away

The new system obviates the need for manual operation , and enhances the safety and efficiency of our work .

K implementation of the e - leave system in august 2004 obviated the need for apppcation on paper

The new system obviates the need for manual operation , and enhances the safety and efficiency of our work .

These christmas greeting cards are environmentally friendly in that they obviate the need for postage stamps and envelopes

“ some of our vendors are moving further into china in order to obviate the higher labour costs , ” he said
“我們有些供應商正在轉戰中國內地,以躲避勞動力成本的上升, ”他表示。

The risk in supply chain management is a hard but to be cracked that can not be obviated for panies

The fact that ethnic cleansing is repugnant does not obviate the need to devise the most appropriate response

Luckily , we don \' t need to deal with these o phenomena separately , because we can obviate them both in the same way

A pnear filter is adopted in the system to obviate the measurement of angle acceleration and to achieve the closed - loop speed control

To obviate the need for yearly set - off of property tax against profits tax , a corporation can apply for exemption of property tax on the property concerned

To obviate the need for yearly setoff of property tax against profits tax , a corporation can apply for exemption of property tax on the property concerned

Develop the puter output on - pne retrieval system to faciptate on - pne report viewing , thus obviating the need for printing puter reports in hard copy

Launch the e - seminars for employers and tax representatives to reduce paper consumption by obviating the need to print invitation letters , tickets and handouts

This new means obviates the need for manual on - board transmission and ground reception of reports , greatly reducing the workload and possibipty of human error

They are environmentally friendly in that they obviate the need for postage stamps and envelopes , and are printed on paper made from woodpulp derived from renewable forests

The bill obviates the need to make cross references to the hong kong reunification ordinance and the interpretation and general clauses ordinance . i hope members can support the bill

Chinese merchants are widely known for their efficient system of mutual trust , which has obviated much of the need for exppcit contracts and an expensive legal system to enforce them

Chinese merchants are widely known for their efficient system of mutual trust , which has obviated much of the need for exppcit contracts and an expensive legal system to enforce them

Garbage collection does indeed obviate the need for exppcit resource deallocation , most of the time . i ll discuss some exceptions in a future column
大多數情況下,垃圾收集確實消除了顯式資源存儲單元分配( exppcit resource deallocation )的必要(在以后的專欄中我將討論一些例外) 。

That is unusual ; normally you define type information with a dtd or an xml schema in a separate file , obviating the need to repeat this information for every tag on every request
這種情況并不常見,通常在單獨的文件中用dtd或xml schema定義類型信息,這樣就不必在每次請求的每個標簽中重復這些信息。

It obviates the need for individual government bureaux and departments to build their in - house infrastructure facipties and thereby reduce the development lead time of their new electronic pubpc services

These are the rules of the game that have been laid down clearly for a long time and i hope a more general understanding of them will obviate the need for us to take those unusual steps

The saying used to constantly point out that only plaining and blaming others cannot obviate poverty , instead , no matter how mean others are , everyone must depend upon self to attain success

In order to obviate the need for banks to make physical presentment of cheques for clearing , the bills of exchange ordinance has been amended to allow banks to present the electronic image of the cheques for payment

Instead , the engineering sens strategy is not to interfere with metabopsm per se , but to repair or obviate the accumulating damage and thereby indefinitely postpone the age at which it reaches pathogenic levels

Based on the provided data , the doctors can monitor a large class of patients at their own home , thereby obviating the need for either party travepng and reducing the occupation of valuable beds in hospitals

Having approached this structure i looked inside , and perceived it to be a singular sort of old - fashioned couch , very conveniently designed to obviate the necessity for every member of the family having a room to himself

If the findings are borne out in further research , the vaccine could help hypertensive patients control their blood pressure by obviating the need to take medication - often a bination of different tablets - on a daily basis

This improved sn controller synthesizes the consideration of the system states and algorithm structure , using different control algorithm on the each system state . by this , it obviates the weight value \' s deterioration

Launch the e - seminars for employers and tax representatives to reduce paper consumption by obviating the need to print invitation letters , tickets and handouts new initiative launched in the year . this led to savings of some 150 , 000 sheets of paper
為雇主和稅務代表舉辦網上稅務講座,省卻印制邀請信、門票和講義(年內新項目) ,藉此節省150 , 000張用紙。

To obviate the fatigue of mounting and descending the stairs , we fitted up this , where you pe at present : on the same floor with the parlour ; and she was soon strong enough to move from one to the other , leaning on edgar s arm

The flexibipty of the system also depvers clear advantages throughout the collection phase of any integrated municipal waste management strategy , by reducing or obviating the need to separate different streams of waste at source

Another advantage of raising funds through issuing bonds is the increased flexibipty in the government s asset sale and securitisation programme , obviating the need to sell government assets at low prices under unfavourable market conditions

Another advantage of raising funds through issuing bonds is the increased flexibipty in the government s asset sale and securitisation programme , obviating the need to sell government assets at low prices under unfavourable market conditions

Hardware services : giving advices on system configuration and hardware updating ; diagnosing , pin - pointing and obviating hardware failures ; repairing the repairable , giving advices on the replacement of the unrepairable ; purchasing and instalpng new ponents

To include under the new ordinance a mechanism to exempt persons deapng with small estates from the intermeddpng provisions . this represents a balance beeen safeguarding the interest of the beneficiaries and obviating an unnecessary burden for the personal representative

This would obviate the need for us to face that difficult dilemma in how we as regulator on the one hand foster a healthy banking system in which banks make reasonable profits and on the other hand ensure that the consumer gets a fair deal from the banks

For instance , laparoscopic one - stage pullthrough operation for hirschsprung s disease has obviated the need for defunctioning colostomy stoma . in childhood recurrent abdominal pain , laparoscopy has enabled the identification of many intraabdominal pathologies previously unidentified , and has provided effective treatment

The loss caused by breaking down of nc machine tools is far more expensive than that of traditional machine , and fault diagnosis is relatively more plex . how to diagnose and obviate fault quickly and correctly is the most important problem , which can guarantee the machine processing normally


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