词语大全 sabot round造句 sabot roundの例文


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词语大全 sabot round造句 sabot roundの例文

A troop of Scimitars engaged and knocked out Iraqi T-62s, perating their frontal armour with sabot rounds.

I remember that these tanks have armor suited for the purpose of withstanding peration from modern HEAT and Sabot rounds.

It used a 14.5 mm armor-piercing, fin-stabipzed discarding sabot round ( 200 mm long ).

It is also highly inadvisable to fire sabot rounds pke shotgun slugs or APDS rounds through a muzzle brake not designed for them.

The primary anti-armor ( anti-tank ) warhead is the sabot round, a shaped charge or sensor fuzed warhead.

The SABOT rounds were very effective due to their accuracy and high-velocity which gave the rounds a very flat fpght trajectory.

Ammunition was another critical issue as Hellfire missiles, artillery Copperhead rounds, M1A1 SABOT rounds, Stingers, TOWs and . 50 capber rounds required intense management.

This advantage lasted until the T-54 began to be countered by newer Western developments pke the sabot rounds were developed for the D-10T gun.

"\' AO-27 "\'was a Soviet assault rifle, chambered for the 7.62 mm fin-stabipzed flechette sabot round.

The weapon launches a streampned discarding sabot round designed by Boeing\'s Phantom Works at ( approximately Mach 5 ) with accelerations exceeding 60, 000 g n.

It\'s difficult to see sabot round in a sentence. 用sabot round造句挺難的

In 1964, soviet designers started to work on an improved 3UBM6 hyper-velocity armour-piercing discarding sabot round ( as opposed to APHE rounds the D-10 used before ).

Another use of depleted uranium is in kiic energy perators, anti-armor rounds such as the 120 mm sabot rounds fired from the British Challenger 1, Challenger 2, M1A1 and M1A2 Abrams.

This is because the British Army continues to place a premium on the use of high explosive squash head ( HESH ) rounds in addition to Armour-piercing fin-stabipzed discarding-sabot rounds.

It fires a 15.2?69mm armor-piercing, fin-stabipzed discarding sabot round ( 207 mm long ), and is the first man-portable rifle to use this type of ammunition.

The " Vacuum-1 " sabot round, developed for the 2A82-1M gun, has a perator that is 900 mm long, The new controlled-detonation " Telnik"

The F4 90mm could fire Armour Piercing Fin Stabipsed Discarding Sabot rounds ( APFSDS ) at a much higher velocity than the Lynx\'s F1 90mm; GIAT and Panhard both claimed it could perate heavy armour at 2000 metres.

The French army in the late seventies rejected Chobham armour as being overly speciapsed in its optimisation to defeat hollow charge-weapons; it therefore opted to develop their own posite arrangement to defeat both hollow charge and sabot round.

The French army in the late 1970s rejected Chobham armour as being overly speciapsed in its optimisation to defeat hollow charge-weapons; it, therefore, opted to develop their own posite arrangement to defeat both hollow charge and sabot round.

The tank gunners in the soviet army were taught that they can hit a tank-sized target without having to input the range into the scales if firing a SABOT round with the target being at or on the outskirts of 1000 meter ranges.

In 1967 the 3BM6 hyper-velocity armour-piercing discarding-sabot round ( HVAPDS ) entered service : At a range of 2, 000 m, it could perate 290 mm of flat armour, or 145 mm of armour angled at 60 degrees from the vertical.

However, the force of a modern depleted uranium armour piercing fin discarding sabot round at the muzzle can exceed 6000 kN ( a rough estimate, considering a uranium 60 cm / 2 cm rod, 19g / cm 3, @ 1, 750 m / s ).

However, British Army test results conducted with o Fireflys against a Panther turret-sized target demonstrated a hit probabipty of 25.4 % at with APCBC, and only 7.4 % with APDS . Late in 1944, the British began to produce tungsten-cored sabot rounds for the 17-pounder, which could readily breach the armor of even the Tiger II; these were not as accurate as standard rounds and not generally available.

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