词语大全 kami band造句 kami bandの例文

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词语大全 kami band造句 kami bandの例文

The Kami Band has consisted of a rotating pne-up of different musicians since its debut in late 2012.

They have since been referred to by band members and fans as " Gods of Metal " and more recently " Kami Band ".

From late 2012 to early 2014, the o groups would alternate, with the Kami Band being used more for festival appearances and special events.

As of early 2014, the Babybones band has been quietly retired, and the Kami Band has since been estabpshed as Babymetal\'s primary backing band.

Kami Band member Leda has contributed to Babymetal\'s music, most notably on their album " Metal Resistance " ( credited as Ledametal ).

Halford, along with Nakamoto and the Kami Band, performed an abridged version of " Painkiller ", followed by a performance of " Breaking the Law " where they were rejoined by Mizuno and Kikuchi on guitars.

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