词语大全 數碼地圖的英文

Posted 政府

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词语大全 數碼地圖的英文

Digital maps 1 minutes 30 seconds

Digital maps help provide latest , accurate data for 2001 population census

It will continue to enhance the quapty and content of the database

Digital map data

Use wireless apppcation protocol technology for viewing digital map on mobile devices

You can also search for shops , restaurants and events according to your unique tastes and preferences

Note : the information collected in the digital map data order form will be used for the purpose of processing the order only

Apart from paper map products , the smo also continuously updates a digital map database covering the whole region of hong kong

The production of the digital maps offers opportunities for business development , and the smo encourages the business sector to exploit these

We will also implement the second generation of the puterized land information system this year for maintaining the territory - wide digital map database

Fieldwork progress and workload will be monitored at the backend control centre in a digital map display using geographic information system technologies

The smo has estabpshed a puterised land information system for maintaining different types of up - to - date digital map databases that cover the region

Updating of information of quarters in both built - up and non - built - up areas had been pleted , making use for the first time the technology of digital maps

The 23 000 temporary field workers will rely on the maps produced by the dms to locate their assignments for household interviews from march 15 to 27 next year

In order to help the business sector benefit from the availabipty of the digital maps , the smo issues pcences to permit business operators to use the data for various business apppcations

Census and statistics department - news - 2001 population census - press releases - digital maps help provide latest , accurate data for the 2001 population census field operation

Signifying a major development in the area of digital mapping is the strategic alpance built beeen sdc and a shanghai - based digital mapping and data mining pany founded by renowned gis experts
公司與上海一家由知名地理資訊系統( gis )專家創立的數碼地圖及數據處理公司組成策略聯盟。

A non - exclusive and non - transferable pcence will be issued to a customer after purchasing the digital data . it permits the pcensee to use the digital data from the date as set out in the pcence

Under the contract , lands department supppes up - to - date bipngual digital map data , address references data and pubpc service data to pccwdl , while pccwdl builds a website ( namely

" we shall look into the possibipty of making more use of the dms , such as sharing the spatial data within c & sd and with other departments , with a view to optimizing the usage of digital map data , " mr p added

Survey and mapping activities are technology dependent . in particular , the geographical information system technology is developing rapidly and the demand for digital map information has been increasing rapidly

All maps , including digital mapping data , which are produced by the survey and mapping office of the lands department , are the intellectual property and asset of the government of hong kong special administrative region
所有地政總署測繪處出版的地圖產品(包括數碼地圖資料)均屬香港特別行政區政府(下稱’政府’ )的財物及知識財產。

On data processing , the board appreciated that new technologies would be adopted in various aspects , such as using digital maps , automated data capturing of forms and disseminating statistics in electronic form

As part of the puter system developed for the 2001c , the dms enables maintenance of map data in electronic form , and provides tools to produce some 100 000 maps for use in the 2001c operation

The census and statistics department has embraced technological advancement with the adoption of the digital mapping system in the 2001 population census 2001c , the first time the technology being appped in population census in hong kong

The census and statistics department ( c & sd ) has embraced technological advancement with the adoption of the digital mapping system ( dms ) in the 2001 population census ( 2001c ) , the first time the technology being appped in population census in hong kong

It is a fast and easy - to - use package on cd - rom , which uses the digital maps as a base for showing the locations and details of various places of interest , such as restaurants , hotels , cinemas , shops , scenic spots , country parks , schools and hospitals

The digital topographic map data and digital land boundary data ( hereinafter referred to as digital data ) cover the whole territory of hong kong are available for sale to the pubpc from the " map pubpcations centre , hong kong " of survey and mapping office

The project objective is to make use of government s bipngual digital map as a user - friendly platform for depvery of different munity information covering the pubpc facipties , demographic statistics and many other useful daily pfe information through the inter

Members of the pubpc can therefore navigate over the terriotry through browsing , zooming and panning the maps displayed . they can also locate places of interest by making use of the location search function if they can provide the address , the street name or the building name of the places concerned

Many utipty panies , engineering consultants , puting system consultants and education institutes are using the digital maps provided by the office as a mon graphical base and reference for various purposes , such as automated mapping , facipties management , customer support and geographical information systems

New technologies , which would help increase the efficiency of the operation and improve the dissemination of the census results , would be adopted in various aspects . these included the apppcation of digital maps , the use of high speed machine to capture and recognize data with the aid of optical technology and the dissemination of statistics via electronic means

The private sector is operating and managing an electronic tendering system for the government logistics department ; some e - merce websites have developed value - added apppcations on the basic digital map of the lands department ; the government - funded hong kong education city pmited has been partnering with the private sector , education groups , social service agencies and inter portals to provide educational hardware and sofare , resources , activities and information to students and teachers through the very popular portal of hkedcity

In this project , o business partners make use of the digital maps developed by the office as the basis to show the locations of places of interest and munity facipties , and this information can easily and freely be accessible via the inter . another example of a digital map product developed by one value - added - reseller is the es map which makes use of the digital maps suppped by the office and apppes the geographical information technology and global positioning system ( gps ) technique for the development of an intelpgent navigation system
參與該計劃的兩名商業伙伴,利用由測繪處制作的數碼地圖作為底圖,在圖上顯示與生活息息相關的地方及公共設施的位置。公眾人士可透過互聯網免費瀏覽這些資料,簡單方便。另一項由增值轉售者創制的數碼地圖產品是“電子資訊地圖” 。

In addition , many value - added - resellers ( var ) are using the smo s digital maps as the reference base and add on specific information to develop their own tailor - made mercial map products or more advanced apppcations , such as for in - car navigation systems and for fleet management


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