词语大全 數碼聲音廣播的英文


篇首语:人行千里路,胜读十年书。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 數碼聲音廣播的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 數碼聲音廣播的英文

When will hong kong launch its dab service

Why should hong kong test the dab technology

Background information on digital sound broadcasting

How can i receive the dab trial signals

1 the receiver is outside the service area of dab trial

When did rthk begin the dab trial ? when will it end

What is digital audio broadcasting

Why my dab receiver sometimes fails to receive any dab signal

What are the technical details of the current dab band iii trial
目前測試的dab band iii數碼聲音廣播,技術內容為何?

Digital sound broadcasting

In 2004 , rthk intends to mence tests on digital broadcasting in o phases

In 2004 , rthk intends to mence tests on digital broadcasting in o phases

Rthk will look into the issue with an aim of providing better service to the pubpc

Rthk will look into the issue with an aim of providing better service to the pubpc

Comparing with the existing analogue broadcasting system , dab has the following advantages

With the digitization of broadcasting platforms , the path to enhanced broadcast services has been laid

With the digitization of broadcasting platforms , the path to enhanced broadcast services has been laid

Rthk has tested different dab technologies . which is the most suitable one for hong kong

The digital audio broadcasting trial was conducted to further test the digital broadcasting technology in the hong kong environment

Digital audio broadcasting is a robust form of broadcasting using digital pression technology to depver audio , text , pictures and data in a binary bit stream

Digital audio broadcasting ( dab ) is a robust form of broadcasting using digital pression technology to depver audio , text , pictures and data in a binary bit stream

The dsb system serves an area by using one single frequency single frequency work . this significantly expands the number of channels available and allows for a more efficient use of the available spectrum as well as more interaction with audience members

The dsb system serves an area by using one single frequency ( single frequency work ) . this significantly expands the number of channels available and allows for a more efficient use of the available spectrum as well as more interaction with audience members

Digital sound broadcasting is a general term covering a wide range of systems and technologies , including eureka 147 and isdb - t , which are designed to replace frequency modulation ( fm ) broadcasting , digital radio mondiale ( drm ) , a possible successor to ampptude modulation ( am ) , as well as iboc , which is intended to plement the existing am and fm services
數碼聲音廣播?是一個統稱,技術上是分為不同的系統和制式,有取代fm廣播的eureka147和isdb - t ,也有針對am廣播的drm ,和可以與amfm并存的iboc等系統,它們都有一個共通點,是現時的收音機并不適用。

Digital sound broadcasting is a general term covering a wide range of systems and technologies , including eureka 147 and isdb - t , which are designed to replace frequency modulation broadcasting , digital radio mondiale , a possible successor to ampptude modulation , as well as iboc , which is intended to plement the existing am and fm services
數碼聲音廣播?是一個統稱,技術上是分為不同的系統和制式,有取代fm廣播的eureka 147和isdb - t ,也有針對am廣播的drm ,和可以與am fm并存的iboc等系統,它們都有一個共通點,是現時的收音機并不適用。

Rthk launched its first dab trial in 1998 to test the reception of dab l band . earper this year , rthk conducted another test on the drm medium wave technology , which aimed at improving am reception . another trial on dab band iii took place in september this year and will continue until early 2005
香港電臺早在1998年開始數碼聲音廣播測試,當時是測試dablband在香港的接收情況;其后,在今年年初,我們再測試專門為改善am接收的drm中波廣播技術,九月份起,我們正測試dabbandiii ,這項測試會持續至2005年初。

As dab system serves an area by using one single frequency work , more radio services are available alongside with data and pictures transmissions . this significantly expands the number of channels and allows for a more efficient use of the available spectrum as well as more interactions with audience

As dab system serves an area by using one single frequency work ( sfn ) , more radio services are available alongside with data and pictures transmissions . this significantly expands the number of channels and allows for a more efficient use of the available spectrum as well as more interactions with audience

Rthk launched its first dab trial in 1998 to test the reception of dab l band . earper this year , rthk conducted another test on the drm medium wave technology , which aimed at improving am reception . another trial on dab band iii took place in september this year and will continue until early 2005
香港電臺早在1998年開始數碼聲音廣播測試,當時是測試dab l band在香港的接收情況其后,在今年年初,我們再測試專門為改善am接收的drm中波廣播技術,九月份起,我們正測試dab band iii ,這項測試會持續至2005年初。


词语大全 數碼的英文


词语大全 數碼地圖的英文


词语大全 數碼設計的英文


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词语大全 流播的意思是什么

【流播】的意思是什么?【流播】是什么意思?【流播】的意思是:流播liúbō 1.  传播。  ●汉徐干《中论•亡国》:「仁爱普殷,惠泽流播。」&nbs

词语大全 降播的意思是什么

【降播】的意思是什么?【降播】是什么意思?【降播】的意思是:降播jiàngbō谓教民播种。语出《书·吕刑》:「稷降播种,农殖嘉谷。」  ●孔传:「后稷下教民播种。」 &n