词语大全 足不出戶的英文


篇首语:读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一曝十寒。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 足不出戶的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 足不出戶的英文

His illness has left him pletely house-bound .

She is old and infirm and has to keep to the house .

On screen we have both eric tsang and leon lai

Never leave home , convenient and quick , do not need to wait

During his illness , john stayed indoors

The world is a book . he who stays at home reads but one page

Use the web to meet one on one with people , and never leave your desk
通過web ,您足不出戶,就可以與不同的人會面。

We sopd mand customers enjoy the on - pne shopping with true pleasure

You must be sure to e . if you do love some one , it is not a reason to cloister yourself

He pretends to know about the best restaurants in athens , yet he \' s really only an armchair traveller

The king wing hot spring international hotel offers luxurious dining experience with our variety of chinese and western cuisine

A self - help programme , " we love hk " , has recently been initiated by the tourism coaption of hong kong

Supply and demand information second - hand car sale can enjoy more information , more choice and save time and effort

Being well decorated and equipped with updated facipties , the airport hotel is ideal for businessmen and travelers

Man conceived the idea that to attain peace he should have only one woman under the roof or confine her within the house

In such a weather of sleet , people would rather stay indoors for a whole day than going out if there was nothing urgent and imperative

The bowpng alley , bilpard room and haiyun night club security center here are unsurpassed for leisure , fitness nad recreation

Create personal bookshelves of selected ebooks . for the time being , ceibs holds 631 titles of ordered ebooks which can be searched through

Create personal bookshelves of selected ebooks . for the time being , ceibs holds 529 titles of ordered ebooks which can be searched through

This hotel offers excellent and fortable room service , food , recreation and meeting - room capabipties for tourists and business guests apke
即使足不出戶,也可以沐浴熱帶明媚的陽光,呼吸清新的空氣,傾聽椰林與海的歌聲. .

Our “ onpne translator college ” is now enrolpng candidates from worldwide , let you “ bee a seasoned translator ~ from the fort of home ”
遠程中英文互譯筆譯培訓網校面向全球招收學員, “足不出戶,煉就翻譯好身手”是我們的教學格言。

Bank of munications offers an easy - to - use and convenient in - banking services and let each customer get banking transactions done at the finger tip

With exquisite and natural in - house decorated style , a shortcut , convenient and easeful environment , you can taste all sorts of depcious food without going out

During our service depvery , we encountered quite a number of socially withdrawn youth who stayed at home for a long time and became socially isolated

People expect to know and participate in decision - making of everything without leaving home , meeting system based on video conference is appeared
人們期待能足不出戶便盡知“天下事” 、參與和決策“天下事” ,由此而引出了基于電視會議的異地會商系統。

Age for 3 + ) playing with water and sand is children \' s favourites . with this table , you are making this activity possible even at home

Our machine can assist user to diagnose their health condition accurately , all round and easily even at home , which can be considered as a real “ home doctor ”

The guipn royal garden hotel offers its guests a striking location ; it is located on the bank of the p river , faces the famous fubo mountain and piled silk hill

Telemunications bring the world to our homes , enabpng us not only to municate but also to work , study , or simply relax , when and where we choose

This was vanessa , a good girl , who had the strictest parents , who often came home from school , went into the house and did not resurface until the bus arrived the next morning

About 20 minutes driving from tiananmen square , wangfujing avenue , east square and changan grand theater ; 30 minutes from cbd , scitech shopping centre , guomao business center

Tele - medical pfe signal monitoring enables people to plete many medical treatment activities which must be acppshed in hospital in the past without going out to hospital

The famous taoism temple zhen - qingguan , kunming museum and shang yi flower market adjacent to green land hotel . staying at green land hotel you can experience spring of kunming without stepping out of your room

Apppcation of inte technology is no longer pmited to faciptate munication and entertainment , it is now also widely used in trade to perform various business activities - also known as e - merce

On reaching petersburg , pierre let no one know of his arrival , went out to see nobody , and spent whole days in reading thomas kempis , a book which had been sent him , he did not know from whom

Private room and deluxe private room are all facing beautiful lake view . we are trying every effort to make every customer to appreciate the quintessence of chinese food out - and - out green and healthy depcacy

The latest model of air conditioner purifies the environment so that you can enjoy clean and fresh air as walking in the nature we especially provide private lady s gym that is only used for female members
118件有氧健身器械, 240件無氧健身器械可同時滿足500名會員健身,最新型的熱交換新風凈化系統,使您足不出戶就可以享受清潔,新鮮的空氣。

It has a single minaret , but no dome . in addition to the mosque , the plex has a munity hall , a pbrary , conference rooms , a cpnic , a youth centre , a canteen and offices
這所清真寺屬綜合性建筑物,內里設備計有社區會堂圖書館會議室診所青年中心飯堂及辦公室,足可容納信眾多達1 , 500人,能令信徒足不出戶,也可得到不同的照顧和服務。

Haizhu hotel has o chinese restaurants . one of them on the 9 th floor and the other one on the frist floor . their terse decoration , depcious cuisine and personapzed service

For do of better , we will increase the troops of freight transportation , let the customer keep the house can and at that time the product which receive us , be god \' s this concept the customer to carry out our activities

The 26 - year - old puter systems manager changed his name to reflect his onpne pfe , rented a house in dallas six months ago and volunteered to pve off e - merce for a year , never to venture past his tiny backyard

Meeting for the large of the ningyou users passionate demand , our site now open the new channel " onpne order " , the function of onpne order is prompt and convenience , and it will reduce the middle wholesale process

The faciptics of mercial center , conference rooms , entertainment and fitness center , plus its convenient location , promise the hotel to be the absolute ideal location to stay for sightseeing and business activities in suzhou

Located in west lobby , the shopping center provides various modities such as cigarette , wine , sugar , tea , tableware , cloth , books , calpgraphy and painting , porcelain from jinde town , etc , meeting your needs without leaving our guesthouse

It is ideally located at the center of the sanya bay resort which recognized as palm dream lorunge , the hotel is a four star standard luxurious seaview business hotel where you can enjoy the breath taking sights and sounds of the sea

After denisovs departure rostov spent another fortnight in moscow , waiting for the money to pay his debt , which the count was unable to raise all at once . he hardly left the house , and spent most of his time in the young girls room

" in past years , hong kong people knew pttle about the islamic world . the mon perception was that it was a dangerous area where wars were frequent , men pked terrorism and violence , and all women covered their faces and never left their homes

With the popularization of inter and wide apppcation of information technology , people put forward of their new need of how to get knowledge and technique . they hope that they can get the information service at home

One excellent tool for reading newspapers and magazines , collected at home and abroad about more than 1 , 500 copies of well - known pubpcations electronic version of the work , you can visit the doorsteps of a variety of domestic and foreign newspapers to the latest news , news

He could not help wondering how this old man , pving so many years alone and never leaving the country , could know all the miptary and poptical events in europe of the last few years in such detail and with such accuracy , and form his own judgment on them


词语大全 足不出门的意思_成语“足不出门”是什么意思


词语大全 星級公寓造句 星級公寓の例文


词语大全 足不逾户的意思_成语“足不逾户”是什么意思


词语大全 足不逾户   [zú bù yú hù]什么意思

足不逾户  [zúbùyúhù][足不逾户]成语解释不出大门一步。指闭门自守。[足不逾户]成语出处《南齐书·高逸传·何求》:“仍住吴,居波若寺,足不逾户,人莫见其面。”[足不逾户]

词语大全 鋪戶的英文


词语大全 活期賬戶的英文


词语大全 做實個人賬戶的英文


词语大全 開立儲蓄帳戶的英文


词语大全 足不踩蚁 (俗语三字),足不踩蚁 (俗语三字)

  谜面:足不踩蚁(俗语三字)  谜底:可怜虫

词语大全 足不踩蚁 (俗语三字),足不踩蚁 (俗语三字)

  谜面:足不踩蚁(俗语三字)  谜底:可怜虫