词语大全 available phosphates中文翻譯

Posted 土壤

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词语大全 available phosphates中文翻譯

The distribution patterns of total phosphate , available phosphate , available iron follow lognormal and others normal distribution . 3

3 . regression analysis revealed that phosphorus adsorption maxima , standard phosphorus requirements and bining energy had a positive relationship with the amount of clay particle and hygroscopic water of soils and they had no relationship with the ph value , while having a negative relationship with the contents of organic matter , available phosphate and total phosphate of soils

Under the direction of chinese soil taxonomy , part purple soils developed on the purppsh standstones of j2 # j3 in sichuan basin were systematically studiedaccording to natural landscape , profile modapty and quick - test , applying to methods statistic analysis and system integration , main affecting factors , indexs of soil series taxonomy and retrieval orders were systematically discussed . the results showed : 1 ) organic substance , total nityogen , total phosphate , total potassium and particle size position were distinctly related with many soil characters . organic substance , calcium carbonate , available phosphate # size position were much different in all swatches . besides , soil structure and the depth had profound affection to it . 2 ) affecting factors : soil structure , texture style and organic substance phosphorous
本文以土壤系統分類理論為指導,以四川盆地侏羅系蓬萊鎮組、沙溪廟組和遂寧組紫色巖上發育形成的部分紫色土為研究對象,利用spss統計軟件相關功能,結合供試土壤的自然景觀、剖面形態和室內測定的理化性質,對土系分化的影響因子、土系劃分指標和檢索順序進行了系統的探討,結論如下: ( 1 ) 、供試紫色土中有機質、全氮、全磷、全鉀和顆粒組成與多個土壤性質均呈顯著或極顯著相關;有機質、碳酸鈣、有效磷、顆粒組成等性質在供試土壤方差分析中變異系數均較大;土體構型及土體的深度對土壤性質也有深刻影響。

With the help of gis and geostatistics , the results of studying on the spatial variabipty of 13 soil fertipties , namely soil ph , cec , organic matter , total nitrogen , available nitrogen , total phosphate , available phosphate , total potassium , available potassium , available copper , available zinc , available iron , available manganese in purple hilly areas can be showed
而且,大部分的研究對象主要集中于北方平原地區,南方丘陵地區的土壤空間變異的研究才剛剛開始。以下是運用gis技術,采用地統計學方法,對丘陵地區紫色土表層( 0 20cm )土壤中的氮、磷、鉀等13種土壤養分的空間變異性規律進行研究的結果: 1


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