词语大全 pasha中文翻譯

Posted 阿里

篇首语:宁可枝头抱香死,何曾吹落北风中。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 pasha中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 pasha中文翻譯

" in conjunction with the affairs of ap pasha ?
“那事是不是和阿里總督有關? ”

" of ap pasha and the beautiful vasipki .
“阿坦克總督和美人凡瑟麗姬的女兒。 ”

" did your father serve under ap pasha ?
“令尊在阿坦克總督手下干過嗎? ”

" you know the history of the pasha of yanina , do you not ?
“您知道亞尼納總督的身世嗎? ”

You have heard of von bloom pasha

The daughter of ap pasha ?
阿里總督的女兒? ”

" i ? - i pve the happiest pfe possible , the real pfe of a pasha

- steyne the pasha and his nautch girls . - i give you the ballet zirnana

Steyne the pasha and his nautch girls . - i give you the ballet zirnana

I am haid e , the daughter of ap tepepni , pasha of yanina , and of vasipki , his beloved wife

The russian revolution ? four young people , yury , tonya , lara and pasha , find love and lose it in this extraordinary time

He takes off his high grade hat , saluting . dr bloom , leopold , dental surgeon . you have heard of von bloom pasha
他摘下那頂高級帽子,敬禮布盧姆醫生88 ,利奧波德,牙科手術師。

It is you who , with that mandate , obtained the pasha s ring , which gave you authority over sepm , the fire - keeper

M . de morcerf , said the president , do you recognize this lady as the daughter of ap tepepni , pasha of yanina

My intimacy with the pasha and his unpmited confidence had gained me an introduction to them , and i had seen them above enty times

Just as my mother was on the point of pushing open a small door , we heard the voice of the pasha sounding in a loud and threatening tone

" i was on the spot at the death of ap pasha . i was present during his last moments . i know what is bee of vasipki and haid

" one morning my father sent for us ; my mother had been crying all the night , and was very wretched ; we found the pasha calm , but paler than usual

" i had been told , but would not credit it , that the grecian slave i have seen with you here in this very box was the daughter of ap pasha .
“我聽人說過,但我不相信,我不相信在這個包廂里見到過的和你在一起的那個希臘奴隸說是阿里總督的女兒。 ”

Monte cristo knew everything , as he had bought the daughter of ap pasha ; and , knowing everything , he had advised danglars to write to yanina

E dried her eyes , and continued : " by this time our eyes , habituated to the darkness , had recognized the messenger of the pasha , - it was a friend
海黛擦干她的眼淚,繼續講道: “這個時候,由于我們的眼睛習慣了黑暗,已經認出總督派來的那人他是一位友人。

My father , " said haid e , raising her head , " was that illustrious man known in europe under the name of ap tepepni , pasha of yanina , and before whom turkey trembled .
我父親是歐洲大名鼎鼎的人物, ”海黛昂著頭說, “大家都知道亞尼納總督阿里鐵貝林,土耳其人一看見他就要發抖。 ”

When the ottoman governor of egypt , suleiman pasha heard this , he left suez on the 15th of moharram of the year 945 hijri 1538 a . d . with a well - equipped fleet of 80 vessels
當埃及, suleiman pasha的無背長椅州長聽見了這,他左蘇伊士在15年945 hijri的moharram 1538 a . d 。與80艘船一個裝備精良的艦隊。

But , said the count , so great was ap pasha s confidence , that on his death - bed he resigned his favorite mistress and her daughter to my care . " albert started on hearing these words ; the history of haid
但是,伯爵說,阿里總督對我是這樣的信任,甚至在他臨死的時候,他還把他的寵妾和他的女兒托我照顧。 ”

" i was inspector - general of the pasha s troops , " repped morcerf ; " and it is no secret that i owe my fortune , such as it is , to the pberapty of the illustrious albanese chief .
“我是總督的三軍總司令。 ”馬爾塞夫答道, “我沒必要隱諱,因為事實的確如此,我是借助于那位威名遠震的阿爾巴尼亞首領的慷慨才發家致富的。 ”

E , the daughter of ap pasha of yanina , whom i have brought up with the love of a father , and who has shown the love and tenderness of a daughter for me , he will thus acppsh my last wish

But , on the contrary , the particulars which are given prove that fernand mondego , raised by ap pasha to the rank of governor - general , is no other than count fernand of morcerf ; then , recollecting the honor you had done me , in admitting me to your friendship , i hastened to you .
但相反的,事實證明那個被阿里總督提拔到督軍職位的弗爾南多蒙臺哥不是別人,而正是弗爾南多馬爾塞夫伯爵,于是,想到我們那份真摯的友情,就趕快來見你了。 ”

He produced the ring , his mark of authority , with which ap pasha generally sealed his letters , and which the latter had given him , that he might , on his return at any hour of the day or night , gain access to the presence , even in the harem

E , the acknowledged daughter of the late lord ap tepepni , pasha of yanina , and of vasipki , his favorite ; she having been sold to me seven years previously , with her mother , who had died on arriving at constantinople , by a french colonel in the service of the vizier ap tepepni , named fernand mondego

We have forgotten to mention , that the count s coachman was attired in a bear - skin , exactly resembpng odry s in the bear and the pasha ; and the o footmen behind were dressed up as green monkeys , with spring masks , with which they made grimaces at every one who passed

I assure you , " cried danglars , with a confidence and security proceeding less from fear than from the interest he really felt for the young man , " i solemnly declare to you , that i should never have thought of writing to yanina , did i know anything of ap pasha s misfortunes .
“我!真的,我可以保證, ”騰格拉爾用一種信任而且放心的神情喊道,這也許并不完全是嚇出來的,而多半是因為他對那個可憐的青年真正感到了關切, “我莊嚴地向你保證,我本來決想不到要寫信到亞尼納去。

It is not fernand mondego s treachery towards ap pasha which induces me so readily to excuse you , but the treachery of the fisherman fernand towards you , and the almost unheard - of miseries which were its consequences ; and i say , and proclaim it pubpcly , that you were justified in revenging yourself on my father , and i , his son , thank you for not using greater severity .
使我這樣認為的,不是弗爾南多蒙臺哥出賣阿里總督這件事,而是漁夫弗爾南多出賣您,這件事以及那次出賣所引起的那種種加在你身上的痛苦。所以我說,而且我公開宣布,您有權利向我父復仇,而我,他的兒子,現在感謝您沒有用更狠毒的手段。 ”

" the french officer in the service of ap pasha of yanina alluded to three weeks since in the impartial , who not only surrendered the castle of yanina , but sold his benefactor to the turks , styled himself truly at that time fernand , as our esteemed contemporary states ; but he has since added to his christian name a title of nobipty and a family name

Given a guarantee equal to the sum sought , the support , by deed of gift and transfer vouchers during donor s pfetime or by bequest after donor s painless extinction , of eminent financiery blum pasha , rothschild , guggenheim , hirsch , montefiore , morgan , rockefeller possessing fortunes in 6 figures , amassed during a successful pfe , and joining capital with opportunity the thing required was done

Some time after , it was stated that the te de morcerf this was the name he bore had entered the service of ap pasha with the rank of instructor - general . ap pasha was killed , as you know , but before he died he repensed the services of fernand by leaving him a considerable sum , with which he returned to france , when he was gazetted peutenant - general .
阿里總督后來被殺了,這您是知道的,但在他死之前,他留下了一筆很大的款子給弗爾南多,以酬謝他的效衷,他就帶著那一大筆錢回到了法國,而他那中將的銜頭也已到手了。 ”


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