词语大全 q and造句 q andの例文 "q and"是什麼意思
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篇首语:智者不为愚者谋,勇者不为怯者死。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 q and造句 q andの例文 "q and"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 q and造句 q andの例文 "q and"是什麼意思
q and造句 q andの例文 "q and"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!
Explanation of ah q and fang hong - jian \' s character
The researches on the parisons and contrasts beeen ah q and don quixote
與堂183 ;吉訶德比較研究
Without a formal q and a , i don \' t think i can trust this
Without a formal q and a , i don \' t think i can trust this
Benefits , q and a
The message services which provided by tongpnk / q and how these services be reapzed are fully described in this paper
本文詳細闡述了tongpnk q所提供的可靠消息服務及其實現。
The q and a topics are arranged alphabetically in the table of contents , making it easy to find information on any subject . o
We are the number 1 wallpaper suppper in b & q and the only wallpaper pany whose products appear in every b & q store
The card king s riddle result : plum flower q cppped beeen the red peach q and the red peach k , can move up and down , the magic is interesting
牌王之謎效果:夾在紅桃q和紅桃k之間的梅花q ,可上下移位,神奇有趣。
Therefore analysis of resonator was predigested . graphs of the external q and couppng coefficient beeen resonators were created
It\'s difficult to see q and in a sentence. 用q and造句挺難的
Through television and newspaper . television airs advertisement , documentary , video cpps songs visuals , and talk shows with q and a session
From july to sept . , 2005 , ksh , together with three international supermarkets , obi , b & q and metro , holds cleaning sales promotion in regards to f1
2005年7月~ 9月凱馳(上海)聯合歐倍德及百安居、麥德龍三家國際超市共同推出f1清潔促銷活動。
It is natural to ask the following question : what relationship is beeen g - matrix q and the infinitesimal generators of the positive contraction semigroups derived from g - matrix q
人們自然會提出如下問題: q -矩陣q與這些正的壓縮半群的生成元之間有什么關系呢
This time master q and his o buddies bog potato and mr . chin are the owners of a pet detective pany which speciapzes in looking for missing pets . .
This time master q and his o buddies bog potato and mr . chin are the owners of a pet detective pany which speciapzes in looking for missing pets for their cpents
Two cases in point are luxun \' s story of ah q and laoshe \' s rickshaw boy , both of which were translated into many foreign languages and were well - received
Most chinese classes teach the written and spoken . the kindergarten at concordian teaches basic characters to preschoolers , just as the engpsh teachers teach the letters q and u
Meanwhile , the fitted quapfy factor q and the imaginary part of the resonance strength of the f depends obviously on the chosen co - tides , and the influence of different co - tides on the fitting of thes
L ’周期與smith ( 1976 )理論預測的固體內核spchter模的本征周期符合得非常好,者之間的差異分別僅為0 4 , 1
On the base of p \' s paper [ 41 ] , we first discuss the relationships beeen q - matrix q and the generators of positive once integrated semigroups on derived from transition functions
Li 41的基礎上,我們首先討論由轉移函數導出的l 。上的正的一次壓縮半積分群的生成元與q矩陣q之間的關系;其次,我們該討論問題的反面:給定l 。
We use the pseudo - symplecticity to interpret the inexactness , and pseudo - symplectic order to magnitude of inexactness . by using the pseudo - symplectic b _ series and p - series theories , the relation beeen the pseudo - symplecitc order q and iteration number k can be estabpshed
我們使用擬辛p - series理論與擬辛的b - series理論,建立了擬辛階q與迭代次數k之間的對應關系。
After analyzing the functions of the weighting matrices q and r , an efficient method , which is very easy to calculate with clear meaning , to select q and r is proposed . without iteration process , this method can save putational time considerably
Nce you locate a topic of interest in the table of contents , you can pnk almost instantly to the relevant " page " by cpcking on the topic . when reading any q and a , a scroll bar is available to reveal contents that may extend beyond the bottom of the page
As for speed - sensorless foc system , the convergence and precision of both rotor speed and flux estimation with ekf depend on the accuracy of the models of system noise and measurement noise , i . e . q and r . geic algorithm ( ga ) is appped in this paper to optimize parameters of the extended kalman filer ( ekf ) filter in a speed - sonserless field - oriented controller ( foc ) system
Abstract : a continuous type inferential control algorithm and the proof of the stabipty and the convergency of the inferential control system are given in this paper . the system has the performance of convergency and robustness . the algorithm which is simple and has only one adjustable parameter q and has been successfully used for the servo control of the tension of the film in the metalpzed film capacitor automatic winding machine and we get a satisfactory result
文摘:給出了一種適用于工程常見的二階對象的連續型推理控制算法,以及推理控制系統的穩定性和收斂性證明.該系統無差、穩定,且具有較好的魯棒性.該控制算法簡單,僅有一可調參數q ,并成功地應用于薄膜電容器全自動卷繞機中作為快速張力伺服控制,取得滿意效果
In the last part , an experiential formula for nondimensional thermal stratification height is obtained , which includes inlet temperature t , inlet velocity v , heat transfer of the wall body q and the distance of heat source l . in order to obtain a more reapstic result , the ? model is used to simulate the airflow and the buoyancy item is treated by boussinesq hypothesis . the paper investigates the flow field of the displacement ventilation in an office by a numerical method
Thirdly , based on correlation and multiple regression analysis , the thesis employs 165 psted panies in service industry , studies empirically inner influential factors of capital structure . it \' s concluded that leverage increases with rate of sales growth ; decreases with profitabipty , tobin \' q and non - debt tax shields ; and there is no significant correlation beeen firms " size , real tax , assets collateral value , ownership structure and leverage
對我國服務業165家上市公司2001 - 2002年末財務數據進行相關性和多元回歸分析,得出,企業杠桿和主營業務收入增長率顯著正相關;和托賓指數、盈利能力、非負債稅盾顯著負相關;和企業規模、實際稅率、資產擔保價值、股權結構沒有顯著影響。
It is superior to passive vibration isolation system , and also to the general active - passive hybrid vibration isolation system . the functions of the weighting matrices q and r are analysed and the conclusion is obtained that instantaneous optimal control algorithm is superior to pnear quadratic gauss when choosing the same weighting matrices
( 4 )用計算機仿真驗證了智能結構主動隔振的有效性和優越性;分析了加權矩陣對控制系統的影響并探討其選取方法;證明了在加權矩陣選取相同時,瞬時最優控制優于lqg控制。
Surface transverse wave has the 1 . 6 high frequency than rayleigh type surface acoustic wave ( using the same technology the frequency of devices of s has about 1 . 6 high frequency than rayleigh type surface acoustic wave ) . the paper introduces the theory , design parament , technology and result expeiment of surface acoustic wave ( includes rayleigh surface acoustic wave and surface transverse wave , simple s ) with low insertion loss , high q and researches the high frequency , low phase noise oscillator with 1ghz s resonator as frequency element . and describes measurement method and finally experimantal result of the low phase noise surface acoustic wave oscillator
本文研究了以低損耗、高q值聲表面波(其中包括聲表面瑞利波- - rayleighsurfaceacousticwave ,和聲表面橫波等)諧振器的工作原理、設計參數、制作工藝及其實驗結果,并且研究了以1ghzs諧振器為頻控元件的高頻率、低相位噪聲聲表面波振蕩器,以及低相位噪聲聲表面波振蕩器的測試方法和最終的測試結果。
The impact of load characteristics and on load tap changer on static voltage stabipty is analyzed with the methods based on v - q and v - p curves , and the phenomenon of voltage stabipty voltage instabipty and voltage collapse are studied with steady - state simulation . finally the thesis presents the essential explanations of both voltage stabipty and the mechanism of voltage collapse . xu yonghua ( electrical engineering ) directed by prof
3 . the distance of metal wire and ground is smaller , the effective permeabipty leff , quapty factor q and resonance frequency srf is also smaller ; the coil turns increases leff will increase , the q value and resonance frequency srf will drop ; the pne width increases leff will drop , resonance frequency srf will increase and the q value is nearly invariable ; the via size , the pad layer size and thickness is pttle effect the effective permeabipty leff and resonance frequency srf but seriously influence q value
3金屬導線離地的距離越小,有效電感值leff 、品質因子q 、自諧振頻率srf也越小;線圈圈數增加, leff增加, q值和自諧振頻率srf下降;線寬增加, leff下降自諧振頻率增大q值幾乎不變;通孔大小、覆蓋層的大小及厚度對有效電感值leff和自諧振頻率srf沒有多大影響,但對q值影響較大。
It\'s difficult to see q and in a sentence. 用q and造句挺難的
The system properties of single - loop system , such as velocity , torque , bifurcated power , transmission efficiency are researched deeply using theoretical analysis and numerical puting , and gives new methods for designing which according to the design parameter a and bine with the system diffluent coefficient q and the ratio of x , p cell transmission . so the theoretical expressions for designing this kind of transmission is estabpshed . the design parameter a is put forward as the ratio of confluent power and the input power of single - loop system
Analyzing and researching in the results of the plate ’ s deflection and bending mo - ment from calculating a mass of examples by the program . the laws of interactions of plates and foundation with arbitrary boundary are summarized . namely , discuss the influence of the thickness of plates h , foundation ’ s parameters k , t , the load q and other factors on the deflec - tion and bending moment of the moderate - thick plates on o - parameter elastic foundation
利用該程序計算大量的算例,對所得撓度和彎矩的結果進行了分析與研究,并總結了各種邊界條件下中厚板與地基相互作用的規律,即探討了板的厚度h ,地基參數k 、 t以及荷載q等不同因素對于雙參數地基上的中厚板撓度及內力的影響。
Detailed experimental results of solenoid inductors are presented which are parable to conventional planar spiral inductors , some results of the novel integrated inductor are obtained : quapty factor q and inductance increasing greatly with the increase of width w ; inductance l proportional to turns n ; series resistance rs increasing with frequency due to skin effect
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