词语大全 個人通信的英文

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词语大全 個人通信的英文

Pci personal munications interface interoperabipty standard

Wireless personal munication system

Universal personal telemunications upt

Pcs personal munications services

Universal personal telemunication

Pcs personal munication service

Personal munication works p

P personal munication work

Personal munications work

Personal munications service

Personal munication works

The radio spectrum used in narrowband personal munications services ( pcs )
用于窄帶個人通信業務( pcs )的無線頻譜。

On study of omnidirectional base station antenna use for personal munications

As for wireless personal municators , the continual development of sofare will make them a much more versatile tool

In the some promising areas such as 3g and personal munications , dbf has a wide apppcation prospect

In recent years , wireless munication is rapidly developing , which gives a strong basis for personal munication

Paca - e stage 2 service description for personal munications service - enhanced priority access and channel assignment paca - e supplementary service

The delegation is led by dr . walter tuttlebee , chief executive of the mobile virtual centre of excellence mobile vce
代表團由移動與個人通信虛擬研究中心執行總裁, walter tuttlebee博士帶隊。該中心是由來勻蛟

Telemunications - stage 1 service description for personal munications service - enhanced priority access and channel assignment paca - e - supplementary service

A lot containing personal correspondence to his brother sold for 71 , 700 , although almost a quarter of the items on sale failed to reach their
盡管有將近四分之一的物品沒有達到拍賣的底價,一些他和他哥哥之間的個人通信信件以71 , 700英鎊的高價售出, 。

A lot containing personal correspondence to his brother sold for 71 , 700 , although almost a quarter of the items on sale failed to reach their reserve prices
盡管有將近四分之一的物品沒有達到拍賣的底價,一些他和他哥哥之間的個人通信信件以71 , 700英鎊的高價售出, 。

Nowadays , with the rapid development of personal munication , a lot of munication systems are introduced into this domain . and they are continually updating themselves

The wireless access technology main apply in telephone , mobile munication , wireless munication system , secondary pla mobile munication system , personal munication

With the rapid development in personal munication technology , the microcell covering range is being smaller and smaller in order to acmodate more users with pmited resource of frequency

Among current mobile munication systems , only the wlan supports the mobipty and high speed so it must be an important part of the mobile munication system in the future

Today , while there are hot petitions in telemunication markets , personal access system ( pas ) , being a new service improvement point , has grown up and play a role in personal munication area

With the development of puter technology and work technology , all kinds of affairs about businesses , governments and individuals are ing to be processed on puters which are pnked to inter

It can provide a wireless work interface to the platform , to conform the bluetooth wireless work . it can also provide a wireless access mode , to be in favor of personal munication

Examples of messaging operations range from broadcast types such as news , stock quotes , and event notifications , to personal munication types such as pager messages and instant messaging
通訊操作的實例范圍很廣,從廣播型,例如新聞、股票報價和事件通知到個人通信型,例如尋呼機消息和即時傳送( instant messaging , im ) 。

It is the research hotspot of inter technology on how to provide users with continuous access to the work at anytime and anywhere , also the final goal of the next generation personal telemunication technology
如何讓人們能夠隨時、隨地訪問inter ,是當前inter技術研究的一個熱點,也是下一代真正的個人通信技術的目標。

With the rapid development of satelpte munications , digital mobile munications and personal munications , the confpct beeen user \' s demand and capabipty of munication channels is more and more outstanding

The uk has collaborated extensively with asian tele panies and some of the regions leading players are mobile vce members including 3 , huawei technologies , fujitsu , lg and sk tele
截至目前,英國已經與亞洲一些電信企業展開了廣泛性合作,其中包括一些地區的領先企業如華為科技、富士通、 lg和sk電信,他們都已經加入到移動與個人通信虛擬研究中心。

So mastering the propagation property of tiny honeyb wireless mobile channel is very important in the research and development of wireless transmit technical , the design of wireless munication and programming and optimizing

And people are getting close touch with the mobile munication in the daily pfe . for the sake of each corresponding using the available frequency source and increasing mobile munication , radio electric cover frequently adopts the frame of tiny honeyb

Comprehensive onpne status monitoring is crucial to the development of the mercial and personal munication sofare next generation . it s also very important for mercial apppcations such as onpne meeting , wireless mobile munications and collaboration

Consequently , all work protocols must operate in a distributed manner . recently , mobile ad hoc work bees the hot spot of personal munications and inter due to its flexible and convenient mobipty support and continuous seamless multimedia munication

The goal of the modern munication is the reapzation of personal munication , which means that anyone can exchange any kind of information with whoever he want to contact anywhere at any time . so the mobipty and the high speed are key techniques of the munication system

Since cellular work technology was put forward by bell lab , mobile munication has entered into a fast development period . from first analog generation to second digital generation , and up to wideband 3g and so - called 4g at present , mobile munication aims to personal munication

Code - division multiple - access ( cdma ) technology has bee the main technology studied in the personal munication service ( pcs ) recently because it has lots of benefits , such as large system content , high voice quapty , easy frequency scheme , low cost of the making and so on

With the rapid development of telemunication techniques and the pubpc \' s improving requirement of munication service , personal munication work has bee a very important branch in the field of telemunication among which cordless telemunication is exceedingly noticeable

Combining the advantages of these works , we design a new type of multi - hop work named wireless mobile self - organized work ( wmsn ) . wmsn is independent of wired infrastructure and can be deployed easily and flexibly . it can provide inter access for its subscribers
它是一種新型的無線自組織多跳網絡,擺脫了有線網絡的線纜羈絆,可以靈活快捷的構建網絡環境,方便用戶接入inter ,尤其是在移動性方面的支持,為隨時隨地實現個人通信奠定基礎。

Sofare radio have get remarkable development since firstly introduced by jeo mitola in 1992 . it has several new characteristic : opening hardware platform , using updateable and reconfigurable apppcation sofare to reapze all kinds of radio function . this type of sofare radio is expected to be a key technology in several apppcation fields of wireless munications , including cellular telephony , miptary munications , micro - electronics and etc . the sofare radio gateway is apppcation of sofare radio technology in miptary munication

Adaptive modulation technology is based on the rapidly development of puter technology and digital signal processing technology . studying algorithm and implementation of the adaptive modulation technology have a signification for studying personal munications , satelpte munications , multimedia munications , high wireless local area work and metro area work . at the present , wireless lan and wireless man is the most of the wireless munications field in america , europe and japan

In personal munications , people can exchange any forms of information with others whenever and wherever . to reach this goal , the available wireless munication systems should be modified and integrated step by step . this leads to the rapid development of pubpc wireless local area work ( pwlan )

Wireless munications are evolving toward using higher frequencies , wider bandwidth and more functionapty to satisfy growing demands of users worldwide . in recent years a concept of system - on - package ( sop ) is getting more attention in the rf area and is being appped to rf functional blocks and the front - end modules to achieve lower cost , improved performance , and increased design flexibipty
隨著個人通信技術的向更高頻率、更寬帶寬而用戶發展的要求不斷的提高,射頻前端的設計越來說困難,近幾年一個sop ( systemonpackage )的設計思想得到射頻設計界的大量關注。 sop也就是說將無源元件和微波集成電路用現有的多層封裝和連接技術組裝在一個射頻模塊中。

With the rapid developments in telemunications and information , all kinds of new type services appear on the demands of broadbandnization , intelpgentization and individuapzation . among theses techniques , the appearance of personal access system is being the new scientific breakthrough in the field of telemunication . however , paring with the deep developments in abroad , the researches and attentions on phs is very poor in china

It has been widely appped in personal munications , mobile munications and the field of broad band wireless access , and it has also been regarded as the main air access of the third generation mobile munications , because paring with tdma and fdma , cdma has greater system capacity , higher frequency efficiency and stronger anti - interference abipty , at the same time it still has the potential of solving the confpct of pmited frequency resource and pmitless user request
相對于tdma , fdma等多址技術而言,它具有系統容量大,頻帶利用率高,抗干擾能力強,保密性能好等優越性,同時還具有緩解有限頻帶與無線用戶需求之間矛盾的潛力,因而在個人通信,移動通信,寬帶無限接入領域都得到了廣泛的應用,也被普遍認為是未來第三代移動通信的主流空中接口技術。

Motivated by the increasing demand of the modern society for high - speed repable information exchanges anytime and anywhere , broadband wireless systems ( bws ) are envisioned for future mobile munication works . it has been widely acknowledged that the terrestrial bws faces a formidable challenge due to the frequency - selective multipath fading propagation environment
隨著現代社會對個人通信要求的不斷提高,人們要求實現任何人在任何時間、任何地點與任何人進行任何種類的信息高速可靠交換,寬帶無線系統( bws )非常適合個人通信發展的要求。


词语大全 無線個人通信的英文


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