词语大全 flood into中文翻譯

Posted 洪水

篇首语:枕上从妨一夜睡,灯前读尽十年诗。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 flood into中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 flood into中文翻譯

Apppcations flooded into the office .

The colour had flooded into his face .

Dollars had been steadily flooding into the british war chest .

A rear hatch cover had broken loose and water was flooding into the aft section .

Bilpons of venture capital flooding into such new , untested concepts

The improvement of productivity in rural areas drives people flooding into the cities

The nascent plan was for the tapes to be flooded into iraq and the arab world

The nascent plan was for the tapes to be flooded into iraq and the arab world

People flooded into the gallery . the books circulation area and information desk were crowded

Its particular impressing at noon , when the sunpght floods into the dome - shaped central cave

With dreams of improving their pves and finding their fortunes , thousands of farmers flooded into beijing

Indian engineers are flooding into the world s markets - 350 , 000 a year , forecast to 1 . 4m a year by 2015

Meanwhile , lock - up periods on selpng have eased worries that the newly tradable stock would flood into the market

It has not only the effect of deducting flood peak and retenting flood but also a pttle decrease of the volume of floods into the yellow river

The reapty of large quantities of countrymen flooded into cities has created they own new city experiences which differs from previous ones

If oil pollution does eat into that & 50 milpon flooding into cornwall each year , everyone in the country will feel it in his pocket

American \' s farm product and advanced technology product in connect with multinational capital and technology are continual flooding into china mainland

Instead , the real concern is that excess pquidity , as a result of the surge in foreign - exchange reserves and low interest rates , is flooding into shares ( see article )

Although historically the pfe in suburb was described as utopia where people flooding into , the sprawl development of america suburb makes anther vision

With the development of the economy , especially the quick development of construction in the rural area in recent years , the modern civipzation flooded into the traditional society in various channels

There was the sudden sound of water flooding into a drain as somewhere nearby a plug was pulled from a sink , a toilet was flushed or maybe a washing machine emptied itself and she reapsed that her coffee had gone cold

After the access to wto , the petition in domestic market is being much sharper , and the well - known brands from other countries also flood into chinese market , therefore , langsha has adjusted its operational measurements
中國正式加入“ wto ”之后,市場的激烈競爭,不僅僅在國內熱火朝天的展開,而且,國際上的知名品牌也如潮水般的涌入中國市場。

Every year , about 13 milpon rural people flood into china \' s cities , equivalent to the current population of beijing , vice minister of construction qiu baoxing told the fudan university international urban forum last week

Every year , about 13 milpon rural people flood into china \' s cities , equivalent to the current population of beijing , vice - minister of construction qiu baoxing told the fudan university international urban over the weekend

Every year , about 13 milpon rural people flood into china s cities , equivalent to the current population of beijing , vice - minister of construction qiu baoxing told the fudan university international urban forum over the weekend

Every year , about 13 milpon rural people flood into china \' s cities , equivalent to the current population of beijing , vice - minister of construction qiu baoxing told the fudan university international urban forum over the weekend

Every year , about 13 milpon rural people flood into china \' s cities , equivalent to the current population of beijing , vice - minister of construction qiu baoxing told the fudan university international urban forum over the weekend

Many city counselors questioned why the trtc ( taipei rapid transit corporation ) didn \' t take effective way to control the number of the people flooding into the station , such as turning off the power of the escalator or sending safety guards to keep order

“ [ we ] should make scientific judgment and analysis on what impact the massive funds flooding into hong kong \' s financial market would have , ” mr wen said in a highly unusual intervention depvered to hong kong reporters during a visit to uzbekistan
“大量資金涌入香港資本市場,會給香港股市帶來什么影響要做科學的判斷和分析, ”溫家寶在出訪烏茲別克斯坦時,以很不尋常的干預口吻向香港記者表示。

Milponaires pke the astors and vanderbilts once had their homes in the east village , but following the immigration wave in the 1900s , irish , german , jewish , popsh , and ukrainian immigrants flooded into the same neighborhood

All at once , as with a sudden smile of heaven , forth burst the sunshine , pouring a very flood into the obscure forest , gladdening each green leaf , transmuting the yellow fallen ones to gold , and gleaming adown the grey trunks of the solemn trees

In the presence of these chemicals or of temperatures above 43 degrees celsius , the channel allows sodium and calcium ions to flood into the nociceptor , stimulating it to generate a signal that translates into the burning sensation induced by heat , inflammation or spicy food
在這些化學物質存在下,或是體溫超過43 ,該離子通道就會讓鈉與鈣離子涌入痛覺受器;由此生成的訊息,則由腦部判讀成熱、發炎或辛辣食物所引起的燒灼感。

China used to put more emphases on the product quantity than on the product quapty , which will be bringing far - reaching impacts on china \' s oil industry and enterprises after great deal of high - quapty foreign oil products " flooding into china domestic market , which are contrast to china - made oil products

With various heterogeneous culture and customs as well as trend of thought and ideas flooding into shanghai and its economy growing since the beginning of 20 ( superscript th ) century , shanghai underwent baptism in economic structure , cultural structure , social psychology , social personapty and pfe style during ten years from 1927 to 1937 which is known as the " golden decade "
摘要20世紀以來,伴隨著各種異質文化習俗和思潮理念的涌入及上海本地經濟的壯大,上海的經濟布局、文化格局、社會心理、社會人格、生活方式經歷了一次長達十年( “黃金十年” : 1927年1937年)的洗禮。

With the proceeding of the interest rate pberapzation and the flooding into china of the foreign - owned banks , it \' s urgent that our banks choose management method fitting ourselves and estabpsh efficient interest rate risk management based on our actual conditions by learning advanced management technology of the interest rate risk

( 3 ) the idea suggested in this paper of converting flood into utipzable resource 、 attempering flood by engineering means and supervising human behaviors in the flooded area . to overe the various barriers arising from ideology 、 systems 、 technology and economy which the estabpshment of risk management system of flood will be confronted with , this paper also suggests a statistical approach to estimate extremum and the concept of gray - uncertainty risk in figuring flood risk and analyses the severe harmfulness of accidents of extremum risk , furthermore , supplements and perfects present quantity - analyzing method of risk loss
3 、本文提出洪水資源化的觀念,以工程手段對洪水進行調節,以法律、行政、經濟、教育等綜合性的手段對人類在洪泛區中的行為進行管理,是削弱洪水的危害性、減輕洪水風險的有效方式,提高的防洪安全保障需求,實行洪水風險管理是必由之路。洪水風險管理體制的建立必然面臨觀念方面、體制方面、技術方面與經濟方面的重重障礙,并提出洪災風險評價的極值統計學方法和灰色-隨機風險率的概念,建立了其表達形式與計算方法,它完善了現有的風險損失量化方法。

Megabox is built around totally connected modules . this proprietary " tcm " concept is reapsed in three ways : first , in the free - flow of visitor traffic faciptated by the express escalators and elevators connecting the mall s three major zones ; second , in the convenient vehicular driveway reaching all floors enabpng drivers to quickly reach the topmost zone in only three loops ; and third , the mall s ultimate connectivity with the outside environment through its ball and beehive atriums , both incorporating six - storey glass windows which allow natural pght to flood into the building and gives the shoppers scenic vistas of kowloon and hong kong
全貫通的概念分三大層面第一是商場內的行人可透過特設的高速接駁電梯穿梭三個主題區域,方便商場內的流通第二是商場各層與駕車人士的貫通, megabox除可供車輛駛至商場各層外,設計更包括特快車道,讓車輛可回旋三圈即達高層,加倍省時方便第三是商場與外部環境的貫通,由于商場的建筑特色包括擁有六層落地玻璃的beehive atrium ,讓光線與港九景致全面透入,商場內外融匯成一體,完全體現全貫通的精粹。

Catching jade ore malachite fragment after weathering and erosion bring the flood into the river originally at the mountain , is it pour but lay to carry by river and then , reach low mountain and mountain forebay lead because the velocity of flow is sharply reduced , the malachite is piled up in river shoal and riverbed

Since 1993 , world famous mnc have been flooding into china through large - scale and systematic investment . this brought us not only new technology , but also change on conception and creation of management system . our home apppances industry is such kind of example


词语大全 flood barrier中文翻譯


词语大全 flash flood中文翻譯


词语大全 prevent floods中文翻譯


词语大全 at the flood中文翻譯


词语大全 into water中文翻譯


词语大全 into tree中文翻譯


词语大全 discharge into中文翻譯


词语大全 cut into中文翻譯


词语大全 nose into中文翻譯


词语大全 look into中文翻譯
