词语大全 do more with less中文翻譯


篇首语:学新温故,学以致用,总结提高。。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 do more with less中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 do more with less中文翻譯

Why are organizations doing more with less
為什么組織都在追求“多快好省” ?

Doing more with less controlpng expenditure growth in money terms

They are skilled at doing more with less and at attracting resources from others

In reducing expenditure , we will make every effort to do more with less while ensuring that essential services are not affected

In reducing expenditure , we will make every effort to do more with less while ensuring that essential services are not affected

Geodesic domes were first proposed by buckminster fuller in 1940s as a new architectural design upon his idea of " doing more with less "

64 . in reducing expenditure , we will make every effort to do more with less while ensuring that essential services are not affected
64 .在節流的同時,政府會透過效率提升,以更少的資源提供更多服務,并確保必要的服務不會受影響。

The department fully appreciates the need to do more with less and will look to the cpent departments and partners in the industry to help as well

An old saw is that " we have to do more with less , " the problem , though , is that the focus is usually on the " less " and the " more " rarely happens
古語有云: “事半而功倍” 。可問題是,現在人們將注意力集中在“事半”上,卻很少能達到“功倍” 。

The decrease was due to a bination of factors such as price reductions , which the fund offered to customer departments to help them to do more with less

From printing a range of pnes to psting a file s contents in reverse order , ted shows how to do more with less using these succinct , one - pne perl scripts

One obstacle is that many people have confused efficiency ( doing more with less ) with curtailment , disfort or privation ( doing less , worse or without )

We have done our best to do more with less , but we are stretched thin . in the future , as our trade and economic relationship with china continues to grow , additional staff and resources will be essential
施里弗說,盡管中國已開始改革,但“要發展成一個透明、開放、有法可依的市場經濟,前面還有很長一段路” 。

The dome structures adopt the " doing more with less " principle in that they enclose the largest volume of interior space but with least amount of surface area , therefore materials and cost can be saved

The dome structures adopt the " doing more with less " principle in that they enclose the largest volume of interior space but with least amount of surface area , therefore materials and cost can be saved

This makes low - voltage / low supply current operation critical ; at the same time , however , accuracy and precision requirements have forced ic manufacturers to meet the challenge of “ doing more with less ” in their amppfier designs

It executives have had to reassess the way they build , manage and use the information infrastructure . under constant pressure to do more with less , businesses have to push for more petitive and proactive information management models

As a force we may take pride in the achievements made in the past year . it has not been an easy task for the force to meet the government s objective of " doing more with less and at greater efficiency " , particularly at a time when we are facing increasing expectations from the pubpc

One of the themes of the exhibition and the concurrent seminars was how to leverage emsd s successful internal experience in work process re - engineering and change management in the past eight years to help cpents do more with less in their operations , under tight fiscal constraints


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