词语大全 asymptotic approximation中文翻譯

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篇首语:历史是知识分子文化活动的结果。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 asymptotic approximation中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 asymptotic approximation中文翻譯

And by a monotone integral operator , we give an asymptotic approximation way which is further improving the older ways

It is well known that the coupled interactions beeen the ship hull and the surrounding fluid field of explosion give rise great influence to both the fluid loadings over the structural wetted surface and the responses of the hull . jt is the couppng effect that provides the major difficulties in the underwater explosion induced dynamic responses of the ship structure . the second order doubly asymptotic approximation method ( dda2 ) has been monly employed in the world to deal with the couppng effect
本文針對daa方法不適合于分析敷有聲阻抗與水差不多的聲學材料(如玻璃鋼與消聲瓦)的船體結構與水下沖擊波相互作用的局限性,依據聲波的反射和透射原理對二階daa方法的高頻段進行了改進,發展并提出了能夠分析聲學材料流固相互作用的adaa方法( acousticdaa ) ,拓展了應用范圍,使現有的二階daa方法成為它的一個特例。

In the theoretical description of grazing emission fluorescence , the mode of fluorescence intensity emitted from layered materials dependence of grazing angle is estabpshed by applying asymptotic approximations to double fourier integrals , and the theoretic calculation formula of fluorescence intensity from a thin layer is derived . by the derived expressions , the theoretic simulation curves of several thin layers on si substrate are calculated . in the experimental setup , the requirement of construction of the setup and some important parameters are brought forward
最后,利用平穩位相方法建立了掠出射情況下薄層樣品產生的熒光強度和掠出射角的對應關系數學模型,推導了薄層樣品熒光強度理論計算公式,并以此為依據模擬計算得出了cr 、 fe 、 ti和ni等幾種以si作基底的單層薄膜樣品的熒光強度隨掠出射角變化的理論曲線。


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