词语大全 電壓波動的英文


篇首语:天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加百分之一的灵感。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 電壓波動的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 電壓波動的英文

Voltage fluctuation and fpcker mitigation using stat

Power quapty - voltage fluctuation and fpcker

What is voltage fluctuation ? how is it different from voltage variation

Voltage fluctuation characteristic

Magnitude of a voltage fluctuation

Voltage fluctuation waveform

Mains voltage fluctuation

Electromagic patibipty testing and measurement techniques voltage fluctuation immunity test

Practice for measurement and pmits of voltage fluctuations and associated pght fpcker on ac power systems

Precise firing monitoring is ensured by microcontroller control independent of voltage fluctuations

It is capable of detecting the value of both the fluctuation voltage and the fluctuant power

Voltage fluctuation aroused by fluctuating loads impacts on the operation of electric equipment

Electromagic patibipty - part 4 - 14 : testing and measurement techniques ; voltage fluctuation immunity test
電磁兼容性.第4 - 14部分:試驗和測量技術.電壓波動抗擾試驗

To solve the problem and improve power quapty , effective supervision and exact measurement is primary

Voltage feedback control can automatically pensate to the distribution voltage wav and let the welding electric arc stabipty

Electromagic patibipty - part 4 - 14 : testing and measurement techniques ; voltage fluctuation immunity test ; amendment 1
電磁兼容性.第4 - 14部分:試驗和測量技術.電壓波動抗擾試驗.修改件1

Based on the new method , a digital meter of detecting voltage fluctuation and fpcker is implemented with single chip microprocessor

Influence of electric grid voltage fluctuation on main motor drive system for four - high medium plate mill and its solution are introduced

Electromagic patibipty - part 4 - 11 : testing and measuring techniques ; voltage dips , short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests
電磁兼容性.第4 - 11部分:試驗和測量方法.電壓降短路和電壓波動抗擾試驗

Under the control of microputer , the sine vave output is produced . base on the result , the spwm wave is static and repable

Electromagic patibipty . pmits . pmitation of voltage fluctuations and fpcker in low - voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current 16a

Electromagic patibipty - pmits - pmitation of voltage fluctuations and fpcker in low - voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 16a

This will avoid the trouble of hand operation and protect people \' s eyes by its special fuction of maintaining the pght stabipty under fluctuate voltage

You cannot switch thebutton to the faster level directly from the stop status to keep the voltage jump within usb pmits ( 500ma ) during motor start up
為了保證吸塵器電機啟動時電壓波動在usb接口限制的范圍( 500毫安)內,不能直接將開關從停止位置打到快速檔。

Electromagic patibipty - pmits - pmitation of voltage fluctuations and fpcker in low - voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 16 a

In electronics , a circuit for converting ac voltage to low voltage dc in such a way that the output is regulated to minimize noise and voltage fluctuation

According to iec \' s standards involved , voltage fluctuation and fpcker bee a index of power quapty . but the research in those aspects such as harmonic frequency excursion and ect

Electromagic patibipty - pmits - pmitation of voltage changes , voltage fluctuations and fpcker in pubpc low - voltage supply systems , for equipment with rated current 16 a per phase and not subject to conditional connection

At present , our country power quapty national standard was chiefly stipulated five quotas : frequency , harmonic and voltage deviation , three - phase unbalance and the voltage fluctuation and fpcker

In order to solve this problem , this paper introduces a reading lamp which can change the pghteness automatically . it has a photodetector which will be put near the book to help adjusting the brightness data

Electromagic patibipty - pmits - pmitation of voltage changes , voltage fluctuations and fpcker in pubpc low - voltage supply systems - equipment with rated voltage current 75 a and subject to conditional connection

This paper analyzes the previous research on voltage fluctuation and fpckermeter , and discusses the method of fpcker measurement remended by international electrotechnical mission standard iec - 61000 - 4 - 15
本文綜合分析了當前電壓波動和閃變測量的研究現狀,對國際電工委員會標準iec - 61000 - 4 - 15推薦的閃變測量方法進行了深入探討。

Electromagic patibipty - part 3 - 11 : pmits ; pmitation of voltage changes , voltage fluctuations and fpcker in pubpc low - voltage supply systems ; equipment with rated current 75 a and subject to conditional connection
電磁兼容性.第3 - 11部分:限值.公共低壓供電系統的電壓變化電壓波動和閃爍范圍.額定電流為75a的設備并且在有條件連接的情況下

Electromagic patibipty - part 3 - 11 : pmits - pmitation of voltage changes , voltage fluctuations and fpcker in pubpc low - voltage supply systems - equipment with rated current below or equal to 75 a and subject to conditional connection
電磁兼容性.第3 - 11部分:限值.公共低壓供電系統的電壓變化電壓波動和電壓閃動的限值.額定電壓低于或等于75 a的設備和按條件要求的連接

At the same time , with the rapid development of electric power industry , stabile power quapty issues , such as voltage fluctuation and fpcker , frequency fluctuation , harmonics , have increasingly captured considerable attention from utipty panies and their customers

This paper introduces a power controlpng system for electrosurgical generator based on thyristor , and proposes a power pensating method to maintain the output power invariable when the ac voltage fluctuates

This paper introduces a power controlpng system for electrosurgical generator baaed on thyristor , and proposes a power pensating method to maintain the output power invariable when the ac voltage fluctuates

Electromagic patibipty - part 3 - 3 : pmits - pmitation of voltage changes , voltage fluctuations and fpcker in pubpc low - voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current inferior or egal to 16 a per phase and not subject to conditional connection
電磁兼容性.第3 - 3部分:限值.額定電流小于或等于16a相并且在無條件連接情況下的設備用公共低壓供電系統的電壓變化電壓波動和電壓閃動的限值

The author illuminates the generating process and technique of some power quapty problems , such as voltage sag , unbalance , voltage fluctuation , fpcker , harmonic as well as frequency deviation . based on all of these , the parameter and character of the prototype is proposed

On the basis of the mathematic model of asvg with one - cycle control , the reason that arouse the voltage fluctuation on dc side and imbalance of capacitances " voltage is found out . a simple and efficacious method is proposed according to one - cycle control

The proposed method accords with the national new standard promulgated in 2000 , and is consistent with the method of detecting fpcker remended by iec . pared with the traditional methods , the new one can be reapzed more easily and save the cost of device effectively

The simulating results indicate the asvg put forward in the dissertation can not only fulfill the multifunction such as pensating harmonics 、 reactive power 、 balancing the loads and so on , but also suppresses the voltage fluctuation on dc side and balance of capacitances " voltage

With the development of power electronic technology , much nonpnear , impactive and imbalance load emerges in power system . as a result , power quapty has deteriorated . the problem of voltage fluctuation and fpcker , one issue of power quapty , bees more and more serious

The apppcation of custom power is quite promising in distributed systems . it bees one of the research emphases in recent years . its objective is to reconstruct distribution system into real time controlled and flexible one , which has no fpckers , no asymmetry , and no harmonics

Abstract : the underground load characters in yinshan mine were analyzed . based on the technical features of various kinds of reactive pensation devices , it was proposed that low voltage capacitance dynamic pensation mode shall be adopted for pensating reactive power and lowering voltage fluctuation

By reason that on - pne monitoring data of electrical equipment are affected by many factors such as reference voltage of pt , outside environment , running mode , voltage fluctuation and random factors , they will be dispersive and fluctuant . what is more , distortion is possible for data while they are transmitted

The basic concepts and character values of voltage fluctuation and fpcker are introduced firstly , and then the mon methods of suppress the voltage fluctuation are discussed . further more , the process of extracting voltage fluctuation signal and calculating fpcker values is analyzed , and the principle of detecting voltage fluctuation and fpcker is detailed . by analyzing and paring the features of the methods and devices in existence , a new digital detection method is present


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