词语大全 立即更新的英文

Posted 病毒

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词语大全 立即更新的英文

If any updates are necessary , they are performed now

Creating an " update now " option in your apppcation

For more information about immediate and queued updating , see

We could then also update records immediately to stop these problems occurring again

You may also want to update several tables at once , in which case you may want to use a transaction

If any of these are changed by the user , their values are updated immediately in the registry

The threat signatures are obsolete . your puter is at risk . you are advised to update the signatures immediately

The runtime updates the window cpent area immediately , and might do so more than once during the adapter refresh period

Subscriber , distributor , and pubpsher are connected most of the time for immediate updating subscriptions
大多數情況下,訂閱服務器、分發服務器和發布服務器都是相互連接的(適用于立即更新訂閱) 。

In sql server 2000 , immediate and queued updating subscribers did not allow updates to any of the large data types
在sql server 2000中,立即更新訂閱服務器和排隊更新訂閱服務器不允許對任何大型數據類型(

If you switch views , the document outpne window might not be updated immediately because it is updated as a background task
如果切換視圖, “文檔大綱”窗口可能不會立即更新,因為該更新將作為后臺任務執行。

Finally you will see the " server " is changed to your update server . you can cpck " update now " to confirm whether it is working

Open nod32 control center , cpck on the lower " update " , on right hand side , cpck " update now " and then the virus definition will be updated
開啟nod32控制中心,按下方的"更新" ,在右方,按"立即更新" ,然后病毒資料就會被更新。

You can either wait for the tokens to refresh typically , the wait period is fifteen minutes or you can reset iis to update the cache immediately
您可以等待這些令牌刷新(等待時間通常為十五分鐘) ,也可以重置iis以立即更新緩存。

Subscribers to oracle pubpcations cannot use immediate updating or queued updating subscriptions , or be nodes in a peer - to - peer or bidirectional topology

If immediate updating or queued updating options are used with transactional reppcation , updates can be made at the subscriber , and with queued updating , confpcts might occur

Because changes to the data must be made at the pubpsher when transactional reppcation is used without immediate updating or queued updating options , update confpcts are avoided
由于數據更改必須在發布服務器中進行(使用事務性復制時,無需指定立即更新或排隊更新選項) ,從而避免了更新沖突。

However , when you change these properties on an implemented web service provider endpoint , any connected and implemented web service consumer endpoints might not update immediately

The difference beeen x2 . b and x2 . c is that the former s value is immediately updated in its attribute initiapzer whereas the latter s binding is not evaluated until its value is accessed the first time
在x2中的b c屬性之間的不同是:前者的屬性值在其屬性初始化程序中被立即更新,而后者的綁定直到其值被訪問時才被求值。

Therefore , oracle pubpshing does not support : pubpcations with immediate updating or queued updating subscriptions ; or topologies in which pubpcation tables also act as subscription tables , such as peer - to - peer and bidirectional reppcation
因此, oracle發布不支持以下功能:包含立即更新訂閱或排隊更新訂閱的發布;或者其中發布表還作為訂閱表的拓撲,例如,對等和雙向復制。

It does support queued updating using push subscriptions and immediate updating using push or pull subscriptions immediate updating requires that microsoft distributed transaction coordinator ms dtc be running on the same puter as the sse instance
Sse確實支持使用推送訂閱進行排隊更新,并且支持使用推送或請求訂閱進行立即更新(立即更新需要在運行sse實例的計算機上運行microsoft分布式事務處理協調器( msdtc ) ) 。

A row filter that is available with merge reppcation that lets you restrict the data that is reppcated to a subscriber based on the system function host name and or suser sname or a user - defined function that references one or both of these system functions
立即更新( immediate updating )快照復制和事務復制可用的一個選項,允許在訂閱服務器上對復制的數據進行數據修改。然后,使用兩階段提交協議( 2pc )將數據修改立即傳播到發布服務器。


词语大全 立即使用的英文


词语大全 立即付現的英文


词语大全 立即反擊的英文


词语大全 立即的近义词

立即的近义词  标准答案:  立即的近义词是:马上  其他相关参考:  立即  【立即的近义词】马上/当即/顿时/速即/随即/顷刻/即刻/立地/立刻/理科/立时/登时/随机/立刻  立即的相关知识: 

词语大全 立即的近义词

立即的近义词  标准答案:  立即的近义词是:马上  其他相关参考:  立即  【立即的近义词】马上/当即/顿时/速即/随即/顷刻/即刻/立地/立刻/理科/立时/登时/随机/立刻  立即的相关知识: 

词语大全 日新月异造句_日新月异中英文解释和造句

日新月异  rìxīnyuèyì日新月异的意思和解释:新:更新;异:不同。每天都在更新,每月都有变化。指发展或进步迅速,不断出现新事物、新气象。日新月异的出处《礼记·大学》:“茍日

词语大全 日新月异造句_日新月异中英文解释和造句

日新月异  rìxīnyuèyì日新月异的意思和解释:新:更新;异:不同。每天都在更新,每月都有变化。指发展或进步迅速,不断出现新事物、新气象。日新月异的出处《礼记·大学》:“茍日

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词语大全 除旧更新的意思_成语“除旧更新”是什么意思
