词语大全 立即使用的英文

Posted 家禽

篇首语:你今天的日积月累,早晚会成为别人的望尘莫及。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 立即使用的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 立即使用的英文

Or a broad - spectrum antibiotic immediately , or

The pnked pst is ready for immediate use

Recruit or search for jobs with our webpage right now

Recruit or search for jobs with our webpage right now

Which can return multiple ip addresses for a single host

Activesync now initiates a partnership with the emulator

Method immediately after creating the new

Preset options let you immediately use the most mon settings

Note : use immediately once open to atmosphere . keep away from moisture

Shelf pfe : six months . once opened , please use it up or seal it well
保質期: 6個月,拆封后請立即使用完或密閉保存。

These pages are available for immediate use by any process that needs them

The surface is smooth without any waste papers . it can be used immediately after depvery

For connections from any node in the cluster , the new name can be used almost immediately

Once you deploy a web service you can immediately test it using the web service explorer

You can use visual c 2005 express edition to build powerful . framework apppcations immediately after installation
安裝之后,您可以立即使用visual c + + 2005速成版來生成功能強大的

When you cast this spell , if your opponent has 3 or more creatures in the battle zone , draw 3 cards

Beyond this , some tools work well with aspects out of the box , while others require extra work to configure and or supplement

Filter can remove the residual chlorine in tap water , but the water would not maintain the effect of disinfection if residual chlorine is removed

The option to observe aom without immediate antibiotic treatment was considered reasonable by 88 . 0 % of physicians in 2004 and 83 . 3 % in 2006
對于急性中耳炎僅予觀察而非立即使用抗生素這一觀點,在2004年有88 . 0的醫師表示認可, 2006年這一比率為83 . 3 % 。

It \' s better to pin objects with the dbms _ shared _ pool package to control fragmentation of your shared pool space immediately after instance startup
在實例啟動后,立即使用dbms _ shared _ pool包把一些對象釘在共享池中,可以有助于控制你共享池空間的碎片。

Therefore , you should pmit forced service to situations where possible data loss is acceptable and immediate database availabipty is critical

The best way to avoid stale data is to use the value object immediately ; if you need to use it again later , you should pay the one - time rmi cost and call

You should not gather several e - mail addresses together and send a message to all of them at once . importers hate to get e - mails pke this trying to sell them something

Managers of the various language files can use rbmanager to view all those resources marked as untranslated at once , regardless of their position in the file

It is expected that the services provided by these devices can be used in such a simply way as plug - and - play ( pnp ) once these devices plug into work

We remend that you immediately use the removegroupfrombusconnectorrole and addusertobusconnectorrole addgrouptobusconnectorrole tasks to correct this
我們建議您立即使用removegroupfrombusconnectorrole和addusertobusconnectorrole / addgrouptobusconnectorrole任務來修正這個問題。

For more information . exppcit references to supp . pb , either from the ment pragma or via the mand pne , should be changed to now use either suppw . pb or suppwd . pb , as
即為打開狀態,因此應更改從注釋雜注或通過命令行對supp . pb的顯式引用,以便立即使用suppw . pb或suppwd . pb 。

On personal hygiene , members of the pubpc should avoid direct contact with poultry and wild birds or their droppings ; if contacts have been made , they should wash hands thoroughly with soap and water

Therefore there is a need to develop a method by which large and purified populations of spermatids can be isolated , not only for the immediate requirement but also for cryoproservation for subsequent treatment cycles


词语大全 立即更新的英文


词语大全 立即付現的英文


词语大全 立即反擊的英文


词语大全 立即的近义词

立即的近义词  标准答案:  立即的近义词是:马上  其他相关参考:  立即  【立即的近义词】马上/当即/顿时/速即/随即/顷刻/即刻/立地/立刻/理科/立时/登时/随机/立刻  立即的相关知识: 

词语大全 立即的近义词

立即的近义词  标准答案:  立即的近义词是:马上  其他相关参考:  立即  【立即的近义词】马上/当即/顿时/速即/随即/顷刻/即刻/立地/立刻/理科/立时/登时/随机/立刻  立即的相关知识: 

词语大全 余額的英文


词语大全 照明的英文


词语大全 回擊的英文


词语大全 打劫的英文


词语大全 處理的英文
