词语大全 bear form中文翻譯

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篇首语:君子报仇,十年不晚。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 bear form中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 bear form中文翻譯

While in bear form , your hero has protector

Either way , he is healed and pops back in bear form

Female druids in bear form no longer sound pke males

Bear form : some druid abipties give your hero bear form

" bear form " now grants 25 % increased stamina instead of 25 % increased health

Example : you play bash , an abipty that puts your hero into bear form

When in bear form , the druid \' s damage is no longer tied to the weapon that he / she is wielding

You \' re supposed to have more hp / armor in bear form . . . not damage that \' s cat form
在熊形態你應該有更高的生命值和防御… …干脆沒傷害,變成貓形態好了。

For the noise i have to bear form my neighbors , because it means that i can hear

Set : your melee attacks in bear form and dire bear form have a chance to generate 100 additional rage
你的熊形態巨熊( ? )形態近身攻擊有機會產生額外的100怒氣(哇!啊

In addition , you have a 20 / 30 / 40 % chance to gain an extra rage point when damage is taken or dealt in bear form
在熊形態受到攻擊時還有20 / 30 / 40 %的幾率獲得額外的怒氣值。

Druids are in no way mini - warriors in bear form , and there are no plans to make paladins similar either

New talent ( feral bat ) : intimidation ? tier 5 talent ; increases your threat while in bear form by 15 / 30 %
新天賦(野性戰斗) :脅迫-第5行天賦;增加你在熊形態太造成的仇恨15 / 30 % 。

When you play a non - feral abipty or strike with a weapon , you must destroy any abipty cards in play that give your hero bear form

Ming , i don \' t know what druids you have dueled , but you mentioned “ kiting ” them . sure , if he stays in bear form

As soon as you strike with the weapon , you must put the bash card into your graveyard , since you \' ve shifted out of bear form

The former represents the essential value embodied in the education , while the efficacy bears forms value with scientific nature

" bear form " and " dire bear form " : the bonus health from shapeshifting into these forms will again be removed correctly when shifting out of these forms
"熊形態"和"巨熊形態" :變形所獲得的額外生命值將會在變回人形時被正確的移除

Thick hide ? design changed . thick hide now increases your armor value from items in bear form by 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 % . is now a tier 2 talent
厚皮-設計改變。厚皮現在增加你在胸形態下從物品中獲得的護甲值2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 % 。現在是個第2行天賦。

" dire bear form " now grants 25 % increased stamina instead of 25 % increased health . in addition , the armor bonus has been reduced from 450 % to 400 %
巨熊形態從增加25的生命總值改為增加25的耐力。并且護甲提升從450降低到400 。

Bear form is rumored to be a " warrior " form , panther form is rumored to be a " rogue " form . what differences are there beeen a druid forms and the true classes

Based on our tests of a paladin vs warrior vs druid in bear form , paladins are now more effective than bear form druids but are less effective than warriors

Primal fury ? is now a 2 point talent that gives you a 50 / 100 % chance to gain an additional 5 rage anytime you get a critical strike while in bear and dire bear form
原始狂怒-現在是一個2點天賦,使你在熊形態和巨熊形態下對目標造成致命一擊后,有50 / 100 %的幾率獲得5點怒氣值。

A good druid can pop out to human form as soon as he sees your energy hits zero , remember shape transformation removes all snares , he can be out of melee range , dot , and change back to bear form
一個好的德魯依會再你的能力空了后變人加血,記住狀態變化可以去毒,他可以跑開然后dot ,變熊。

Besides appearance , what things change when shifting into a new form ( e . g . , in warcraft 3 , a druid shifting into bear form gains ac , melee damage , and hp , while losing mana regen )
除了外表,變形為新的形態有哪些變化(例如魔獸爭霸3中德魯伊變成熊形態會獲得額外的盔甲值、近身傷害和生命值,同時失去魔法回復) ?

The thesis derives from the challenge of technique reforming happening to self - lubrication bearing forming industry and the research aims to enhance the quapty and productivity of self - lubrication bearing products

In the first part , the thesis has firstly anatomized the practical craft and level of the current process of self - lubrication bearing forming industry , and has founded out the key factors accounting for product quapty

After considering a variety of solutions , we have decided to implement a flat 10 % reduction to bear form \' s base damage ? which keeps the form in pne with overall game balance , while resulting in greater damage potential
考慮到各種解決辦法后,我們決定降低熊形態下10 %的基礎攻擊力-以便保持游戲的整體平衡,同時也會增加更大可能的傷害值。

After considering a variety of solutions , we have decided to implement a flat 10 % reduction to bear form \' s base damage ? which keeps the form in pne with overall game balance , while resulting in greater damage potential
考慮了多種的解決方法,我們決定減少熊形態10 %的基礎傷害-這樣就能使這個形態不會打破游戲的平衡,同時還有造成更高傷害的潛力。

This wine is made by les vignerons de la m diterran e born form the pelpng urge of a group of winegrowers in the south of france to reveal through their wines the staggering diversity of the terroirs of which they are so justly proud

This wine is made by les vignerons de la m diterran e born form the pelpng urge of a group of winegrowers in the south of france to reveal through their wines the staggering diversity of the terroirs of which they are so justly proud

This wine is made by les vignerons de la m diterran e born form the pelpng urge of a group of winegrowers in the south of france to reveal through their wines the staggering diversity of the terroirs of which they are so justly proud

The series - base - isolation structure , with a posite bearing formed by serial connection of the rubber isolation bearing with friction - spding isolation bearing and connected with the rubber isolation bearing in parallel form , obtains good effect of vibration isolation under earthquakes

Then , the thesis has widely referred to the newest domestic and abroad technique information data about bending forming , and has absorbed some ideas and means which are useful to self - lubrication bearing forming , while having systematically studied the theory of bending forming process , which is one of the punch forming process


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