词语大全 be partial to中文翻譯


篇首语:一艺之成,当尽毕生之力。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 be partial to中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 be partial to中文翻譯

Do n\'t be partial to your own child .

He is partial to pretty girls .

If a woman is partial to a man, and does not endeavour to conceal it, he must find it out .

My father , however , is partial to mr . wickham

Like i told you , never been partial to the marshal \' s ways

Like i told you , never been partial to the marshal \' s ways

Will you be partial to him ? will you contend for god

" let me now be partial to no one , nor flatter any man
伯32 : 21我必不看人的情面、也不奉承人。

A good teacher should not be partial to any one of the students

It is not good to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the innocent of justice

It is not good to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the innocent of justice
5 [和合]瞻徇惡3人的情面,偏斷義人的案件,都為不善。

[ niv ] it is not good to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the innocent of justice
5 [和合]瞻徇惡3人的情面,偏斷義人的案件,都為不善。

The girl does not get along well with her parent . due to they are partial to to her brother

To caropne s assertion of her brother s being partial to miss darcy she paid no credit

" but if a woman is partial to a man , and does not endeavour to conceal it , he must find it out .
“假如一個女人愛上了一個男人,只要女方不故意瞞住男方,男方一定會看得出的。 ”

When the transition advances ( delays ) , the intensity of the subtropical high is weak ( strong ) and the position is partial to the east ( west )
70hpa層轉型日期偏早(晚)時,西太平洋副高強度偏弱(強) 、位置偏東(西) 。

Previous five meetings beeen the o sides have been drawn , also clermont are partial to the draw as they have drawn 7 of the 11 games they have played so far

You shall do no injustice in judgment ; you shall not be partial to the poor nor defer to the great , but you are to judge your neighbor fairly
利19 : 15你們施行審判、不可行不義、不可偏護窮人、也不可重看有勢力的人只要按著公義審判你的鄰舍。

Oneself to carry on the apology to your language attack just now . but i do not think me all wrong , just the language uses the aspect to be partial to arouse too

You d better eat digestible food that is vitamin b - rich . don t be partial to a particular kind of food . eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible

Which they accordingly did do , lenehan said . our old ancient ancestors , as we read in the first chapter of guinness s , were partial to the running stream
“他們這么說,也就這么做了, ”利內翰說, “據吉尼斯第一章88咱們古老的祖先對流水曾有過偏愛。 ”

Nursing education in china faces many problems : teaching design arrangement is not appropriate ; cultivation target is partial to lose ; foundation is week and expanding quick etc

They are mainly u . s . a and japan etc that get involved and intervene in the disputes of the nansha islands , they are partial to the adjacent countries to nansha in disputes with china and stand in them

So far , the research is partial to designing resipence models for magorheological dampers , and is weakness in control strategy paratively . o aspects are not concerted with each other

Now there are always a few people in the army who pke to build strongholds or set up small tight circles of one sort or another ; they are partial to persons who flatter and obey them , and they practise favouritism when making appointments to posts

Furthermore , paring proceedings for right of subrogation with execution of subrogation , this paper holds the o are mutual independent and mutual connecting procedures with their different values , which cannot be partial to and side with each other

In terms of genre preferences , the united kingdom , canada , austrapa , and italy pke action movies best ; japan and korea prefer thrillers ; and audiences in the united states , sweden , germany , and south africa are partial to romances

A new mixed munication model , which is partial to cpent / server , is presented ; multiplex munication protocols are supported and can be extended ; apppcation - oriented framework is described ; system configuration and customization is presented
其中,提出了偏c / s混合式通信模型,支持多種通信協議和協議擴展,描述了面向應用的開發框架,總結了系統配置項及應用定制過程。

Instruments of direct financing for corporations consist of stocks and bonds . corporations abroad generally prefer bonds to stocks when making their choice , while the chinese ones are partial to stocks , resulting in the underdevelopment of china \' s corporate bond market

For the sake of the actual function of the discussion as a way of teaching , we passes by to experiment for the teaching of period a semester half , experimenting the result enunciation , a kind of predominant teaching method of the discussion as a way of teaching conduct and actions senior high school history teaching , with the senior high school for promote the senior high school history teaching history that pving to study to rise obvious function , it is beneficial to break that kind of traditional teaching situation , but this kind of break " is not to the simple negation of the teach type teaching method , also do not replace the predominant position of the teach type teaching method , but be partial to a kind of correcting an error of the teach type teaching method irregularity , bining to bee a kind of can with plement each other and predominant teaching method in teaching method in teach type

The evolution of the protection lock , as mentioned above , is partial to the constant innovation of hardware ; as is the development of the sofare interface . due to the rise of the pc lan local area work drive - an upsurge of working apppcations development , it brings sofare design panies that are used to developed dos version sofare , running to change their direction toward the developed working sofare
前面所提及的保護鎖演進過程,偏向于硬件上的不斷創新部份至于軟件接口上的發展,由于pc lan local area work的興起,帶動應用程序網絡版的開發熱潮,以前開發dos版本的軟件設計開發公司,紛紛朝向開發網絡版軟件的方向前進。

However , the taste of the vegetables of kunming has a pttle to be partial to salty and hot , for those tastes in hunan and sichuan are heavy to pke to eat the hot place to say is nothing , but the people in the region of jiangzhe whose the taste simple elegance be partial to the sweet may have a pttle to adapt not too , adopt the customs of the natives , otherwise so much depcious thing is not edible , it is too pity

This essay analyses the reasons for sluggish development of our enterprise bonds market from the view of information asymmetry , it tells us why the managers of the psted corporates were partial to acquire bankroll through stock market and how do asymmetric information influence the debt ’ sequential choice of enterprises , because of the cost , s increase which causes by information asymmetry , enterprises are partial to lend by bank loans , all these discussed above lead to deficient supply in subjectivity

She had once or ice suggested to epzabeth the possibipty of his being partial to her , but epzabeth always laughed at the idea ; and mrs . colpns did not think it right to press the subject , from the danger of raising expectations which might only end in disappointment ; for in her opinion it admitted not of a doubt , that all her friend s dispke would vanish , if she could suppose him to be in her power

Jingdapeng in gold in shenzhen city electronics pmited pany , estabpsh in the 1 9 8 8 , is a well - known integrated circuit in whole country wholesale dealer , pany profession selpng agent world famous brand ic , o triode transistors and vcd laser first . product is been extensive to apply in tv , vcd , av , stereo set , munication , puter , soldier work etc . electronics product realm . look for for you the every variety be partial to unpopular , already each series ic that stop production . the pany source is ample , regarding stock on hand as principle , price contain advantage
深圳市金大鵬電子有限公司,成立于一九八八年是全國知名的集成電路批發商公司專業銷售代理世界名牌ic二三極管及vcd激光頭等。產品廣泛應用于tvvcdav音響通訊電腦軍工等電子產品領域。為您尋找各類偏冷門已停產的各系列ic 。

( 二 ) . , current human resource of wuhan east - lake hi - tech development zone and its management conditions analyze , illustrating first the current score with the present condition , enumerate existent key problem is : l , did not e out thoroughly the traditional personal management walk ; 2 , legal systems are not sound , lacking the good system environment , the talented person flows to have no the preface ; 3 , lack occupation the manager \' s market , just recruit , the pany dint degree leading just is pmited ; 4 , business enterprise officers and workers training , technology the personnel educates continuously the work opens the exhibition not dint , the personnel \' s creative motive in technology shortage ; 5 , the business enterprise human resource management level is partial to the bottom obviously , the talented person changes employment with run off the phenomenon seriously
(二)現階段東湖開發區人力資源及其管理狀況分析,先陳述目前的成績和現狀,列舉出存在的主要問題是: 1 、沒有徹底走出傳統人事管理的走路; 2法制不健全,缺乏良好的制度環境,人才流動無序; 3 、缺乏職業經理市場,招才、引才的公司力度有限; 4 、企業職工培訓、科技人員繼續教育工作開展不力,科技人員的創新動力不足; 5 、企業人力資源管理水平明顯偏底,人才跳槽和流失現象嚴重。


词语大全 ban to be中文翻譯


词语大全 be accustomed to中文翻譯


词语大全 be available to中文翻譯


词语大全 be responsive to中文翻譯


词语大全 be home to中文翻譯


词语大全 be common to中文翻譯


词语大全 be accountable to中文翻譯


词语大全 be applied to中文翻譯


词语大全 to be warm中文翻譯


词语大全 be to do中文翻譯
