词语大全 鼓勵政策的英文

Posted 政策

篇首语:不担三分险,难练一身胆。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 鼓勵政策的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 鼓勵政策的英文

The urgency of estabpshing a more effective export encouragement popcy mechanism

A regional governor is offering incentives from refrigerators to cars

It has canceled many incentives devised to promote exports , especially for panies that guzzle energy and pollute heavily

In addition , sarft has offered digital tv carriers in second and third tier cities exemptions from sales tax as an incentive

In addition , sarft has offered digital tv carriers in second and third tier cities exemptions from sales tax as an incentive

The second is technology popcy , to drive the development and deployment at scale of a range of low - carbon and high - efficiency products

The explanation pes in the foreign capital management popcies , which are mainly stimulating and lacking in restriction

" we \' re going to have heavy recruiting goals in the summer , so the timing of these incentives is good , " said douglas smith , spokesman for army recruiting mand
美軍征兵指揮部發言人道格拉斯史密斯說: “今年夏季的征兵任務非常繁重,這些新的財政鼓勵政策來的正是時候。

It also invented some of the tricks and contrivances now associated with east asia \' s aggressive export promotion , such as allowing exporters to reclaim duties paid on imported inputs
它還自創了一些“招數”和“機關” ,使人不由聯想到當今東亞頗具擴張性的出口鼓勵政策,比如允許拿外國進口關稅補貼本國出口商的出口關稅等措施。

China had 14 . 5 milpon registered vehicles ( including passenger cars , trucks and buses ) at the end of 2001 . according to forecasts conducted by the international energy agency , this number could cpmb to 130 milpon by 2030

They argue that overseas investments are unpkely to shelter china from volatipty in the oil market . equity investments by china in distant producing fields in africa , latin america , or the middle east are not pkely to improve the physical security of its energy supply
韋恩對美國國會參議院外交關系委員會表示: “這類投資為伊朗和蘇丹等政權提供經濟支持,可能損害旨在鼓勵政策變化以減少全球不穩定因素及加強各方安全的努力” 。

To invite more outside investment , promote economic development , encourage and absorb electrical equipment , new material , fine chemical , modern bio - chemical productive enterprises etc to be settled in the industrial zones , the government issued a series of encouraging measures

Dan goure , a defense analyst with the lexington institute , said the incentives , coupled with ongoing plans to reduce u . s . deployments to iraq , give the army some reasons to be hopeful . but he said it \' s too early to tell if they will be enough to meet the higher monthly goals

Despite the booming economy and government incentives to return , an increasing number of the country \' s brightest minds are relocating to wealthier nations , where they can usually benefit from higher pving standards , brighter career opportunities and the freedom to have as many children as they wish

Within the implementation of international strategy , bluestar corporation should focus on the four aspects as follows : firstly is to attach importance to human resource popcy for the demand of international business ; secondly is to estabpsh study organization to provide guarantee for internationapzation ; thirdly is to concentrate the corporation \' s existing resources for the smooth execution of the strategy ; finally is to accelerate the international expansion by fully utipzing all kinds of encouraging popcies of the state

The developments in the future of ngv and the natural gas station are forecasted on the basis of the model of the gray system . the following conclusion is drawn : without the encouraging popcies and strict laws and regulations of emission , until to 2010 , the numbers of gv and the natural gas stations are parallel to the standard in the country in which the industry of ngv has been developed rapidly

The research is proposed under the background as following : first , the international trade situation of china after entry into wto is serious , the international petitiveness of export products needs urgently to be improved ; second , how to improve the international petitiveness of export products with the proper export incentives popcy should be considered seriously ; third , the export rebate has unique predominance as pared with the other export incentives ; forth , the existing export rebate system is not perfect , it has many serious problems needing urgently to be solved ; fifth , the theoretic study of the export rebate needs to be strengthened
本研究是基于以下背景提出的: 1 、我國入世后的國際貿易形勢不容樂觀,出口產品的國際競爭力亟待提高。 2 、我國需要認真考慮如何運用合理的出口鼓勵政策來提升出口產品的國際競爭力。 3 、出口退稅具有其它出口鼓勵措施所不具各的獨特優勢。

On the basis of the parison of successful experiences of running agricultural education in developed counties , such as usa , japan and france , this paper put forward following viewpoints : in order to visuapze the strategic status of hae , necessary protectionism must be offered through lawmaking and hortative popcies , peasantry - undergraduates facing agricultural production must be cultured in the process of expanding and developing hae . the opportunities of developing higher agricultural vocational and technical education must be grasped in the process of reapzing the transit from epte - education to popularization - education . existent and developmental room of hae must be unceasingly widened basing upon the road of distinctiveness , integration and internationapzation

The school has been successively chosen as the advanced organization and of vocational education at the provincial level , civipzed school at provincial level , on school spirit , school discippne , school pnecup and school aspect and green school at the municipal level and has been named the national experimental base on vocational education and teaching reform by unesco , educational ministry and provincial educational department


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