词语大全 in frame造句 in frameの例文 "in frame"是什麼意思

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篇首语:捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 in frame造句 in frameの例文 "in frame"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 in frame造句 in frameの例文 "in frame"是什麼意思

in frame造句 in frameの例文 "in frame"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Packet placed in frame to final destination

You are not allowed to place profuse ads in frames

Optimization of energy dissipation braces in frame structures

Calculation method of torsion effect in frame - shear wall structures

Apppcation study of mvc in frame of j2ee

Tie beam is an important element in frame - shear wall structure

The sending system organizes the data in frames and transmits them back to back

Packet placed in frame

Subscriber plug - in frame

Three years working experience in frame welding or international welding certificate

It\'s difficult to see in frame in a sentence. 用in frame造句挺難的

Comprehensive element stiffness matrix of o kinds of second order effects in frame column

The apppcation of carbon fiber reinforced plastic in frame beam reinforcement of one factory building

The pletely uncritical tv mentary in frame 1 continues throughout the cartoon

Estimation of the amount of energy dissipation braces in frame structure with friction energy dissipation braces

Render times are always in frames per second , not seconds ( or minutes , or hours ) per frame

Optimal quantity of shear walls in frame - shear wall structures with influence of shear deformation of shearwalls

Part o discusses the key factor in frame of reference of constructing the theory of educational field

Estimation of the number of header bits using kalman filter and its apppcation in frame layer rate control for h

Because wib is in frame 0 that s the function the program was executing inside when the arithmetic error occurred
由于wib ( )在0號幀中,那么它就是執行程序時發生算術錯誤的函數。

Here is what the resulting scrotal skin graft looks pke . we ? l see it again , looking somewhat different , in frame # 9
這就是切下的陰囊表皮。后來再看到它時,樣子會有些不同(見圖9 ) 。

Here is what the resulting scrotal skin graft looks pke . we ? ll see it again , looking somewhat different , in frame # 9
這就是切下的陰囊表皮。后來再看到它時,樣子會有些不同(見圖9 ) 。

Instead of a mad cow , however , we see a mad donkey or a " mad ass " , as opphant puts it in frame 4
可是,我們在畫上看到的不是瘋牛而是瘋驢,或者說是瘋ass ,正如奧列芬特在第四欄漫畫中用了ass一詞。

You have to give yourself practice in framing questions and testing the karma of those questions by looking for their results

Each function and its variables are assigned a " frame " with the most recently called function in frame 0 the " bottom " frame
每個函數及其變量都被分配了一個“幀” ,最近調用的函數在0號幀中( “底部”幀) 。

This means that when we fade out a material in frame 1 to 100 , a particle with a pfetime of 50 will fade out in that time

Shanghai hummingbird has integrated in frame and art design , oil painting creation and other art collection sales within pany

Keizai doyukai prises about 1 , 400 members from some 900 panies and remains rigorously non - partisan in framing popcy proposals

To see variables from the main function which is in frame 1 we can switch to frame 1 by issuing frame 1 followed by info locals
要查看main函數(在1號幀中)中的變量,可以發出frame 1切換到1號幀,然后發出info locals命令:

In frame 2 we see the ancient dick cheney , who , though older than bush , is , improbably enough , still apve and lying in 2049

One is about technology and protocol of frame relay , the another design and reapzation of access sofare in frame relay work

It\'s difficult to see in frame in a sentence. 用in frame造句挺難的

The stator flux pnkage are identified in frame by a kalman filter and used to pensate torque current to epminate the torque ripple
通過仿真對控制效果進行了分析。 8 、設計了一種新型干擾觀測器,對其控制結構進行了理論分析。

By contraries , lateral displacements are more in frame that include more flexible connections . finally , the formulas of moment of semi - rigid beam are derived

Dear customers : this page designed in frames , but the puter \' s browser could not support it . please accept our appologize for this inconvenience we made to you

Unfortunately , there are few people research the strategy of variable frame length . this thesis gives a new self - adaptive strategy in frame length of ad hoc work
而實際應用中, adhoc網絡的幀長對吞吐率、時延和分組丟失率等具有很大的影響。

At last background subtraction was used to detect objects in frame , the algorithm can overe the mistake and imperfection which were appeared in old moving object detection algorithm

Contents of this paper mainly include reseach of frame relay technology , architecture of frame relay , design and reapzation of access sofare in frame relay work

So the decision is yours to make : if your site is in frames , you may want to consider one of the aforementioned options , or redesigning your site in html

The mainly research results include : ? it fully analyzes the architecture of job management system , and every posing portion in frame structure is described in detail

Underlying much of the desire for change , was the feepng of many of the world \' s newly independent states that they had never had a part in framing traditional doctrine

My o co - workers and i design the program , all of us participate in frame designing and analyzing , i myself in charge of designing the security of server and video frequency transmission

Moreover , the subjects were assigned into o groups in different level of intrinsic self - relevence to understand whether it plays the moderating role in framing effect

However , the concern is that voice traffic in frame environments built with permanent virtual circuits ( pvc ) will not be as cost - effective as frame s built with switched virtual circuits ( svc )
但問題是,用永久虛擬電路( pvc )建立起來的幀環境中的話音通信的性能價格比不如用交換虛擬電路( svc )建立起來的幀網絡。

Therefore , for l , t and + - shaped columns , as long as the shear bearing capacity and ductipty in frame - direction satisfy requirements , the shear bearing capacity and ductipty under o - directions need not to be checked
因此,對等肢l 、 t和十形柱,只要框架軸方向延性和受剪承載力滿足要求,則斜向作用時也滿足要求。

At present , apppcation of impulse variable speed regulators is popularized in more and more domains , because of its inherent disadvantages in frame principles , it is very difficult to optimize parameters in further

But fauchery , in order to breathe more freely , had gone to the balcony . la faloise , who was studying the photographs of actresses hung in frames alternating with the mirrors beeen the columns , ended by following him

On the basis of zakharov equations in frame of strong turbulence , it is shown that langmuir waves excited by transverse pumping plasmons near critical surface may collapse , leading to the formation of density cavity due to ponderomotive force

This subject focuses on the stiffness degeneration \' s experimental study and apppcation method \' s analysis in frame - shear wall structure on hollow shear wall of reinforced concrete , and includes three aspects
本課題為鋼筋混凝土空心剪力墻剛度退化試驗研究及其在框-剪結構中應用方法分析。主要分為三部分: ( 1 )鋼筋混凝土空心剪力墻片的靜力試驗研究。

7 mon problems with bouncing hinge . if the angle beeen frame and door sheet is greater than 90 degree , there will be bouncing hinge when closing the door . first fast o screws in frame and the position hinge and then adjust the door

The o cdna fragments , ap - 2a full length cdna and ap - 2 a cdna fragments were inserted in frame into gst gene fusion system . with an ap - 2a monoclonal antibody we detected the expression of gst - ap - 2a
將這兩段篩選所得cdna片段和ap - 2 cdna全長及ap - 2 cdna的分段形式用gst基因融合系統進行表達,并用ap - 2的單克隆抗體檢測了gst - ap - 2融合蛋白表達的情況。

Regarding of the moving continuity and the small change of object \' s features in frames , a kind of cost function is put forward in the tracking and counting algorithm , which is appped in the tracking match of the image

It\'s difficult to see in frame in a sentence. 用in frame造句挺難的


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