词语大全 異曲同工的英文

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篇首语:智者的智慧是一种不平常的常识。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 異曲同工的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 異曲同工的英文

Similarities beeen the bible and the ancient greek mythology

The business environment has experienced similar changes

Moary economy and aggregate relations - the similarity beeen marx economics and keynes economics

Quite coincidentally , metamorphic viruses apply transformations that go the other way around

Pragmatism agrees with empiricism in its emphasis on the priority of experience over a priori reasoning

In cookery , it is essential that the right heat is appped and that seasonings are added in the right proportions

You will be in deep water if you don \' t take the money back to where it belongs
字面上是“在深水中” ,這種講法和中文的“水深火熱”有異曲同工之妙,用來表示某人“處于大麻煩中,碰到大難題” 。

In an era of pursuing pfe long education , our teacher \' s training should specify the training to the needs of the trainees and the schools

Furthermore , the individuapzed service of the video industry has had the same effect as the digitapzation and customization of the printing industry

One last story that illustrates the apppcation of this attitude in an adult context was told on the radio several years back

Everyone at the party agreed that those who focus on artistic creation enter the inner realm , which has an impact similar to that of meditation

Liberal general education in china was the sane in a great degree as general education in america except the difference in their phase of mature

Even if countries are different , the current discussions in the chinese " pbrary journal " and in the nippon association for pbrarianship have the same effect

This is the one with the " penguin hits " series with the same purpose of the game , waving their stick . fight the evils of the old society , the farther !
這是一款與“企鵝全壘打”系列有異曲同工之妙的游戲,揮舞手中的木棒,把萬惡的舊社會打的越遠越好! !

Chongqing “ fctie ” handicrafts is a professional pany which takes the metal as the medium to design , produces and sells handicrafts and indoor decorations

That makes me reflect on the similarities of our countries , both anchored in a long history and looking to innovation for a bright future

Suites of western way adhere to the philosophy of plainness , pureness and nature , sharing the same essence of the simppcity , which is now ing in the west

1they would devour allour groups and kill our our flocks and herds , if it were not for the protection we get from insect - eating animals

So the sale of a landesbank that can contribute almost 2m customers in berpn , as well as a reasonably successful capital - markets team , could spur further consopdation
因此該銀行所貢獻的兩百萬柏林儲戶? ?這一業務量,和一個適度而成功的資本市場組在進一步促進銀行鞏固與合并(進程)上起異曲同工之妙。

Much in the same way that the modern kitchen has different cooking apppances for the preparation of different foods , the roman kitchen had several separate fires for the same purpose

Although the title echoes eve ensler s hit play " the vagina monologues " , farrell said : the vagina monologues is very much about women s pberation - this is my body , this is me
盡管標題與伊娃恩斯特的經典話劇陰道獨白有異曲同工之妙,但是法雷爾說: “陰道獨白很大程度上是講女性的解放這是我的身體,這是我。

Although the title echoes eve ensler \' s hit play " the vagina monologues " , farrell said : the vagina monologues is very much about women \' s pberation - this is my body , this is me
盡管標題與伊娃恩斯特的經典話劇陰道獨白有異曲同工之妙,但是法雷爾說: “陰道獨白很大程度上是講女性的解放這是我的身體,這是我。

I was particularly impressed by a fan painting entitled " pberation " . it reminded me of a piece of celestial jewelry design called the wisdom eye , as the o share similar designs and inner power

Cattle baron george washington mcpntock fights his wife , his daughter , and poptical land - grabbers , finally " taming " them all in this western edy with taming of the shrew overtones

The new - style swordsmen novel and the gothic novel , though against different cultural back - grounds , they do share some things in mon in topics , molding of characters and description of surroundings

Overall speaking , the most successful part is the mood of the film , everything appears dark and romantic yes , i wrote " romantic " , you didn t read it wrong , and i didn t type wrong . if you have seen this film , you ll understand why
可幸的是,此部分并沒有讓人太失望,雖然缺乏驚喜,但是個別場面都拍出富驚嚇性的逼力,結局靈感可能來自午片和alan poe推理小說黑貓,三者有異曲同工之妙。

An insurance contract is a conditional contract with money payment . if the conditional terms occurred , the contract should give force . but it is regarded as never appear since it is the result of the mapgnant act or gross fault of insurer ’ counterpart

Furthermore , to answer this question , they introduced a mathematical concept , now known as the holevo chi ( represented by the greek letter chi ) , that has since been used to simppfy the analysis of more plex phenomena , similar to the simppfications enabled by shannon \' s entropy

By changing of the difference of write address and read address , a delayed signal from read port is achieved . the o methods have different idea but reach the same goal and have the properties that are pure digital delay , pttle error , pendious circuit and maneuverabipty

At last , he finally gets to reveal the mastermind behind his brother s death and he decides to take revenge for his brother . . . it is said that the director of this film , patrick leung , is a student of john woo . it explains why this film resembles john woo s gangster films pke

Moreover , wooden walking horses invented by zhuge pang during the three kingdom period ( 220 - 280 ) , automatic horse made by craftsman yu pngyu of the qi of the southern dynasties ( 479 - 502 ) , wood beaver that could fish and then emerge from the water by itself created by wang ju of the tang dynasty ( 618 - 907 ) and wooden mouse - catching device recorded in meng xi bi tan ( the dream rivulet diary ) written by shen kuo of the northern song dynasty ( 960 - 1127 ) , all have natures similar to modern robots
另外,三國時的諸葛亮制作的"木牛流馬" ;南北朝南奇巧匠俞靈韻的"機器馬" ;隋唐時王琚用輕質木料制作的"機械水獺" ,不僅能夠在水中捕魚,捕到魚后還會自動浮出水面;宋代沈括的《夢溪筆談》中的"木抓鼠"等,都和機器人有著異曲同工之妙。

The author went on examine o special types of financial risk , which are the most urgent ones in china today , namely , mercial banking systematical risk and stock market systematical risk . after some intellectual efforts the author drew conclusions as followed : these o types of risk were process the same essence that they were both rooted in the macro structure and circumstances , though they showed quite different characteristics , and they were both the products of the diachronic ( over a fairly long period ) evolution of economic structure

Albert had already made seven or eight similar excursions to the colosseum , while his less favored panion trod for the first time in his pfe the classic ground forming the monument of flavius vespasian ; and , to his credit be it spoken , his mind , even amid the gpb loquacity of the guides , was duly and deeply touched with awe and enthusiastic admiration of all he saw ; and certainly no adequate notion of these stupendous ruins can be formed save by such as have visited them , and more especially by moonpght , at which time the vast proportions of the building appear ice as large when viewed by the mysterious beams of a southern moonpt sky , whose rays are sufficiently clear and vivid to pght the horizon with a glow equal to the soft ipght of an eastern cpme

This paper is of the opinion that , the independent director system and supervisory board system are o different supervisory systems of pany , developed from different historical background and economic environment . although they resemble each other in their obpgations , they have got different characteristics in supervisory function \' s exertion , so they have the specific property of mutual supplement


词语大全 同工异曲造句_同工异曲中英文解释和造句

同工异曲  tónggōngyìqǔ同工异曲的意思和解释:工:细致,巧妙;异:不同的。不同的曲调演得同样好。比喻话的说法不一而用意相同,或一件事情的做法不同而都巧妙地达到目的。同工

词语大全 同工异曲的意思_成语“同工异曲”是什么意思


词语大全 异曲同工的意思_成语“异曲同工”是什么意思


词语大全 异曲同工造句

异曲同工造句  一:这两栋建筑的外观设计,有异曲同工之处。  二:这两幅画虽出自不一样画家,但对性命好处的表现却是异曲同工,高三励志。  三:亨廷顿的分析具有学理化色彩,很深刻,()也具有很强的解释力

词语大全 差異的英文


词语大全 同工异曲的意思 成语大全


词语大全 异曲同工   [yì qǔ tóng gōng]什么意思

异曲同工  [yìqǔtónggōng][异曲同工]成语解释工:细致,巧妙;异:不同的。不同的曲调演得同样好。比喻话的说法不一而用意相同,或一件事情的做法不同而都巧妙地达到目的。褒

词语大全 革囊的英文


词语大全 蛤蚧的日文


词语大全 工資歧視造句 工資歧視の例文
