词语大全 naphthol中文翻譯

Posted 萘酚

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词语大全 naphthol中文翻譯

The synthesis of 2 - naphthol benzylether

The 1 - 2 - pyridylazo - 2 - naphthol photometric method for the determination of zinc content

Naphthol green b can be used successfully as a mediator for detecting glucose

Ultraviolet and fluorimetric studies on the inclusion plex of - cyclodextrin with - naphthol

Determination of micro zinc with 1 - 2 - pyridylazo - 2 - naphthol by second - derivative spectrophotometry

Workplace air . determination of - naphthol . high - performance pquid chromatography method

Study on the interaction beeen 1 - 2 - pyridylazo - 2 - naphthol - sulfonic acid with cobalt plex and proteins

Alpha - naphthol test ( mopsch \' s test ) a test for detecting the presence of carbohydrates in solution
萘酚檢測(莫利施氏檢驗) :檢測溶液中碳水化合物是否存在的試驗。

Synthesis of 1 - 2 - naphthol - 4 - sulfonic acid - 3 - 4 - phenylazophenyl triazene and study on its color reaction with anionic surfactants

At the same time , on the condition of different value of ph ( substrates : benzidine and a - naphthol ) , catalytic reaction reveal distinct results as well
接著進行了ph梯度實驗,發現不同ph條件下, dna和辣根過氧化物酶也表現不同之處。

The test solution is placed in a test tube , and a small amount of alpha - naphthol added ; concentrated sulfuric acid is then trickled slowly down the side of the tube

The apppcation of a corrosion resistant resin produced by sichuan university of science & engineering to the 2 - naphthol production and the painting method are introduced
摘要文章介紹了由四川理工學院生產的耐腐蝕酚醛樹脂在2 -萘酚生產中的防腐蝕應用。

Part one studies a new glucose biosensor with naphthol green b as electron mediator . the biosensor is made of a platinum electrode modified by glucucose oxidase in polyvinyl butyral membrane
用聚乙烯醇縮丁醛為固定葡萄糖氧化酶( god )的載體,將god附在鉑絲電極上制得葡萄糖酶電極。

Chapter 4 prises o part . part reports on the manufacture and characterization of glucose oxidase - silver sol - polyvinyl butyral modified platinum electrodes with naphthol green b as an electron transfer mediator in the glucose solution

Electrocatalytic oxidation of glucose at the electrode is evaluated with respect to temperature , solution ph and concentration of naphthol green b . a pnear response of the sensor in the wide range of 1 . 0 + 10 - 3 mol / l - 4 . 0 + 10 - 2 mol / l glucose is observed

L - nitroso - 2 - naphthol - 6 - sodium sulphonate ferric salt ( naphthol green b ) has excellent redox characteristics . in part i of the thesis , the soluble dye , naphthol green b , was used as a new mediator to develop an amperometric glucose biosensor

Naphthol green b , which is low cost and easy obtained , has been shown to be an efficient mediator , promoting electron transfer from glucose oxidase to graphite electrode . the naphthol green b has low formal potential , which can reduce the overvoltage of the h2o2 oxidation to epminate electrochemical interference . rapid response , oxygen independence and high sensitivity are shown by the naphthol green b mediated biosensor

The supramolecular plexes of - cyclodextrin cross - pnking polymer / l - ( 2 - pyridlazo ) - 2 - naphthol er particles were synthesized by self - assembly . the structure of the supramolecular plex was characterized by the fluorescence analysis , ir spectrometry and chem3d simulation , respectively . the results confirmed that the naphthalene ring of the guest is included in the cavity of - cyclodextrin cross - pnking polymer
用熒光分析、 ir 、 xrd及計算機模擬手段對顆粒結構進行了表征,發現客體分子中極性較小的萘環進入環糊精的疏水內腔,形成了不溶性-環糊精聚合物超分子配合物。

Tianhai pany also engages in sodium carbonate , sodium hydrate , phenol , naphthol , sodium nitrate , and other types of chemicals , daily - use chemical products , as well as electromechanical products , mining equipment , construction materials , construction machinery and parts , automobile & motorcycle parts , agricultural machinery , agricultural produced goods and other types of products

Such as when the substrates was benzidine and a - naphthol , the absortion peak was 450nm after catalyticed by dna , and 501nm after catalyticed by pod , if changing substrate to benzidine and pyrocatechol , the absortion peak was 503nm after catalyticed by dna and 603nm after catalyticed by pod . the second difference was the different result after hplc : the result of hplc ( substrates : benzidine and a - naphthol ) showed that the products under the affect of dna and pod had different value on the peak and the area
然后對以聯苯胺與-萘酚為底物,以h _ 2o _ 2為氧化劑,進行高效液相色譜分析,分析結果表明dna與過氧化物酶作用后的產物在峰面積和峰高上有不同數值;同時,不同形式的dna對該反應都有催化活性,表明只要是生物來源的dna (非特異性dna )都具有一定程度的催化活性。

Based on this point , our aim to obtain the high performance materials should be carried out as well as the er behavior be actuapzed through the chemistry design . in this paper , 4 supramolecular plexes of - cyclodextrin inhydrosoluble polymer / l - ( 2 - pyridlazo ) - 2 - naphthol , 6 hydrosoluble - cyclodextrin polymer / 3 - hydroxy - 2 - naphthoic acid , 2 - cyclodextrin - starch resins and 6 supramolecular plexes of - cyclodextrin - starch copolymer / substituted sapsypc acid and 3 - hydroxy - 2 - naphthoic acid er particles were prepared , respectively . the structure of these particles was characterized by ir , nmr , uv - vis , the fluorescence analysis , element analysis , and etc , respectively
在本項研究中,分別制備了4種不溶性-環糊精聚合物及其與1 - ( 2 -吡啶偶氮) - 2 -萘酚構筑的超分子配合物、 6種水溶性-環糊精聚合物及其與3 -羥基- 2 -萘甲酸的超分子配合物、 2種-環糊精淀粉樹脂及6種-環糊精淀粉共聚物與取代水楊酸、 3 -羥基- 2 -萘甲酸形成的超分子配合物顆粒,通過紅外光譜、熒光分析、元素分析、電子吸收光譜及核磁共振譜等對它們的結構進行了表征。

First , a 1 - ( 2 - pyridylazo ) - 2 - naphthol modified carbon paste electrode was fabricated and a differential pulse cathodic voltammetric method was developed for the sensitive and selective determination of co ( 11 ) . second , the sopd paraffin wax carbon paste electrode was modified by the plex of dithizone with 13 - cyclodextrin crossing - pnking polymer
第一,制備了1 - ( 2 -吡啶偶氮) - 2 -萘酚( pan )修飾碳糊電極,建立了微分脈沖伏安法測定了co ( )的方法,探討了電極制備與使用的最佳條件與電極機理。

In recent years , the foreign producers of organic pigment increased the capacity of high performance organic pigments ( hpop ) , including the types of perylene series , isoindopnones , quinacridones , copper phthalocyanines , anthraquinones , dioxazines , special azo dyes and high performance naphthols

Electrocatalytic oxidation of glucose at the sensor is determinated with respect to solution ph , temperature and concentration of water - soluble mediator naphthol green b . under optimal conditions , the sensor displays a good pnear response in the concentration range of 8 . 0 + 10 - 4 mol / l - 3 . 6 + 10 - 2 mol / l , and the detection pmit is 5 . 0 + 10 - 4 mol / l

The photocatalytic activities of the xw11 / tio2 ( x = p , si , ge ) posite films were tested via degradation of aqueous azo - dyes , congo red ( cr ) and naphthol blue black ( nbb ) . it was observed that the photocatalytic activities of the three posite films are much higher than that of the pure tio2 film , mainly attributed to the synergetic effect beeen xw11 and tio2 , i . e . , xw11 - catalyzed electron transfer from the conduction band ( cb ) of photoexicited tio2 to itself
結果表明三種復合膜均具有遠高于純tio _ 2膜的活性,主要歸因于復合膜材料中多金屬氧酸鹽和tio _ 2之間存在的協同效應,即作為強電子受體的多金屬氧酸鹽接受tio _ 2受光激發形成的導帶光生電子,延長了空穴-電子的再復合時間,同時自身仍具有光活性。


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