词语大全 執行文書的英文


篇首语:富贵必从勤苦得,男儿须读五车书。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 執行文書的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 執行文書的英文

The main content and opinion of each chapter are discussed as follow : chapter 1 general analysis of civil securing judgment procedure this chapter probes on the name , definition , character of civil securing judgment procedure and the difference beeen civil securing judgment procedure and other legal systemo firstly , we should choose the meaning of civil securing judgment procedure from its upper level definition , and adopt the model of the continent country legal system s legislation , that is , put the system of perpetuation of evidence out of the system of civil securing judgment procedure0 secondly , through the discussion of the procedure essence of civil securing judgment procedure , the time pmitation of civil securing judgment procedure and the direct aim of civil securing judgment procedure , this article confined the meaning of civil securing judgment procedure

Securing judgment procedure is to protect the legal rights of creditor , under that aim , there also exist o direct aim , one is safeguard the execute of the judicial addict made in the future , the other is to avoid the unredemptive damages chapter 3 the type of civil securing judgment procedure this chapter researches into the type of civil securing judgment procedure and relevant legal basis in main countries , including the arrest and einsepgeverfugung in germany and japan , the juger en refere iprocedure and qrdanance sur requite in france , attachment , temporary restraining order and prepminary injunction in u . s , pre - judgement rremedies in britain , and property preservation and advance execution in china the civil securing judgment procedure system of france , u . s . and britain don t meet the situation and tradition custom of china , while the civil securing judgment procedure system of german and japan has deficiency the conclusion of this chapter is , we should reasonably reform current civil securing judgment procedure system of china , reconstruction the dual civil securing judgment procedure system under the division of property preservation and action preservaition chaptei4 court has the power of jurisdiction this chapter researches into the court which has jurisdiction to different kinds of securing
筆者認為,民事保全程序存在審理階段的保全程序和執行階段的程序,是特別的訴訟程序和執行程序兼容;民事保全請求權屬于廣義上的訴權;民事保全權屬于裁判權(司法權)和行政權并存;民事保全程序應當體現迅速原則、全面保護雙方當事人;權益原則、程序正當原則、保全措施的標的有限原則;民事保全程序的總目的是為了保護債權人的合法權益,其直接目的有二:一是保障將來執行文書的強制執行,二是:避免將來無法挽回的損失。第三章民事保全的類型本章對各主要國家關于民事保全的類型及其依據逐一作了論述:德國和日本的假扣押與假處分、法國的緊急審理程序和依申請作出裁定的程序、美國的, 、一。扣押和中間禁令、英國的臨時性救濟措施、我國的財產保全和先予執行。


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词语大全 行文   [xíng wén]什么意思

行文  [xíngwén][行文]基本解释1.组织文字,表达意思2.给某处发公文[行文]详细解释修明文教。《史记·留侯世家》:“殷事已毕,偃革为轩,倒置干戈,覆以虎皮,以示天下不复