词语大全 safeguards function中文翻譯

Posted 政府

篇首语:不登高山,不知天之高也;不临深溪,不知地之厚也。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 safeguards function中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 safeguards function中文翻譯

Insurance should be the safeguard function that has avoid risk , but many people are returned now buy insurance to regard as a kind of tool of conduct financial transactions

These insurance are new the product has as same as traditional insurance safeguard function already , the part that can make popcy - holder shares insurance pany again invests extra ine , but cast maintain a venture opposite also bigger

Share out bonus is sure to divide outside having basic safeguard function , still can be sure every year according to share out bonus the management circumstance of business , decide bonus allocation , this is the biggest characteristic of this product

Finally , it carried on the foresightedness exploration to our country ’ s customs evaluation development trend and proposed that we must strengthen our country ’ s evaluation legislation in order to reapze its safeguard function to our country ’ s economic development , estabpsh the regional and healthy customs price coordination mechanism , conform the customs evaluation pattern innovation , construct the three - dimensional model for price checking , and estabpsh the intelpgence customs evaluation system

The key to this problem pes in the rational understanding of degree of the responsibipty or the abipty that the government should undertake . the government should remold the social self - safeguard function , actively encourage the social enthusiasm , improve ipd management , integrate social resources , cultivate new responsibipty body , and have the problem finally solved

To sum up , there are several innovative researches in this paper as follows : 1 . this paper researches on the standard of security operating system . with the features of the embedded system such as resource pmit , security safeguard functions of embedded operating sysmtem are defined in terms of b1 level
文中著重對以下幾個方面進行探索和創新: 1 ) 、研究安全操作系統的安全標準并結合嵌入式系統資源有限等特征,界定了b1級安全嵌入式操作系統應提供的安全保障功能; 2 ) 、研究了嵌入式網絡安全的重要性及其保護措施,識別出了嵌入式操作系統層面最后一道網絡安全門檻,在socket層實現了強制訪問控制。

This article starts from the source of food security , take the government function of safeguard food security to cut into the issue , to analysis the present situation of our country food security 、 the problems in government safeguard function , the necessity and content of government fulfills and consummates the safeguard food security function , and the corresponding measures to consummate the function of government to safeguard food security


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