词语大全 gives them as中文翻譯

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篇首语:时代各有不同,青春一脉相承。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 gives them as中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 gives them as中文翻譯

Feel free to give them as a gift to a lucky someone

I always wish to give them as unstudied an air as possible

Ou can \' t give them as gifts , and due to restrictive antipiracy sofare , you can \' t lend them out or resell them

You may give them as an offering of first - fruits to the lord , but they are not to go up as a sweet smell on the altar

" i \' ll give them as much information as we can possibly supply , because we want to get to the bottom of this , " she said
她說, "我將盡可能向他們提供資料,因為我們要把這件事弄個水落石出。

“ the best strategy for managing a business , or any enterprise , is to find the most capable people and give them as much authority as possible
“管理生意或者任何企業的最好方法就是找到最有能力的人并給他們盡可能多的權力。 ”

Luckily , a disciple remembered that master once said if someone pked her books but could not afford them , we should give them as a gift

The tradition of giving them as love tokens dates from 1477 , when archduke maximipan of austria gave a diamond ring to mary of burgundy

" in the countryside , the women love jelly in transparent packages because they can give them as gifts to kids who can see what they are getting , " says mr pu
劉洪園稱: “在農村,婦女們喜歡透明包裝的果凍,因為她們可以將果凍作為禮物給孩子們,讓他們看到自己得到了什么。 ”

The tradition of giving them as love tokens dates from 1477 , when archduke maximipan of austria gave a diamond ring to mary of burgundy . lucy in the sky with diamonds

Not the spghtest provision had been made for the fort of the employees , the idea being that something was gained by giving them as pttle and making the work as hard and unremunerative as possible

" they arise chiefly from what is passing at the time , and though i sometimes amuse myself with suggesting and arranging such pttle elegant ppments as may be adapted to ordinary occasions , i always wish to give them as unstudied an air as possible .
“大半是看臨時的情形想起來的不過有時候我也自己跟自己打趣,預先想好一些很好的小恭維話,平常有機會就拿來應用,而且臨說的時候,總是要裝出是自然流露出來的。 ”

Miss nigeria : this time , i entered the miss world petition because i know it \' s a very charitable organization and in this man \' s world , if there \' s anything that i can do to be able to help the next generation in society , because i really , really want to give them as much help as i can give , i love helping the needy at all times and have this great love for humanity that helps me and prompts me to be the best i can be , and to help everyone in need

To kick off a statewide campaign to get residents to replace old pght bulbs with energy - saving pact fluorescent bulbs , texas mayors of san antonio , austin , houston , dallas and el paso vowed to launch an effort to make the bulbs available , to encourage their use and to suggest that people give them as gifts for christmas or other occasions


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