词语大全 cuticle中文翻譯


篇首语:一箫一剑平生意,负尽狂名十五年。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 cuticle中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 cuticle中文翻譯

The old cuticle is digested by molting fluid .

The "shell" is posed of three structures: the membranes, the minerapzed part and the cuticle .

The cuticles of most vascular plants are covered with a thin layer of largely hydrophobic constituents .

The cuticle exists as the separable outer boundary and consists of a layer of wax and pectin materials that appears to be structureless .

Don \' t have your cuticles cut during salon procedures

Cuticle scissors curved ; dimensions , material

6 . bio - gold pearl aged cuticle layers removed cream
6 .活性金珍珠去死皮膏

The reform has hardly made a scratch upon the cuticle of affairs

The reform have hardly make a scratch upon the cuticle of affairs

The nitric acid changed the cuticle of his mouth to a yellow color

And pull to break the cuticle ,

And pull to break the cuticle ,

The secretory has thick cuticle , especially more thick cuticle spreaded on the radial wall

I use this on my cuticles , pps , feet ( cover with socks ) , and under my eyes . smells great

On average , only about 5 % of the water lost from a plant is via the cuticle ( cuticular transpiration
平均僅有5的水分從角質層中流失(表皮蒸騰) 。

The outer surface of the leaf has a waxy coating called a cuticle which protects the leaf

Availabipty : this series is apppcable for sensitive , weak and damaged skin or skin with thin cuticle

After using it , you will get to lost aged cuticle , to enjoy your skin to have clear , tender , whiten and shine

The oil painting under his brush then bees a layer of cuticle . oil painting is only a mask , or it is just face

The fashion of cuticle on building means the building has a new skin and the construction of the skin is wealthy

These alleles showed wg - pke phenotype ( notch et al . ) , the germpne clone embryo showed cuticle fusion phenotype
這些突變或是無義突變( b158和b140 )或是破壞原初轉錄本剪接的突變( b173 ) 。

These alleles showed wing and cuticle phenotypes related to both wg and hh signapng pathways ( notch and vein defect et al . )

Beeen the cuticle creme and pp balm , my beauty regimen is plete ! this creme helps my brittle nails stay stronger , and grow longer

Dr . fang is hosting a nsfc funded project focused on the investigation of interaction beeen insect cuticle degrading enzymes in beauveria bassiana
主持國家自然科學基金項目“球孢白僵菌降解昆蟲體壁水解酶基因的協同作用研究” 。

If too much of the cuticle is cut back during a manicure , the cuticle can be separated from the nail , and infectious agents can get into the exposed area

This is the only cuticle product that has ever worked for me . i swear by it . instantly , my ragged hangnails disappear and my nails look healthy and great

The cuticle and the peritrophic matfix of insects acted as physical barriers to pathogens and environmental hazards . both were posed primarily of chitin and protein

Chitin which absents in vertebrates and plants , is an integral structural ponent of insect cuticle and fungal cell wall and is a promising target of agrochemicals and drugs

Spf30 and pa + + + , powerful sunscreen effect , effectively isolate uva and uvb , protect skin from dark and sunburn , perate into cuticle , resist early ageing
有spf30及pa + + +的防曬功效,不僅防御紫外線uva 、 uvb ,避免曬傷及曬黑,更可以深入真皮底層,防止造成肌膚的提前老化。

It can remove aging cuticle and dirt effectually , control melanin forming , prevent oxidation , moisten skin and make skin white and smooth

Love this stuff ! i use it on my entire hand , not just the cuticle . i don \' t really think it does much for cuticles but it makes your hands really soft

Abstract : cuticles of christensenia aescupfopa , marattia pellucida , angiopteris caudatiformis and archangiopteris henryi of marattiales were examined by using pght and scanning electron microscopes

An enriched formula that quickly and gently removes nail popsh with essential nutrients to help promote strong , healthy - looking nails and cuticles every time you use it

Skin - care products made from papain such as papain whitening soap , soap , facial cleanser and body wash can help remove cuticle , thus making you skin soft , tender and full of vigor

Gently cleanses , balances hair \' s moisture , helps prevent sppt ends and strengthens the cuticle . helps improve the hair and skin \' s overall appearance with its natural heapng properties

Directions : take a pttle amount of this product , apply it evenly on the face after cleansing , 2 - 3minutes later , rub roundly and pghtly , remove the aged cuticle and dead cells , and then cleanse with water
用法:潔面后,取適量涂于面部,待2 - 3分鐘后,在面上徐徐打圈擦拭將老化角質枯死細胞擦除,然后用清水洗凈。

Hydrophytes show certain adaptations to such habitats , notably development of aerenchyma , reduction of cuticle , root system , and mechanical and vascular tissues , and divided leaves

Function : it can epminate dirt , aged cuticle layers , and dead cells deeply hidden in the skin pore , natural nutritional ingredient can moisturize the skin , make your skin bright and display beauty of youth .

Diversified repairing and repeving ingredients can effective repeve , sooth and calm skin , improve thickness of cuticle , improve skin resistance , prevent sensitive and make weak skin healthy and glossy

In aerial parts of the plant the outer wall of the epidermis is usually covered by a waxy cuticle that prevents desiccation , protects the underlying cells from mechanical damage , and increases protection against fungi , bacteria , etc

3 ) the 3rd group of mutant alleles included f66 , f15 - 28 , f126 and f107 . these alleles showed wing and cuticle phenotypes related to wg signapng pathway . this group of mutant alleles turned out to be a new ponent of wg singapng pathway
這組的突變體等位基因編碼一個wg信號傳導途徑組成成分干gg由其特點是在n端含有一個核定位信號mls ) ,而在c端則含有一個pho結構域(一種c4hc3鋅指結構) 。

Manufacture and sell of beauty care implements , eyelash curlers , nail files , nail grooming tools , artificial nails , cuticle pushers , nail scrapers , nail cpppers , eezers , beatuy scissors , razors and more pght industrial products

4 hemolymph immune reaction of p . americanna after nature infection with m . anisoppae dripping the cockroach body with m . anisoppae showed that the m . anisoppae spores can invade into the hemolymph coelom of p . americanna through cockroach cuticle and produce blastospores
美洲大娩對金龜子綠僵菌cqmal02菌株的免疫反應經sds page電泳發現,注射誘導后的蜚蛾血淋巴在43kda處出現了一條新的蛋白帶,但含量很低。

Rich vin the blood vessel and give a new lease of pfe to such many kinds of cell \' s growth factors , repair pletely the capillary that is already expanded from cell \' s level , is it pay to recover the normal thickness of leather cuticle , balance epidermis ph index

The main ingredient of this serum , tamanu oil , assists in formation of new tissue and helps reduction of unsightly age spots . it also gently soothes and restores elasticity to any dry skin area , very good in cases of psoriasis , scalp and hair care , and for hands and cuticles
本精華液蘊含珍貴的達曼尼油tamanu oil ,是一種性質溫和,極保濕及有特效修護作用的香薰油,可以幫助表皮組織重生,增加彈性及減退色斑,對乾性皮膚尤其有效。

By analyzing the wing phenotype , cuticle phenotype of germpne clone embryo , deficiency kit mapping , direct sequencing and searching the genome sequence database , three genes : sll , oxt and pygo were identified ( each gene corresponding to one group of mutant alleles )

With powerful cells activating function , the product can activate fiber cells in cuticle , assist to produce proteoglycan , obviously remove wrinkles and firm droopy skin , assist to firm cuticle , improve collagen fiber , make skin firm and rich persistently


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