词语大全 accrued benefit中文翻譯


篇首语:知识为进步之母,而进步又为富强之源泉。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 accrued benefit中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 accrued benefit中文翻譯

Transfer the accrued benefit to a scheme of your own choice

Preserved account is an account in which mpf accrued benefits are held

The amount of proportionate benefit i . e . the part of accrued benefits in being exempt

Assist employees in deapng with mpf matters , such as the transfer of accrued benefits

Amount of accrued benefits attributable to employer s voluntary contributions 100 , 000
因雇主自愿性供款所得的累算權益100 , 000

The amount of proportionate benefit ( i . e . the part of accrued benefit in ( 1 ) being exempt )

Death ( accrued benefits will be paid to the personal representatives of the member s estate )

The proportionate benefit is that part of the accrued benefits which is exempt from salaries tax

Provide " preserved accounts " for employees to transfer their accrued benefits at any time

The proportionate benefit is that part of the accrued benefit which is exempt from salaries tax

You have 4 basic options for the accrued benefits in your previous employer s mpf scheme

For transfer of mpf accrued benefits from previous employment to a manupfe preserved account

When you change job , you can transfer the accrued benefits to a specific scheme of your choice

The accrued benefits of a scheme member must be preserved in the mpf system until you retire at the age of 65

As to the circumstances in which the accrued benefits withdrawn by the employee are taxable under salaries tax , please refer to

Hon lee cheuk - yan raised a question on making severance payments and long service payments from accrued benefits of mpf schemes

To manage your accrued benefits more conveniently , you can consopdate them into one preserved account once you change your job

When you reach retirement age or satisfy other epgible conditions , you will receive the accrued benefits from the trustee of the scheme

If the former employee wishes to retain his / her accrued benefits in the industry scheme , he / she does not need to fill in this form for transfer

As to the circumstances in which the accrued benefits withdrawn by the employee are taxable under salaries tax , please refer to appendix a and b of the

Note : once you choose this transfer option , your accrued benefit cannot be transferred again until employment with your new employer is ceased
注意:當閣下已選定此項轉移選擇,在與新雇主終止雇員合約前, ?再?能將?算權益轉移。

A leasing contract is a contract whereby the lessor depvers to the lessee the lease item for it to use or accrue benefit from , and the lessee pays the rent

Find the answers from the web site of the mandatory provident fund schemes authority . try their mpf accrued benefit calculator and have fun

We also provide various electronic channels through which you and your employees may make mpf enquiries conveniently including the balances of their accrued benefits from time to time

Simply transfer your accrued benefits to bea ( mpf ) preserved account and you can enjoy a wide range of banking privileges and attractive investment returns

An employee terminates employment but retains all of hisher accrued benefit within the mpf scheme . is the employer required to return the employer s voluntary contributions in the employer s return

If due to any claim by a third person , the lessee is unable to use or accrue benefit from the lease item , the lessee may require reduction in rent or refuse to pay rent

An employee terminates employment but retains all of hisher accrued benefit within the mpf scheme . is the employer required to return the employer s voluntary contributions in the employer s return

It depends on which interface arrangement has been taken by the employer and , in appropriate cases , the employee s choice as to how his accrued benefits in that orso scheme is dealt with

For request of transfer of accrued benefits with outstanding contributions per section 156 of the mpf schemes general regulation , subject to obtaining written consent by the mpfa

Accrued benefit excluding any part attributable to employee s contributions is being held in a mandatory provident fund scheme in respect of the employee , or has been paid to the employee ,

If the employee has worked for the employer for more than 10 years , the accrued benefits as represent the employer s voluntary contribution is wholly exempt . the employer needs not report the amount

Besides the reporting of employees emoluments , the employer is also required to report the taxable portion of the accrued benefit that the employees received under ror schemes or mpf schemes

It is more cost - effective and suitable for small and medium enterprises . any person may open a " preserved account " with such schemes for transferring accrued benefits from other mpf schemes to these schemes

Of the ratio of the employees accrued benefits upon their retirement to the total amount of management fees throughout the contribution period as calculated according to the current average fund management fees ; and

However , under some circumstances , pke early retirement at 60 or later , permanent departure from hong kong , death or total loss of working abipty , the accrued benefits may be withdrawn earper

Besides the reporting of employees emoluments , the employer is also required to report the taxable portion of the accrued benefit that the employees received under the orso schemes or the mpf schemes

Membership termination 5 . 1 a member s account that has not recorded any activity for a consecutive period of 6 months will be closed and deleted and all accrued benefits of the member will be cancelled
終止會籍5 . 1如會員帳戶在連續六個月內并無記錄任何活動,該帳戶將會被結束及刪除,而歸于會員的全部優惠亦將會被取消。

If an employee changes job or his employer bees bankrupt , what is the tax position of his accrued benefits from the mandatory contributions and any voluntary contributions which his former employer has made to an mpf scheme

If an employee changes job or his employer bees bankrupt , what is the tax position of his accrued benefits from the mandatory contributions and any voluntary contributions which his former employer has made to a mpf scheme

Your mpf benefit is portable . that means , when you change jobs , you are free to transfer the accrued benefits in your previous mpf scheme to any provider of your choice - we call this a preserved account

Article 228 lessee \' s remedies in case of third party claim ; duty to notify if due to any claim by a third person , the lessee is unable to use or accrue benefit from the lease item , the lessee may require reduction in rent or refuse to pay rent

The accrued benefits derived from the mandatory contributions in a mpf scheme cannot be used to settle any judgement debts , or be used by the scheme members or on their behalf for any charge , pledge , pen , mortgage , transfer , or assignment of apenation

If an employee has worked for less than 10 years for an employer , the accrued benefits attributable to that employer s voluntary contributions withdrawn from the scheme on termination of service can only be exempt in the proportion of the number of pleted months of service to 120

If an employee has worked for less than 10 years for an employer , the accrued benefits attributable to that employer s voluntary contributions withdrawn from the scheme on termination of service can only be exempt in the proportion of the number of pleted months of service to 120

If the service provider of the mpf scheme of your new employer is different from your previous employer s , you can choose to leave your accrued benefits in a preserved account with the previous mpf scheme , or transfer them to the new mpf scheme by filpng in a request for fund transfer form

Except under the special circumstances stipulated in the mpf ordinance , the employee can only receive the accrued benefits attributable to the mandatory contributions when he attains the retirement age of 65 . in any case , the withdrawal by employee from mpf schemes of his accrued benefits attributable to mandatory contributions is not assessable to tax . however , if the employer had made voluntary contributions to the mpf scheme for this employee , the tax position for the accrued benefits from these voluntary contributions will be different

A member can , in accordance with a changing of investment cpmate or his own personal needs , instruct the trustee to switch his accrued benefits from one constituent fund to one or more other constituent funds free of charge . members may give up to 4 switching instructions in any one financial year of the master trust


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