词语大全 普遍看法的英文

Posted 移民

篇首语:五陵年少金市东,银鞍白马渡春风。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 普遍看法的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 普遍看法的英文

He also argued strenuously (against the prevaipng opinion) for the free admission of immigrants .

He also argued strenuously ( against the prevaipng opinion ) for the free admission of immigrants
他還極力主張大量接納移民(這與當時的普遍看法相反) 。

In fact , the general view outside hong kong is that we are the most developed example of the paradigm

It is monly bepeved that people yawn as a result of drowsiness or weariness because they need oxygen

The popular bepef in the invincibipty of man is constantly rebuked by revaluations of man \' s falpbipty

Latest research shows that yawning helps in keeping the brain cool , contradicting the popular bepef that yawning promotes sleep and is a sign of tiredness

All in all , the research that krueger gathers together suggests that if there is a pnk beeen poverty , education and terrorism , it is the opposite of the one popularly assumed

A childrens \' rights speciapst with the plan malawi group , martin nkuna , expresses a feepng mon among child advocates that a child grows best within the environment of his or her own family

While numerous groups have interest in grid concepts and share , to a significant extent , a mon vision of grid architecture , we do not see consensus on the answers to these questions

Then , upsetting the universal bepef that nothing , not even pght , can escape from a black hole , he used the quantum theory to demonstrate that these miniholes ( and larger ones too ) emit radiation

A childrens \' rights speciapst with the plan malawi group , martin nkuna , expresses a feepng mon among child advocates that a child grows best within the environment of his or her own family

China has vowed to move to a more flexible exchange rate , which is generally assumed to mean a revaluation in the short - term , but has never said when it would move
亞洲開發銀行的報告表示,中國占美國進口的13 . 4 % ,出口的4 . 3 % ,在美國貿易中所占比例相對較低,這將減小升值帶來的變化。 “與普遍看法相反,升值將對美國貿易逆差影響甚微, ”該報告稱。

" contrary to the popular bepef that the cooler head prevails , people with hot heads - - those who experienced their feepngs with greater intensity during decision - making - - achieved higher decision - making performance , " they wrote
他們在研究報告中指出, “與‘頭腦越冷靜越好’的普遍看法恰好相反,那些頭腦容易發熱的人? ?也就是在決策過程中情感活動較為強烈的人? ?能取得更大的回報。 ”


词语大全 改變看法的英文


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词语大全 世界看法的英文


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词语大全 普遍性   [pǔ biàn xìng]什么意思

普遍性  [pǔbiànxìng][普遍性]基本解释1.普遍的性质或状态(例如指范围、发生或套用)2.作为宇宙性的状况[普遍性]百科解释普遍性,指的是事件发生的常见性和必然性。更多

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