词语大全 银行结存的英文

Posted 银行

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词语大全 银行结存的英文

As at june 30 , 2006 , the group held cash and bank balances of approximately hk 1 . 7 bilpon

As of december 31 , 2003 , the group had cash and bank balances of approximately hk $ 928 milpon

As of december 31 , 2003 , the group had cash and bank balances of approximately hk 928 milpon
于二零零三年十二月三十一日,集團之現金及銀行結存約為9 . 28億港元。

As at december 31 , 2005 , the group s cash and bank balances stood at approximately hk 2 . 2 bilpon

Helen : you are so rude . i \' m not fat at all . i meant i must improve my bank balance . i was thinking of taking another job

As of june 30 , 2002 , cash and bank balances were approximately hk $ 273 . 7 milpon with total group shareholders equity standing at hk $ 581 . 1 milpon
于二零零二年六月三十日,集團之現金及銀行結存約為2 . 74億港元,股東總資產則為5

As of june 30 , 2002 , cash and bank balances were approximately hk 273 . 7 milpon with total group shareholders equity standing at hk 581 . 1 milpon
于二零零二年六月三十日,集團之現金及銀行結存約為2 . 74億港元,股東總資產則為5 . 81億港元。

As at december 31 , 2006 , the group s cash and bank balances stood at approximately hk 1 , 514 milpon june 30 , 2006 : hk 1 , 883 milpon
于二零零六年十二月三十一日,集團之現金及銀行結存約為15 . 14億港元二零零六年六月三十日: 18 . 83億港元。

As of december 31 , 2004 , the group held cash and bank balances together with bank acceptances of approximately hk 985 milpon june 30 , 2004 : hk 1 , 015 milpon . the aggregate amount of bank loans of hk 2 , 217 milpon was reduced from hk 2 , 632 milpon as of june 30 , 2004
在二零零四年十二月三十一日,集團之現金及銀行結存連同銀行承兌匯票約為9 . 85億港元二零零四年六月三十日為10 . 15億港元,銀行貸款總額由二零零四年六月三十日的26 . 32億港元降至22 . 17億港元。


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词语大全 国内银行优质服务口号 口号大全

  工商银行住房储蓄给您一个空间。  工商银行八十年叶茂根深,造福于国计民生!  中国工商银行再加一个,储蓄使你的财富增值。  中国工商银行,您身边的银行,可信赖的银行。  中国工商银行,让希望与您更

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词语大全 银行   [yín háng]什么意思

银行  [yínháng][银行]基本解释办理存款、贷款、汇兑、储蓄等业务的金融机构[银行]详细解释制造银器的行业。《金瓶梅词话》第九十回:“我便投在城内顾银舖,学会了此银行手艺。

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