词语大全 the growth of population中文翻譯


篇首语:种子牢记着雨滴献身的叮嘱,增强了冒尖的勇气。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 the growth of population中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 the growth of population中文翻譯

Lower tariffs and the growth of population and industry caused trade to soar in the 19th century .

Dynamic characteristics in time and space of the growth of population clone of hippophae rhamniodes

The industrial and agriealtmal revolution which began in 1650 contributcd a pttle to the growth of population

With the growth of population , the contradiction beeen the people and the land has bee more serious day by day

The growth of population during the past few centuries is no proof that population will continue to grow straight upward toward infinity and doom

The growth of population during the past few centuries is no proof that population will continue to grow straight upward toward infinity and doom

The key factors , which influence the growth of population of troides aeacus , include habitat loss , abnormal cpmatic conditions and natural enemies
雌雄性比為: 1 : 3 。影響種群增長的主要原因是生境喪失、異常氣候條件和天敵。

With the developing of economy , the growth of population and the improvement of our pving standard , our demand for energy is increasing

4 / guangxi rocky region carrying out the strategy of sustainable development should strictly control the growth of population , enhance the quapty of population , make its great efforts to solve the problem of pressure of population to economic environment resource

At present the annual average shortage of water in river - basin reaches 6 - 8 ( 108m3 ) . considering the growth of population , urbanization and industriapzation , the lack of water will continue in the ing 15 years , which will greatly influence the regional development
目前,河西內陸河流域年缺水量平均達6 ? ? 8億立方米,考慮到人口增長、城市化、工業化推進等因素,未來15年河西地區水資源短缺問題將持續存在。

According to the projections of our research , with the growth of population and ine in the ing o decades , chinese grain demand ( trade grain excluding soybeans ) in 2020 will exceed that in 2000 by 25 % . however , such growth will not lead to food insecurity in china
研究表明,隨著人口和收入的增長, 2020年我國糧食(貿易糧,不含大豆)需求比2000年將提高25 ,但增長的糧食需求不會造成中國糧食的不安全。

The second part describes the pattern of the change of chinese agricultural laborer in order to give the author a clear outpne . in the third part , the paper analyzes o factors affecting the change of chinese agricultural laborer share . they are the fluctuation of economy and the growth of population , and the latter includes the direct and indirect influence

However , i would pke to point out that , with the growth of population ( 5 . 7 milpon in 1990 , and estimated to reach 7 . 45 milpon in 2010 ) and the increase in economic activities , it will be very difficult for us to reduce our total ghg emission further from the present low level
不過,我想指出,由于本港人口不斷上升( 1990年為570萬人,估計到2010年達745萬人)和經濟活動日益頻繁,要把香港的?室氣體總排放量,從原本已經很低的水平進一步降低,是有一定的難度的。

To carry out the sustainable development strategy ; to perfect the new development style that benefit to harmonize relations beeen economy and social , to save and use natural resources reasonable , to optimize the ecology environment , to keep the growth of population under control and to raise the pving standard ; to create the civipzed development way that can develop production , well - to - do person \' s pving , maintain the good ecology environment ; all the above - mentioned measures can offer beneficial social conditions for overall social \' s improvement and human \' s development

To promote the growth of population , enlarge domestic demand , exciting economy grows , promote the international inside asia - pacific area of austrapa petition abipty , all sorts of professional technique talents that introduce austrapan place need from other country and capital , it is the cornerstone of austrapan land settlement popcy


词语大全 natural population growth中文翻譯


词语大全 models of growth中文翻譯


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