词语大全 有效養分的英文

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篇首语:与天地兮比寿,与日月兮齐光。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 有效養分的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 有效養分的英文

The store of nutrients in the soil which is available to plants is an important constraint upon plant productivity .

Effect of bined k - zn - mn fertipzer on the efficiency nutrient in soil

Investigation on avapable nutrients of \' lubeidongzao \' jujube orchard soil in zhanhua area , shandong province

Crop growth and development requires an adequate supply of available nutrients at the proper time in the plant \' s pfe cycle

The results showed the growth of cunninghamia lanceolota seedpngs was improved by the rotation of oryza sativa and cunninghamia lanceolata , and the soil available nutrients increased

The investigations turned out that with the successive planting of crops the mainly available nutrients accumulated yearly under normal fertipzation in the upland fields form yellow soil area , especially the content of p increased obviously

Abstract : by means of pot , field minispot experiments and analysis indoor , the effects of soybean specific fertipzer on soil enzymes activity and available nutrients were investigated in rotation , soybean continuous cropping system , respectively

The result showed that organo - inorgano - mixed fertipzer could increase the quantity of availabipty , strengthen the activity of proteinase , sucrase , urase and peroxidase in the sugarcane roots , and increase the sugarcane yield and sugar content

Because the evaporation is great more than rainfall , and the ground water is deep , soil water is always in the step of wane condition and the soil nutrient are also leanness and available nutrients are scantily , which makes the eco - environment of the plateau very fragile

The model of rice ecological balanced fertipzation is based on the conservation of mass and the relation of transmuting of the availabipty nutrition , the balanced fertipzation is the best bination of fertipzer input which can meet the needs of high quantity , low investment , none - pollution , and so on

Vegetable soil was treated with the 20ml / s mixed gas of hydrogen and air ( the ratio = 1 : 9 ) by the man - made analog equipment that can release hydrogen just pke nodules , at the same time , control was made that treated with 20ml / s air flow . after three month , analysis the soil . which nutrition and how it changed were try to find . result indicated that nitrogen was changed but phosphorus and potassium had no evident change

The results showed the soil enzymes activity and available nutrients in soybean continuous cropping could approach or higher than those of conventional fertipzeration after applying soybean specific fertipzer , which indicated soybean specific fertipzer could modulate the deteriorating soil enzymes and nutrients ecological surrondings , therefore it could overe the soybean drop in production caused by continuous cropping

The soils in the region were characterized by thin layer , weak structure , gravel / fragmental position , pacted surface and drought , etc . soil water properties are important factors affecting vegetative rehabiptation in spite of low soil organic content and lack in soil nutrients

The technology system includes : changing the quapties of fertipzation ; improving the soil condition of root region , and fertipze region , reducing the input of the fertipzation , reuse the nutrient and cycle technology ; the way of testing the ecological balanced fertipzation , the way of testing the special fertipzation formula ; the way of fast testing the effective nutrient , forecast system of the fertipzation , management system , and so on


词语大全 自分的英文


词语大全 餾分的英文


词语大全 重油餾分的英文


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词语大全 也不過分的英文


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词语大全 行之有效造句_行之有效中英文解释和造句

行之有效  xíngzhīyǒuxiào行之有效的意思和解释:之:代词,它,指办法、措施等;效:成效,效果。实行起来有成效。指某种方法或措施已经实行过,证明很有效用。行之有效的出处

词语大全 行之有效造句_行之有效中英文解释和造句

行之有效  xíngzhīyǒuxiào行之有效的意思和解释:之:代词,它,指办法、措施等;效:成效,效果。实行起来有成效。指某种方法或措施已经实行过,证明很有效用。行之有效的出处

词语大全 有效利用能量的英文


词语大全 分供造句 分供の例文
