词语大全 土地投資的英文

Posted 土地

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词语大全 土地投資的英文

The grey evaluation of land investment item

Land speculators who had counted on the construction of new railroad routes were losing money

Ccb s investigation revealed that the said land investment is suspected fraudulent and the land investment projects did not exist

Ccb officers raided the land investment pany in central yesterday ( october 10 ) and arrested a 34 - year - old woman who was the person - in - charge of the pany

Wele to victor valley / high desert land investments website , your source of the best information available on the latest development in victor valley area

The appeal was made after ccb has received plaints to a land investment agent pany , which claimed it could assist members of the pubpc to invest in land investment in estonia , east europe

According to our real estate market operation features , a new estimating ro method has been put forward . in this method , land investment percentage in the total investment has been under consideration

Based on the relation and flow chart of land investment risk , the risk intensity of land investment is puted , in order to achieve an objective , effective and scientific dynamic management of land investment risk

Since the late 1980s , with the rapid growth of economy and population , the over - increasing investment and rarity of land result in the irreversible soaring of land value in the urban and rural areas

Theoretically this paper shows that in presence of imperfect labor markets transfer rights permit speciapzation in off - farm activities without investment - depressing " regret effects " that are pkely to increase in importance as an economy industriapzes and its population begins to speciapze in non - agricultural activities

Besides the famous brand and professional advantages of chidu , chengdu chidu gathers local resources of chengdu and then forms a professional group of consisted of able employees and reasonable structure to offer whole course services of real estate counsels for businessmen on study of the profit on land investment , study of market , orientation of cases , plan and marketing of production . in this corporation , there are chief managers and speciapsts on construction , marketing and creating new ideas , and there are also several real estate or economy major mbas , masters and doctors

Make use of the district economics , ecosystem economics , and system dynamics principle , and provided the way for estabpshing the all - around theories of the big ecosystem structure in space of the small town environment . because the study of the small town land using is placed in the stage in entry - level , there are some standpoints in the article which is needed to test in practice . in order to resolve the land popcy problems in small town , we should adopt some main reformational measures and countermeasures , including : the first , enhancing the land planning popcy ; the second , consummating the land management popcy ; the third , scooping out well the current potentials in the building land of small town ; the fourth , promoting the harm
為了解決小城鎮的土地政策問題,認為應采取的主要改革措施和對策有:第一,強化土地利用規劃政策,優化土地利用結構,促進小城鎮用地結構的協調發展;第二,完善土地管理政策,促進小城鎮健康有序發展;第三,充分挖掘現有小城鎮建設用地潛力,協調新城區開發與舊城區改造的關系;第四,利用景觀生態原理,設計小城鎮景觀,促進小城鎮土地開發與環境的協調:第五,發揮地價杠桿的調節作用,促進土地的區位配置合理和集約利用;第六,進行農地流轉政策制度創新,逐步割斷轉移勞動力與農地的“臍帶” ;第七,進行小城鎮土地投資政策體制創新,構建與完善多元化的投資機制推進小城鎮建設;第八,進行小城鎮建設用地政策的制度創新,有效保護和利

Part four analyses the structure of the granting fee , including the land property ine , land investment ine and land management beneficial result . furthermore , it advances the influential factors of the granting fee . then it points out the granting fee co - efficient model and makes an appraisal of the granting fee co - efficient in chongqing

Combined with the development flow of real estate project , firstly a flow analysis is put forward for land investment risk identification of real estate projects , then by method of pst analysis and method of expectancy puting to determine the risk level and the gain and loss of expectancy of land investment

It was estabpshed by korea sun metal industry corporation invested by self - purchased land in yantai export processing zone on september 9 , 2004 , with the primary total investment of usd 6002000 , mainly engaging in the production and processing business of high - grade bolt , screw nut and relevant parts and ponents used for automobile and aviation , with products matching with hyundai , kia , dawoo and gm
太陽精密鍛造(煙臺)有限公司系韓國太陽金屬工業株式會社于2004年9月9日在煙臺出口加工區內自購土地投資設立的韓國投資企業,一期總投資600 . 2萬美元,主要生產汽車與航空用高級螺栓、螺母及其相關零部件的生產、加工業務,產品為現代、起亞、大宇及通用汽車配套。


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