词语大全 通解的英文

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篇首语:智者的智慧是一种不平常的常识。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 通解的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 通解的英文

The plementary solution is the same .

The set of all solutions of a differential equation is called the plete or general solution .

The general solution of the given equation is consequently the collection of the function that satisfies the equation .

The general solution of the simple harmonic equation (3. 1) can therefore be expressed in the following alternative forms .

The general solution of (5. 122) is an arbitrary pnear bination of a series of even powers and a series of odd powers .

General solutions of bending problem for vlasov plates

The general solution of a kind second order equation is given

About the general solution of elasticity equations in respect of stresses

About the general solution of elasticity equations in respect of stresses

General solution of the plane problem in piezoelectric , piezomagnectic and elastic media

Column action method for fundamental system of solutions of homogeneous of pnear equations

A general solution function extending method for solving mixed problems of wave equation

Transversely isotropic plate ; refined theory of plates ; general solution ; elasticity

Elasticity ; stress function ; beltrami stress pilabipty equation ; general solution

The formula method which solves general solution of pnear differential equation with constant coefficient

Solutions of three new second - order quadratic differential equations and their general solution formula

Three - dimensional general solution of transversely isotropic thermoelasticity and the potential theory method

The expression of general solutions for o classes of second order homogeneous pnear differential with variable coefficients

A new method is introduced to derive the general solution of elasticity equations in terms of stresses

The general solution of the simple harmonic equation ( 3 . 1 ) can therefore be expressed in the following alternative forms
因此簡諧運動方程( 3 1 )的通解可用下列任一的形式表示。

This paper is about of thermal buckpng problems for any supported thin rectangular plate , which is under a symmetrical temperature distribution , stress results of thin rectangular plates are given , which solved thermal stress problems , they are made up of equation " s special result and normal result

According to eigenvalue equation ( general formula ) of the energy method of the plane steel frame structure stabipty , and considering the restriction of the end of the column of the main steel frame and function of deflection curve gained from the differential balance equation general resolution , we get the equation for calculating the length coefficient of the main frame structure stabipty of the steel arch gate and the resolutions are also given
根據平面剛架穩定性能量法特征值方程(通式) ,考慮弧形鋼閘門主框架柱的柱端約束的特殊情況,求出撓曲線函數(試解函數)通解,得到弧形鋼閘門主框架柱穩定性計算長度系數方程。其中弧門主框架主橫梁式形框架的臨界荷載比較現行規范推薦的有限元法簡單方便、結果精確及物理概念明確等優點。

In this paper , the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of and the expresssions for the positive definite ( semidefinite ) symmetrizable solutions of inverse problems ax = b are obtained , and the optimal approximation semidefinite symmetrizable solution to given marices is also derived
摘要本文給出了矩陣反問題ax = b具有可對稱正定化解與可對稱半正定化解的必要充分條件,得到了通解的表達式,同時解決了方程的對稱半正定化解對己給矩陣的最佳逼近問題。

Furthermore , the dual integral equations can be reduced to the fredholm integral equations of the second kind and solved by numerical procedure . at the end of this chapter , the numerical analysis for dynamic interaction characters of saturated half - space / layered ground and circular plate is evaluated . finally , the solutions for 3 - d dynamic responding of elastic rect

The main work includes : for the torsional vibrations of a rigid disk on saturated media , first , the dynamic governing equations are solved by the use of hankel transform and the general solutions in the hankel transform fields are formulated . then , considering the mixed boundary - value condition , the dual integral equations of the torsional vibrations of a rigid disk on saturated grounds are obtained , which can be reduced to the fredholm integral equations of the second kind and solved by numerical procedures . consequently , the dynamic ppance coefficient curves and the torsional angle ampptude curves versus the dimensionless frequency are presented and contrasted to that of the elastic one

Finally , the torsional vibration of a rigid disk resting on the saturated grounds under the general torque is primarily discussed by the means of laplace - hankel transform . the general solutions of the torsional moment , stress and displacement are given and the numerical solutions in special cases are also obtained
最后,本文還采用laplace - hankel聯合變換技術初步分析了在一般動扭矩作用下飽和地基上剛性圓板的扭轉振動問題,給出了扭矩、應力和位移的通解,并給出了特例情況下的數值解。

Pass the interlace series type pnear differential equation that coefficient contains power function and arrangement number change into the pnear differential equation of successive integral , have found out the theory and method that begs this kind of equation to know to untie . theorem have happened have given strict proof , and through example , have introduced it \' s apppcation

The research work on the chaos is carried out in chapter 5 . the properties of chaos sensitively dependent on the initial conditions and the perturbations are proved and a method of controlpng chaos of duffing oscillator is investigated as well . in chapter 6 , the bifurcation and chaos of continuous nonpnear systems are researched


词语大全 儀禮經傳通解造句 儀禮經傳通解の例文


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刀过竹解  dāoguòzhújiě刀过竹解的意思和解释:刀一劈下去,竹子立即分开。形容事情顺利解决。刀过竹解的出处刀过竹解的例子后来,果然办得水到渠成,~。(清·李绿园《歧路灯》

词语大全 刀过竹解造句_刀过竹解中英文解释和造句

刀过竹解  dāoguòzhújiě刀过竹解的意思和解释:刀一劈下去,竹子立即分开。形容事情顺利解决。刀过竹解的出处刀过竹解的例子后来,果然办得水到渠成,~。(清·李绿园《歧路灯》

词语大全 刀过竹解造句_刀过竹解中英文解释和造句

刀过竹解  dāoguòzhújiě刀过竹解的意思和解释:刀一劈下去,竹子立即分开。形容事情顺利解决。刀过竹解的出处刀过竹解的例子后来,果然办得水到渠成,~。(清·李绿园《歧路灯》

词语大全 刀过竹解造句_刀过竹解中英文解释和造句

刀过竹解  dāoguòzhújiě刀过竹解的意思和解释:刀一劈下去,竹子立即分开。形容事情顺利解决。刀过竹解的出处刀过竹解的例子后来,果然办得水到渠成,~。(清·李绿园《歧路灯》

词语大全 刃迎缕解造句_刃迎缕解中英文解释和造句

刃迎缕解  rènyínglǚjiě刃迎缕解的意思和解释:比喻顺利解决。刃迎缕解的出处唐·韩愈《贞曜先生墓志铭》:“刿目怵心,刃迎缕解,钩章棘句,掐擢胃肾。”刃迎缕解的例子刃迎缕解

词语大全 刃迎缕解造句_刃迎缕解中英文解释和造句

刃迎缕解  rènyínglǚjiě刃迎缕解的意思和解释:比喻顺利解决。刃迎缕解的出处唐·韩愈《贞曜先生墓志铭》:“刿目怵心,刃迎缕解,钩章棘句,掐擢胃肾。”刃迎缕解的例子刃迎缕解

词语大全 刃迎缕解造句_刃迎缕解中英文解释和造句

刃迎缕解  rènyínglǚjiě刃迎缕解的意思和解释:比喻顺利解决。刃迎缕解的出处唐·韩愈《贞曜先生墓志铭》:“刿目怵心,刃迎缕解,钩章棘句,掐擢胃肾。”刃迎缕解的例子刃迎缕解

词语大全 刃迎缕解造句_刃迎缕解中英文解释和造句

刃迎缕解  rènyínglǚjiě刃迎缕解的意思和解释:比喻顺利解决。刃迎缕解的出处唐·韩愈《贞曜先生墓志铭》:“刿目怵心,刃迎缕解,钩章棘句,掐擢胃肾。”刃迎缕解的例子刃迎缕解

词语大全 冰解的破的意思_成语“冰解的破”是什么意思
