词语大全 boggs中文翻譯

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篇首语:人格成熟的重要标志:宽容、忍让、和善。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 boggs中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 boggs中文翻譯

Now , where are boggs and rains ? - it wasn \' t me
博格斯和瑞恩斯在那兒? -不是我做的

- now , where are boggs and rains ? - it wasn \' t me
-博格斯和瑞恩斯在那兒? -不是我做的

- nobody can stop it . - what about boggs and rains ?
-沒人能阻止. -博格斯和瑞恩斯怎樣了?

Nobody can stop it . - what about boggs and rains ?
沒人能阻止. -博格斯和瑞恩斯怎樣了?

By and by somebody sings out : " here es old boggs
后來有人叫起來了: “老博格斯來啦。

Prisoners boggs and rains are missing

Peg boggs : well that \' s nice

Peg boggs : how was it

In about five or ten minutes here es boggs again , but not on his horse

All i did was tell \' em about the dragon . what it did to boggs and rains

All the loafers looked glad ; i reckoned they was used to having fun out of boggs

Another one says , " i wisht old boggs d threaten me , cuz then i d know i warn t gwyne to die for a thousan year .
別一個人說, “但愿老博格斯也能來嚇唬嚇唬我,那我就會知道,我一千年也死不了。 ”

He says to boggs , mighty ca m and slow - he says : " i m tired of this , but i ll endure it till one o clock
他神態慎靜自若,一板一眼地說起話來他說: “這一套叫我煩死了,不過,我只能忍到下午一點鐘。

Boggs rode up before the biggest store in town , and bent his head down so he could see under the curtain of the awning and yells

Boggs rode off blackguarding sherburn as loud as he could yell , all down the street ; and pretty soon back he es and stops before the store , still keeping it up

Boggs and the men turned round to see who called him , and when they see the pistol the men jumped to one side , and the pistol - barrel e down slow and steady to a level - both barrels cocked

Boggs es a - tearing along on his horse , whooping and yelpng pke an injun , and singing out : " cler the track , thar . i m on the waw - path , and the price uv coffins is a - gwyne to raise .
博格斯騎著馬飛奔而來,一邊大喊大叫,就象印第安人那個架勢,他吼道: “快讓開,快讓開,我是來打仗的,棺材的價錢要看漲啦。 ”

They took boggs to a pttle drug store , the crowd pressing around just the same , and the whole town following , and i rushed and got a good place at the window , where i was close to him and could see in

One long , lanky man , with long hair and a big white fur stovepipe hat on the back of his head , and a crooked - handled cane , marked out the places on the ground where boggs stood and where sherburn stood , and the people following him around from one place to t other and watching everything he done , and bobbing their heads to show they understood , and stooping a pttle and resting their hands on their thighs to watch him mark the places on the ground with his cane ; and then he stood up straight and stiff where sherburn had stood , frowning and having his hat - brim down over his eyes , and sung out , " boggs !
一個長頭發的瘦高個子,一頂白毛皮煙筒帽子推向腦門后邊,正用一根彎柄手杖在地上畫出博格斯站在哪個位置上,歇朋又站在哪個位置上。大伙兒就跟著他從這一處轉到另一處,看著他的一舉一動,一邊點點頭,表示他們聽明白了,還稍稍彎下了身子,手撐著大腿,看著他用手杖在地上標出有關的位置。接著,他在歇朋站的位置上,挺直了自己的身子,瞪起眼睛,把帽檐拉到眼的地方,喊一聲“博格斯! ”


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