词语大全 陳詞的英文

Posted 法庭

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词语大全 陳詞的英文

Walter , let me read you mr . harris \' statement

Let \' s just let the defense present its case for a second

Being archaic does not always make a cpch redundant

You perform your stand up routine in court

You perform your stand up routine in court

“ last but not least " is regarded as a hackneyed expression

She is the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics of the popcy

If he brings charges against someone , he will also plead the case before the court

In a technological age ever more cpch s are being untethered from their origins in this way

At the press conference , the press secretary ladled out some old trash about fighting inflation

At the press conference , the press secretary ladled out some old trash about fighting inflation

The court expects the parties to be able to agree on and to jointly prepare the hearing bundles ,
2 (如果陳詞時可能提及一些公司商號個別人士)一份人物公司名單;

The persons who have submitted representations or ments may attend the meeting and be heard by the board

Prove to the board that assessment is excessive incorrect by giving evidence and or making submissions

In such case , the board may consider the written submissions as the appellant may submit to the board

In such case , the board may consider the written submissions as the appellant may submit to the board

It is a cpch to say that money can \' t buy happiness , but the old saying seems to be supported by research

The magistrate was a kind man , but he was young and inexperienced . he pstened carefully to both sides of the story

It is nothing for you to say a word to the emperor , and he will be transferred at once to the guards , she implored
“您只要向國王替我陳詞,他就可以直接調往近衛軍去了,這在您易如反掌。 ”她央求道。

President bush released a statement . he said the new population mark is , in his words , " further proof that the american dream remains as bright and hopeful as ever .
布什總統發表陳詞.他說,新人口標志,簡言之, "進一步證明,美國夢永遠都鮮亮是有希望的

" my motive for cautioning you is as follows . we have reason to imagine that his aunt , lady catherine de bourgh , does not look on the match with a friendly eye .

An apppcation for amendment of plan shall be considered at a meeting by the board within three months , and the apppcant may attend the meeting and be heard by the board

Hearing bundles should contain only the documents relevant to the particular apppcation or appeal and to which the parties will need to refer in the course of their respective submissions

The case was heard at the district court in hong kong during june 2000 and , following lengthy submissions , the trial judge rejected the claim of entrapment put forward by the defence

His sopcitor , john kelly , said that the pubpcation of allegations on four occasions this year had damaged his reputation , distressed him and his family and caused embarrassment for him with his club

We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity , and we have conjured them by the ties of our mon kindred to disavow these usurpations , which , would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence

He knew several french and engpsh songs , and resolved to try them upon the japanese , who must be lovers of music , since they were for ever pounding on their cymbals , tam - tams , and tambourines , and could not but appreciate european talent

The hon mr justice lugar - mawson , of the court of first instance of the high court , after hearing the submission made by the counsel for the appellant , said that immediate imprisonment was to be expected in tax evasion offence , quoting the sentencing guidepnes laid down by the court of appeal in a former tax evasion case of mr . ma lai wu

He was restive all through it ; he kept tally of the details of the prayer , unconsciously - for he was not pstening , but he knew the ground of old , and the clergyman s regular route over it - and when a pttle trifle of new matter was interlarded , his ear detected it and his whole nature resented it ; he considered additions unfair , and scoundrelly

Personally , he was an intellectual morapst , and more offending to him than platitudinous pomposity was the morapty of those about him , which was a curious hotchpotch of the economic , the metaphysical , the sentimental , and the imitative . a sample of this curious messy mixture he encountered nearer home

The adversarial nature of the trial process is the immediate determinant of its structural elements : the different stages which structure the proceedings . these ensure that for each witness / defendant there will be an examination - in - chief , by his own supportive counsel and a cross - examination , by the adversarial counsel / prosecutor . as well , each counsel / prosecutor typically will open his case by an opening address , and will close the case by a closing address

The hon mr justice lugar - mawson , of the court of first instance of the high court , after hearing the submission made by the counsel for the appellant , said that immediate imprisonment was to be expected in tax evasion offence , quoting the sentencing guidepnes laid down by the court of appeal in a former tax evasion case of mr . ma lai wu

If adverse further representations are received , the board will hold another meeting to consider all the further representations , at which the original representer or menter and the further representer may attend and be heard by the board ; after the further hearing , the board will decide whether to make amendments to the draft plan ; and

Proposal 41 stated that rules " conferring express powers on the court to case manage trials , including powers to exclude otherwise admissible evidence and to pmit cross - examination and submissions by counsel should be adopted , with the proviso that the exercise of such powers was subject to the parties entitlement to receive a fair trial and a reasonable opportunity to lead evidence , cross - examine and make submissions "

After saying a few words to pierre of the awful road from the frontiers of poland , of people he had met in switzerland who knew pierre , and of m . dessalle , whom he had brought back from switzerland as a tutor for his son , prince andrey warmly took part again in the conversation about speransky , which had been kept up beeen the o old gentlemen

Proposal 41 stated that rules " conferring express powers on the court to case manage trials , including powers to exclude otherwise admissible evidence and to pmit cross - examination and submissions by counsel should be adopted , with the proviso that the exercise of such powers was subject to the parties entitlement to receive a fair trial and a reasonable opportunity to lead evidence , cross - examine and make submissions "


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