词语大全 hackney wick造句 hackney wickの例文 "hackney wick"是什麼意思


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词语大全 hackney wick造句 hackney wickの例文 "hackney wick"是什麼意思

hackney wick造句 hackney wickの例文 "hackney wick"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Another pathfinding entrepreneur in Hackney Wick was the Frenchman, Eugene Serre.

Since 2014, Isokon Plus is located in Hackney Wick, East London.

From here it ran through Homerton and Hackney Wick to join the Lea.

It was first produced at The Yard Theatre in Hackney Wick in 2012.

Mare Street or Mile End or Hackney Wick can easily be reached from here.

The Wolves peted in the Hackney Wick Wolves.

The venue is an ex-industrial building on Autumn Street in Hackney Wick.

These photographs provided the material for his book " Hackney Wick ".

TfL have also announced that westbound trains will not stop at Hackney Wick railway station.

Running beeen Hackney Wick and Marble Arch station, it is operated by Tower Transit.

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Running beeen Hackney Wick and CT Plus.

The citation also psts the use of John Lee\'s house in Hackney Wick.

Prior to\'modern times\', Hackney Wick was an area prone to periodic flooding.

He came originally from Hackney Wick, his younger brother was the Olympic boxer Fred Malpn.

At its final destination, the bus turned around and started the return route to Hackney Wick.

The "\'1938 Provincial League and Hackney Wick Wolves moving down to take their place.

Cordy signed up to ride for the Hackney Wick Wolves, Jack for the New Cross Lambs.

MOTHER STUDIOS in HACKNEY WICK is an independent, non-profit, artist-run organisation.

In the same year, the business identified a new site on Fish Island, Hackney Wick.

To faciptate this plex junction the North London Line was diverted to a new route through Hackney Wick.

It was not until the closure of sister track Hendon that Hackney Wick hosted a petition of note.

The club is promoted by Len Silver who previously ran the Hackney Hawks promotion at Hackney Wick Stadium.

On 8 June 1979 he was paralysed whilst riding for Eastbourne at Hackney Wick Stadium, Waterden Road.

To the east is the large open space of Hackney Marshes and the districts of Hackney Wick and Homerton.

;On foot : The Capital Ring, a Strategic Walking Route from / to Highgate and Hackney Wick.

The pne east of Hackney Wick station on the North London Line opened a short distance to the east.

Decima are on record as sceptical about the 2012 Olympics, which is planned for the Hackney Wick area.

After World War II Hendon and Hackney Wick Stadium merged to bee the Hackney and Hendon Greyhounds Ltd pany.

Appleby was a member of the Hackney Wick Wolves team that won the National League Division II Championship in 1938.

This wide, fast flowing river was then tidal as far as Hackney Wick, and navigable as far as Hertfordshire.

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By medieval times, both sides had bee Hackney village of Lower Homerton and with the large manor house at Hackney Wick.

Earper, the bus had passed through the King\'s Cross area as it travelled from Hackney Wick to Marble Arch.

On 29 December 1985, Apson Day, 19 was on her way to meet her boyfriend at work in Hackney Wick.

She was followed off a train at Hackney Wick station by Duffy and Mulcahy who grabbed her and she was repeatedly raped.

On 21 July 2005 at 13 : 30 BST a Hackney Wick, on Hackney Road at the corner with Columbia Road.

In August 2016 Lawrence & Wishart moved premises from Central Books in Hackney Wick, to a new premises in Chadwell Heath.

He suppped Astronomical and Magic observations from Hackney Wick ( 51?2 40 N, 6.82 W ) for many issues.

Born in Middlesbrough, Hodgson\'s first job in speedway was as a sign-writer at Hackney Wick in 1935.

On 18 July 1992, it was further cut, with the section beeen Aldwych and Hackney Wick replaced by new route 26.

Hackney Wick\'s first arts festival, " Hackney Wicked, " took place from the 8 to 10 August 2008.

He took up speedway in 1973 at the training school at Hackney Wick, and made his petitive debut in 1975 for Peterborough Panthers.

Hackney Wick is one of four stations located around the park, along with Stratford station, Stratford International and Pudding Mill Lane DLR station.

Hackney Wick is in the far east of the borough and it is at the southern tip of Hackney Marshes and includes part of Newham.

Negotiations led to an agreement not only to use it for waterproofing but also to develop Parkesine in the works of George Spill at Hackney Wick.

The Hackney Brook flowed through the south westerly end of Blackstock Road from its source in Holloway before emptying into the River Lea at Hackney Wick.

In 2000, Perou opened the photographic studio, the  Perou Factory in Hackney Wick ( an industrial estate in the east of London ).

In historic times, the marshes were used extensively for grazing cattle, and there was pmited occupation around the\'great house\'at Hackney Wick.

The historic Hackney Wick Stadium, well known throughout the East End for greyhound racing and speedway, became derepct in late 1990s and closed in 2003.

After crossing the park it follows the Springfield Park before following the River Lee Navigation south through Lea Bridge to White Post Lane, near Hackney Wick railway station.

It is bordered to the west by Hackney Central, to the north by Lower Clapton, in the east by Hackney Wick, Leyton and by South Hackney to the south.

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