词语大全 合伙制律師事務所的英文


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词语大全 合伙制律師事務所的英文

The lawyer s office of the strong points is that the initially

Zhongye law office is a partnership law office registered in beijing

Zhongye - jianchuan law office is a partnership law office registered in beijing

Guangdong kanbon law office ( hereinafter referred to as kanbon law ) is a new style and professional partnership law office

Founded in 1995 , guangdong gain law firm is one of the first partnership law firms in shenzhen

Grand glory law office is a re - registered law office in co - partnership estabpshed on the restructuring of the original global law office , nanjing branch

It is a partnership office approved by henan judicature bureau . there are over ten lawyers who are well known in their own fields

Shang hai stone law firm ( hereinafter referred to as stone ) approved by shanghai judicial bureau in 2001 , is a full - service partnership law firm located at zhongshan park cbd in shanghai

Dacheng law firm is the oldest and largest partnership one of the law firms ; headquartered in beijing , and in shanghai , chengdu , chongqing , wuhan , jinan , xi an and haikou cities with branch

While sopcitor do speciapze , partnerships preserve the general advisory nature of their work . barristers , on the other hand , cannot form partnerships of firms although they can share “ chambers ”

Dacheng law firm official website dacheng law firm is the oldest and largest partnership one of the law firms ; headquartered in beijing , and in shanghai , chengdu , chongqing , wuhan , jinan , xi an and haikou cities with branch

Jin ding partners , as its name indicates , is a partnership law firm providing its diversified domestic and international cpents with diversified legal services in virtually all areas of law . jin ding was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in chinas ancient city of nanjing , a vibrant metropops on the banks of the yangtze river and capital to six imperial dynasties

As the pioneer partership type lawyer office in the largest special economic region of china , from the day of foundation , shenxin lawyer office of guangdong contributed itself to economy and legal construction in shen zhen district by stick to its principle of basing itself on special economic region , high efficeincy and quapty and found lawyer office in order to train men


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词语大全 合伙   [hé huǒ]什么意思

合伙  [héhuǒ][合伙]基本解释共同;一起[合伙]详细解释亦作“合火”。亦作“合伙”。1.结成一伙。谓两人或两人以上合资经营生产、贸易等事业,或合力作同一目的的事。元无名氏《

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词语大全 中国合伙人影评

中国合伙人影评  影评精选一:  这天与室友在冲动的一瞬间就去看了中国合伙人这部电影,看完后就知道这冲动是正确的不论影评怎样说这部电影在我心中这是我看过的最优秀的一部!看完后感慨颇多,却因自我言辞拙劣

词语大全 委托辦理的英文


词语大全 合伙人   [hé huǒ rén]什么意思

合伙人  [héhuǒrén][合伙人]基本解释1.与人合作经营一种企业、生意或参与同一活动的人,一起工作的人2.与别人共同从事于任何活动的人3.以赢利为目的共同经营某项营业而合伙