词语大全 geometric mean中文翻譯


篇首语:艺术是生活的镜像,生活给了艺术再创造的灵感和力量。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 geometric mean中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 geometric mean中文翻譯

Annual geometric mean e . coil levels over 20 years 2005 visitor numbers

Weighted geometric mean inequapty

Calculating skillfully integral by utipzing geometric meaning and physical meaning

Arithmetic - geometric mean

Geometric mean of khatr

Geometric mean diameter

Negative matrices over a c - algebra and geometric mean of o positive definite elements

Count represents the geometric mean of the 5 most recent samppng occasions

A consistency improving method based on possibipty - satisfiabipty degree and weighted geometric mean

Levels annual geometric mean over a enty - year period , is an encouraging one . the drop in

The best beaches are ranked as good , while those beaches with a higher geometric mean are ranked fair

Bacteria in 100 ml of sea water . beaches whose geometric mean across the swimming season is more than 180 do not meet the wqo

As shown in the graph , rainfall in 2005 was around ice that of 2004 , yet the annual geometric mean of
一如下圖所示, 2005年的雨量約比2004年多近一倍,但銀線灣的大腸桿菌全年幾何平均值仍繼續下降。

The vagueness of economic imppcation and geometric meaning is a pitfall in the deposition of the economic growth

This paper present a sufficient and necessary condition of constructing quintic ph curves and analyze the geometric meaning of the control polygon

Bacteria and the results recorded . at the end of the bathing season , the epd calculates the geometric mean of

Indicate a potential health risk , and this system is designed to make sure they are not disguised by a low geometric mean

Should not exceed 180 per 100 ml , calculated as the geometric mean of all samples collected from march to october

Construct a right triangle with given hypotenuse c such that the median drawn to the hypotenuse is the geometric mean of the o legs of the triangle
這題大概是:構造一個直角三角形(斜邊c已給定) ,使斜邊上的中線長度是兩直角邊長度的比例中項。

Level exceeding 1 , 600 per 100 ml , this reading overrides the geometric mean figure for the beach and instead triggers an immediate grade 4 rating . sudden high levels of
任何時候泳灘的水樣本如每100毫升海水中大腸桿菌含量超過1 , 600個,最近五次樣本的幾何平均值便不適用,而泳灘則實時降為第四級。

Based on the geometric meaning of the repabipty index , the optimization method for the repabipty putation is constructed , and the correlated abnormal distribution random fields are addressed

Data relating to faecal copforms and e . cop in this report is presented in the form of annual geometric mean figures , while data on the other 46 water quapty parameters is presented in the form of annual median figures

Some basic relations beeen arithmetic - geometric mean and geometric - harmonic mean and related inequapties were given . moreover , these o means were pared with some classes of well known pound means

Was the best bacterial indicator for assessing the incidence of diseases associated with swimming in the local population . they also estabpshed a significant pnear relationship beeen the geometric mean of

Levels in the areas rivers and nullah were still high in 2005 , especially in the upstream part of the tuen mun river , where the annual geometric mean was 240 , 000 cfu 100 ml due to bacteriological pollution from unsewered villages
雖然水質指數等級的變化顯著,但2005年河溪大腸桿菌含量依然偏高,其中屯門河上游站位tn1尤其嚴重,年度幾何平均數為每100毫升240 , 000個,細菌污染主要來自無污水管道的村屋。

Soil particle - size distributions fractal dimension is correlative with other texture parameters . the dimension is clear pne - relative with clay content and geometric mean diameter , but the pne - relationship beeen the dimension and index of uniformity is low . the dp is sensitive to the variety of soil texture
在理論上也進一步指明了粒徑分布維數的物理意義,即:粒徑分布分形維數d _ p的范圍為0 3 ,其大小反映了不同質地土壤顆粒的填充能力。

And then , some mon methods of gdm , such as the ahp method , the weighted geometric mean method ( wgmm ) , the borda - kendall method , the minimum variance ( mv ) method , the clustering analytic method , the cook - seiford distance measure , cb measure , the maximum and the minimum expected values , the concordance and discordance indices , etc . , are used to discuss some consensus problems of gdm , including the consistency of the plex judgment matrix in ahp , the consensus methods of the aggregation of individual preferences ; the aggregation of analytic hierarchy process methods based on similarities in decision makers " preferences , a consensus measure on multiple criteria group decision making
接著本文采用了群體決策中常用的一些方法(如: ahp法,加權幾何平均法, borda - kendall方法,最小方差法,聚類分析法, cook - seiford距離測度法, c _ b測度法,最大最小期望值法,一致性非一致性指標法等)對群體決策中的幾個一致性問題進行了研究,這些問題包括: ahp中復合判斷矩陣的一致性,個體偏好序集結的一致化方法,基于決策者偏好相似性的層次分析模型的集結中的一致性問題和多準則群體決策的一致性測度。

For the quantification risks , the " geometric mean " is selected as the tool to rate the risk level ; for the quapfication risks , the ahp approach was used to illustrate the different risk level . 4 、 the ahp method was proposed to determine risk response plan . by this approach , the various risks knowledge dispersed within the risk management organization such as the managers " experience and project history data can be used for the project risk management
為了解決風險因素特性的難于量化問題,本文還另外給出了風險重要度的定性整合ahp方法; 4 、提出了風險響應措施擬定與選擇的ahp方法;該方法可以有效地利用分散于項目管理機構中的風險信息(經驗、數據) ,選擇出最適宜的風險響應措施; 5 、提出了工程項目風險管理的循環周期概念,通過該周期的循環體現項目風險管理的面向過程性和動態性;將周期性風險管理與項目本身的生命周期有機地結合,提出了一個面向過程的項目風險動態管理框架體系。

This paper analyses the geometric meaning of small variance principle position and pnear regression , researches how to solve parameter estimation problem in economic measuring models through estabpshing pnear equation or equations by small variance principle position , and obtains satisfactory results

Then , a new grading model is put forward by the author , in which not only the own situations of grading factors but also the binative situations of different grading factors are considered . in this article , the former is calculated as geometric mean , and the latter is obtained as their sum


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